Truth And Krivda About The Russian Language - Alternative View

Truth And Krivda About The Russian Language - Alternative View
Truth And Krivda About The Russian Language - Alternative View

Video: Truth And Krivda About The Russian Language - Alternative View

Video: Truth And Krivda About The Russian Language - Alternative View
Video: What’s wrong with Russian language in Hollywood movies? | Funny bloopers 2024, May

"Our language is the tree of life on earth and the father of other dialects." A. S. Shishkov.

We inherited the Russian language from our great ancestors. The language preserves, conveys, through centuries and millennia, folk wisdom, the identity of the people, everything that is inextricably linked with our past, with our culture. The Russian language contains all the richness of thinking, all the experience of previous generations. Russian language with a light hand I. S. Turgenev rightfully deserves to be called "great, mighty, truthful and free" without any exaggeration!


Our Russian language is a figurative language, in contrast to the overwhelming majority of European languages, which, in turn, are symbolic languages. What does it mean? So this is what we think in images.

In the risk language lies the understanding of the world, and the worldview, and the ancestral memory of our people.

Throughout its existence, the Russian language has undergone various changes, including, unfortunately, towards simplification. But the principle - the simpler, the better and clearer, does not work here. On the contrary, simplification is almost always a regression, degradation. The more primitive the language, the more primitive a person's thinking, the more primitive the person himself becomes, and the easier it is to control such a person.

And Cyril and Methodius did not invent Russian writing. She was before them a long time ago. These monks pursued the goal of simplifying the language in order to make the Bible most accessible for the “newly minted” Christians of Russia. There is a parallel with the adoption of Christianity, as the majority already know, violent. For a long time, textbooks have taught us about the world order of our ancestors already as Christians. What about that? After all, people lived before the baptism of Rus. We lived, worked, were born, died. They lived by their own rules, with their own foundations, customs, composed songs and epics, fairy tales and stories. Yes, in the end, we just talked to each other. What else was there to invent? And it could not be that all this was only in oral form!

This is what Ibn Fadlan, an Arab traveler and writer of the first half of the 10th century, testifies to. He, during his embassy to the Volga Bulgaria in 922, talks about the manners and customs of the Rus, who arrived in Bulgaria for trade. After the ritual burning of the deceased tribesman, the Rus left an inscription on the grave.

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"Then they built on the site of this ship, which they pulled out of the river, something like a round hill and erected in the middle of it a large piece of hadang (white poplar or birch), wrote on it the name of the (deceased) husband and the name of the king of the Rus, and left."

In the Russian-Byzantine treaty of 911, there is a mention of written wills of the Rus who lived in Constantinople:

“About the Russians serving in the Greek land with the Greek king. If someone dies without disposing of his property, and he does not have his own (in Greece), then let his property return to Russia to the closest younger relatives. If he makes a will, then the one to whom he bequeathed to inherit his property in writing will take what he bequeathed, and let him inherit it."

The Arab writer Ibn al-Nadim in the "Book of the list of news about scientists and the names of books written by them" (987 - 988) reports: "Russian letters. I was told by one, on whose truthfulness I rely, that one of the kings of Mount Kabk (Caucasus) sent him to the Tsar of the Rus; he claimed that they have letters carved into wood. He showed me a piece of white wood, on which there were images, I don't know if they were words, or separate letters, like that."

Ibn an-Nadim's inscription was presented in St. Petersburg in the scientific report of the Arabist Christian Danilovich Fren in 1835.

Titmar of Merseburg (German chronicler, 976-1018), describing the West Slavic fortress - the Retra temple (Radigosch, Radogost, Radegast) on the island of Rügen, writes that the name of the deity was engraved on each of the idols in the sanctuary.

“There is a certain city in the Redarians' district called Ridegost, triangular and having three gates … There is nothing in the city except a sanctuary skillfully constructed of wood, the base of which is the horns of various animals. Outside, as you can see, the walls are decorated with skillfully carved images of various gods and goddesses. Inside, there are hand-made idols, each with a carved name, dressed in helmets and armor, which gives them a terrible look.

It seems that in fact there would be much more evidence if some "good people" did not make efforts to deliberately destroy such facts.

So, Cyril and Methodius carried out, so to speak, their own reform to simplify our ancient language.

This is followed by a period covering the time period from the XIV to the XVII century, in which such linguistic changes as, for example, the loss of the category of the dual number (the dual number is used to denote two objects, or paired in nature (body parts, etc.) or according to custom.) Loss of the vocative case, which began to be replaced by the nominative case (brother !, son!), etc.

