5,300 Years Ago, Bigfoot Ozzi Died. Now We Know What He Ate Before His Death - Alternative View

5,300 Years Ago, Bigfoot Ozzi Died. Now We Know What He Ate Before His Death - Alternative View
5,300 Years Ago, Bigfoot Ozzi Died. Now We Know What He Ate Before His Death - Alternative View

Video: 5,300 Years Ago, Bigfoot Ozzi Died. Now We Know What He Ate Before His Death - Alternative View

Video: 5,300 Years Ago, Bigfoot Ozzi Died. Now We Know What He Ate Before His Death - Alternative View
Video: 5 Strange Creatures Found Frozen in Ice 2024, September

Some 5,300 years ago, Bigfoot routinely dined on wild meat and grains before meeting his end in the Italian Alps. His last dish was very fatty and optimal for climbing high mountains, according to scientists in Current Biology.

Ozzi definitely didn't die hungry.

Since his mummified remains were discovered in 1991, Ozzi's life has been studied more closely than even some pop stars. The cause of his death, clothing, tattoos, ax, his cholesterol and his genetic instruction book (genome) were all taken apart and reconstructed. In 2002, analysis of DNA samples showed that Ozzi ate red deer, goat and grain before dying. In 2011, a radiological scan showed that the contents of the mummy's stomach remained intact. Now scientists have returned to scrutinizing it.

Analysis based on ancient DNA, proteins, and other molecular data confirms that Bigfoot's ultimate menu is: mountain goat (Capra ibex), red deer (Cervus elaphus), einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum) and other domesticated grains. Traces of toxic fern (Pteridium aquilinum) showed up - it may have been a home remedy for an upset stomach, but more like a piece of food or a food wrapper.

Although the food included protein, carbohydrates, and fatty acids, fat made up approximately 46% of the stomach's contents. Most of this fat came from goat meat. Experiments in the kitchen showed that the meat was consumed fresh or smoked in the smoke.

The high-fat diet was probably not the best for Ozzi's genetic predisposition to cardiovascular disease, but it was ideal for the harsh mountain environment.

Food could also be a sign of the time, says researcher Frank Meixner. The Ozzi people were farmers, but faced with colder temperatures, they were forced to become hunters and gatherers. However, it is difficult to judge by only one dish, so scientists look at other fossil evidence of Neolithic Europe.

Next month, scientists will be studying the Ozzi gut microbiome - a collection of tiny organisms that have taken up residence in the mummy's stomach and intestines.

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Ilya Khel