Frightening Encounter With The Chupacabra - Alternative View

Frightening Encounter With The Chupacabra - Alternative View
Frightening Encounter With The Chupacabra - Alternative View

Video: Frightening Encounter With The Chupacabra - Alternative View

Video: Frightening Encounter With The Chupacabra - Alternative View
Video: The Scary Mirror | Stories | English Moral Stories For Kids | Stories for Teenagers | Fairy Tales 2024, May

In the summer of 2004, the film crew of the SyFy channel went in search of the legendary Mexican monster. They drove out in a whole convoy of cars, cars, trucks, and SUVs. According to the plan, they were supposed to interview local residents and look for the Chupacabra itself.

Leaving noisy San Juan, the column spent an hour and a half to reach the place where the woman who met the monster lived. This area was inaccessible even for SUVs. The hostess, a woman of seventy years old, warmly welcomed them and generously treated them, telling stories about her life and youth when she was a lover of motorcycling and even received awards by participating in various competitions of this kind.

The balcony of her house had a beautiful view of El Yunque National Park. She said that her meeting with the Chupacabra happened in 1975. In the summer of that year, there were many attacks on pets in the area. One of the woman's dogs was found dead on a hillside, with a skull and some bones missing. Local veterinarians could not tell which animal has such habits. Other dogs also disappeared. There were more and more questions.

One hot August night, a woman was slowly driving along a road that climbed a hill when a creature emerged from a thicket of tall trees. The car was traveling at low speed, and the woman was able to make out a creature that looked like a bat, with the only difference that it was about one and a half meters tall.

The creature walked slowly along the road, stepping slowly with its muscular legs on the hot asphalt. The woman saw that the creature had two large wings folded on its back, and that it had clawed fingers on its hands. Huge, yellowish-white fangs protruded from its open mouth. But the eyes of the creature seemed especially frightening to the woman: they were directed directly at her, they shone with a burning red fire.

For some time, the creature remained motionless, and then sharply spread its webbed wings, which had a span of about five meters, and, jumping up, easily took off. Striking its wings frequently and with incredible force, the creature quickly rose to a great height and disappeared from view.

Despite the fact that the descriptions of the chupacabra often differ and they rarely talk about the presence of wings in this creature, the locals are sure that in that year it was it that terrified the area and it was it that turned out that night on a quiet mountain road.


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