Well, already in the recent past, a Decree was issued signed by the Soviet People's Commissar for Education A. V. Lunacharsky, published on December 23, 1917 (January 5, 1918), "all government and state publications" (among others) were prescribed from January 1 (old style) 1918 "printed according to the new spelling."


So, in 1918, a reform of Russian spelling was carried out, which consisted in changing a number of rules of Russian spelling, which was most noticeably manifested in the form of the exclusion of several letters from the Russian alphabet. Notice, already an alphabet, not an alphabet. The difference between them is huge! After all, the alphabet is just icons that do not carry any semantic load. And in the alphabet, each letter carries a certain meaning. Remember Az, Buki, Lead..?

As a result of this reform, the current Russian alphabet, consisting of 33 letters, appeared … All the other letters from the Russian alphabet were mercilessly erased.

Also, in accordance with this reform, the rule for writing prefixes in Z / S was changed: now all of them (except for the actual C-) ended in C before any voiceless consonant and in Z before voiced consonants and before vowels, but in fact there is no prefix in Russian "Demon", but there is a prefix "without", indicating the absence of something. Judge for yourself - useless, i.e. without any benefit, and USELESS is a useful IMP.


For example, in the dictionary of V. I. Dahl, published before this humiliating reform for our Russian language, however, as in other printed pre-revolutionary publications, we will definitely not find such words as “fearless” or “disorderly”, because those who came to power in 1917, people knew a lot about counterfeiting and manipulation. It should be noted that the clergy of the Russian Orthodox Church still uses the prefix WITHOUT contrary to the modern rule in this regard.

But not only the letters were erased and cut out of the alphabet, but also a great many whole words that we now call obsolete. Some of them were purposefully replaced by foreign words.

Of course, some will think, so what's so terrible about it? So what, they say, we need to keep up with the times, there is nothing wrong with that, in foreign words. And why do we need them, these borrowings, when we have our own, relatives, carrying much more meaning than just designating an object? For example, the word mayor. The mayor and the mayor, some guy in a smart suit is sitting in a chair. But if the mayor, then another matter - a solid, stately husband, arousing respect. And there are, of course, a lot of such examples.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the Russian writer, military and statesman A. S. Shishkov (March 9, 1754 - April 9, 1841). Words written over a hundred years ago are timely today.


“I regard our language as so ancient that its sources are lost in the darkness of time; so in his sounds a faithful imitator of nature that, it seems, she herself composed it; so abundant in the fragmentation of thoughts into many of the most subtle differences, and at the same time so important and simple that each person who speaks to them can explain himself in special words that are decent for his title; so loud and gentle together that every trumpet and flute, one for excitement, the other for tenderness of hearts, can find in it sounds that are decent for themselves … Let's climb a high tower; remove the roofs from the houses and see what happens in them. Where to begin? From upbringing. Is there at least one, except for the poorest, in which our children would not be raised by the French? This habit has grown and intensified so that one must already be a hero in order to defeat prejudice and not follow the general course of things!Try to say that our language, sciences, arts, crafts and even morals are harmed by the rule adopted by everyone unfortunately.

The angry and reckless will gouge your eyes out. Those who are softer and smarter will begin to prove to you: “Are you not talking empty? When is it better to learn a foreign language if not in childishness? The child will playfully learn to speak first, then read, then write, and as the French language is necessary (note this expression), in the end he will write as well as he would have been born in Paris. It is in this very thought that his dominion over us and our slavery consists.

Why are true enlightenment and reason ordered to learn foreign languages? In order to acquire knowledge. But then all languages are needed. Plato, Homer, Demosthenes wrote in Greek; in Latin Virginia, Cicero, Horace; in Italian Dante, Petrarch; in English Miltons, Shakespeare.

Why can we be without these languages, but do we need French? It is clear that we are not thinking about the benefits of languages: otherwise why should we all others and even our own so despise before French that we barely understand them, but in French, if we do not speak it like the natural French, we are ashamed of the light show up? Therefore, we do not learn it by reason and not for the benefit; what is this other than slavery?

They will say: yes, it is necessary because it has become common and used throughout Europe. I regret Europe, but I regret Russia even more. For this, perhaps, Europe is drinking a bitter cup, because before using French weapons, it was already defeated by their tongue. Read the book “The Secret History of the New French Court”, translated from French: it describes how their ministers, having dinner with their Prince Ludwig, talked about ways to uproot England. The general use of the French language, said one of them, Portalis, is the first basis of all the connections France has in Europe. Make them speak French in England as well as in other parts. Try, he continued, to exterminate the national language in the state, and then the people themselves. Let the young Englishmen be immediately sent to France and taught one French language; so that they do not speak otherwise than in French, at home and in society, at home and at a party: so that all decrees, reports, decisions and agreements are written in French - and then England will be our work.

Here is the reasoning of one of their statesmen, and it is quite fair. If the Fredericks the second would not despise their own language; if every power retained its popular pride, then the French Revolution would only be terrible in its corner. Their imaginary philosophers would not have turned so many heads, the French would not have stepped from kingdom to kingdom. Why is this, if not from the common language of their spill, which subordinated our minds to their minds? But let's leave other European lands and return to our Fatherland …

However, we prefer French to all others, not for learning from it, but in order to chat in it. What are the consequences of this? Anyone who knows the grammar of his natural language well does not need much time to learn to read in a foreign language. On the contrary, in order to speak to them as your natural ones, you have to constantly deal with them from infancy. This will prevent you from knowing your own language, of course, not the one you learned on the street, but the one … which we find in books from Nestor to Lomonosov, from Igor's song to Derzhavin. This will take you away from many information concerning Russia. You, perhaps, will learn a lot of extra things about French post houses and about Parisian theaters, festivities and side streets, but you will not know much that is very necessary about your Fatherland. You will donate all of this for a clean French pronunciation.

Look: your little son, in order to learn better and sooner, does not speak otherwise, as with everyone and everywhere in French … In the tenth year he already reads Racine and Cornelian poems by heart, but he hasn’t read a single Russian writer yet … In the thirteenth year he is already beginning to argue with his teacher, which of them will say more pleasant words to the merchants of fashionable things and actresses. Between the fifteenth and eighteenth years he was already a profound philosopher. He talks about enlightenment, which, in his opinion, does not consist in the fact that a farmer knows how to plow, a judge to judge, a merchant to trade, a shoemaker to sew boots. No, but that they all know how to comb their hair, dress and read prose and poetry in French. He never thinks about the immortality of the soul, but believes the immortality of the body, because he is healthy and eats against ten. Often judges moral things, and most of all extols liberty,which, according to his concepts, consists in not considering anything illumined, not to obey anything except his passions. In the twentieth or twenty-fifth year, after your death, he becomes heir to your estate. Oh, if only in a dozen years you could get out of the coffin and look at it! You should have seen that he is wasting wealth obtained from the earth with the shedding of sweat of ten thousand hands to two or three or five foreigners who deceive him. You should have seen a huge library of all kinds of French books, decorated with rich portraits of Helvetians and Diderots. And your and your spouse's portrait, do not be angry, is brought to the attic, and is brought only when you need to laugh, how you were dressed strangely … You should have seen that he laughs at his grandmother, barely breathing, and says to her: “Lukerya Fyodorovna, say something about the old days. You would seethat he is not capable of being either a warrior, or a judge, or a friend, or a husband, or a father, or a master, or a guest. Would you see … After all this, would it comfort you that he speaks good, red and fluent French?

Habit and prevailing opinion are so strong, they take a person into bondage so that he, against the convictions of his reason, forcibly, like a magnet, is drawn into the whirlwind of general prejudice. Let us multiply by the fact that your foreign educators, mentors, friends, artisans, with their incessant inventions, cunning, and inventions, feed, support, and support all this in us. Meanwhile, they lead us not to glory, but in a completely opposite direction. We can infer where they are leading us from what they have brought us to.

The Slavic ancient, indigenous, important, magnificent language is ours, in which the customs, deeds and laws of our ancestors are devoted to us, … this language is abandoned, despised.

How many people in Russia read Voltaire, Cornelius, Racine? A million or so. And how many people read Lomonosov, Kantemir, Sumarokov? The first one is read by a thousand or two more, and the last two are hardly even a hundred.

Will a writer appear there, where no one reads thorough and long-term works? Not! There, no one will think of undertaking something solid, important. There we will not find hardworking people who, before they finish their work, read a thousand other writers about it, learn the best of them, and agree their own skill with their reasoning. Temporary writers will only show up, whose small essays require neither exercises in science nor knowledge of language. One can say about them in a verse by Sumarokov that they are "When they are born, then they die."

Under such circumstances, our language will more and more be buried in oblivion, literature deteriorate and fall. But without language and literature, can sciences spread? Can there be enlightenment? Can even arts and crafts flourish? Not! Without the language, science is indistinct, laws are gloomy, arts are absurd, handicrafts are crude, and in one word: everything is without a sight, without an image, without a soul. Language and literature are needed not only for sciences, laws and arts. Every craft, handicraft and craft is illuminated by their own light, and they borrow their perfection from them.

His tongue falls because someone else is preferred to it. With the fall of the native language, invention is silent, they do not grow in any kind of art. Meanwhile, foreign peoples take advantage of this and do not cease by various means to divert our attention from themselves and to direct it to their cunning.

A hundred years ago we began to study with foreigners. Well, are our successes great? What fruits have you gathered from them? Maybe they will say: expansion of lands, victories, conquests! But they did not teach us this. Without natural courage and love for the Fatherland, we would not have won the Poltava victory. No!.. One hundred years, not one year. It would be time for us to become skilled in such a long time. But in the meantime, foreigners educate and teach us everything. Our houses, they build buildings; they dress and shoe us, our wives, sons and daughters. Without them we would not have been able to hang up curtains, or arrange chairs, or a cap, or a caftan, or put on boots. They teach our children to stand upright, bow, dance, ride, look through a lorgnette. They also entertain us with orchestras and theaters. At least, do Russian chefs prepare the dishes in our kitchens? Not,and they do that! Has nature endowed foreigners with the most excellent mind and abilities? Is she their mother and our stepmother? Who would think it! The one who does not know the Russian people, savvy, capable of anything. Where a foreign language is used more preferable than one's own, where other people's books are read more than their own, there, with the silence of literature, everything fades. When we direct our attention to one of the two gardens, then the mind, and hearing, and sight, and taste stick to it, from which the other will suffer. Be patient, do not stop planting, cleaning up, breeding, multiplying the good, exterminating the bad: you will see that it will spread out over time and will be magnificent.capable of anything. Where a foreign language is used more preferable than one's own, where other people's books are read more than their own, there, with the silence of literature, everything fades. When we direct our attention to one of the two gardens, then the mind, and hearing, and sight, and taste stick to it, from which the other will suffer. Be patient, do not stop planting, cleaning up, breeding, multiplying the good, exterminating the bad: you will see that it will spread out over time and will be magnificent.capable of anything. Where a foreign language is used more preferable than one's own, where other people's books are read more than their own, there, with the silence of literature, everything fades. When we direct our attention to one of the two gardens, then the mind, hearing, sight, and taste will stick to it, from which the other will suffer. Be patient, do not stop planting, cleaning up, breeding, multiplying the good, destroying the bad: you will see that it will spread out over time and be magnificent.exterminate the bad: you will see that in time it will spread out and be magnificent.exterminate the bad: you will see that in time it will spread out and be magnificent.

The people are the same as the garden. Do not turn your eyes away from his works; first love their imperfection, prefer your own to someone else's, plant ambition in him, revive jealousy, arouse in him respect for himself. Then natural talent will find food for itself, will begin to grow, rise, become more skillful and finally reach perfection. But until a national pride arises in us, loving our own dignity, until then we will only watch how foreigners do. Your mind will remain inactive, the spirit is unacceptable, the eye is opaque, the hands are unskilful.

Foreigners often favor us with the names desbarbares (barbarians), desesclaves (slaves). They lie, but we give them a reason. Can he have respect for me, who teaches me, dresses, cleans up, or better to say, rips me off, and without whose guidance I cannot step? Having overthrown the yoke of an alien language and upbringing, you need to tell them: “How? We barbarians have been famous for our morals and weapons for centuries; and you, not barbarians, by the horrors of your revolution took away the glory from hell itself. How?! … How? We, having an indigenous, ancient, rich language, will prefer your meager dialect, composed of different languages! " This is how one should answer, and not think: “Where can we chase you! You and the men speak French! You know how to make caps, and prick on heads, and tidy flowers to flowers. For the sake of Paris itself, don't leave us! Be always our teachers, dressing up, shoes,amusing, even when your compatriots go to burn and destroy us!"

If our opinion of them will always be the same, then we will postpone the concern for our own sciences, arts, and crafts. We will begin to store up gold and pay them for everything that we ourselves cannot do. We will not gain fame, but we will live the money ….

The War of the Parasitic Forces against Russia has been waged for over a hundred thousand years, without stopping for a minute. One of the instruments of this war against the Russian and other indigenous peoples of Russia is the distortion of the Russian language. It is a very effective and very powerful weapon of enslavement. It is to this topic that the new film “Linguistic sabotage of the Russian language” is dedicated.
