About The Community - Alternative View

About The Community - Alternative View
About The Community - Alternative View

Video: About The Community - Alternative View

Video: About The Community - Alternative View
Video: They built an alternative community - Docu - 2014 2024, September

One of the most important factors in the revival of our country after the nationalization of the country's leading industries and banks, as well as the restoration of domestic pedagogy, free education, medicine, the planned economy, the Russian writer, traveler G. Sidorov considers the return to such a social formation that was inherent in our ancestors - the community. At the same time, this society, the remnants of which were still preserved under the veche of democracy in Russia, was by no means primitive, as the adherents of Marxism-Leninism tell us.

Here is what he writes about this in his book The Leader's Secret Project:

Here is the answer to the question of how to make sure that corrupt, degraded non-people and grabbers, for whom the main task is personal enrichment, and not the well-being of the country and the people, does not creep into power. Without such changes in the social order, all the so-called. "Revolutions" and "Maidans" will only lead to the fact that instead of one handful of villains, power will pass to another - as a rule, even more criminal, thieving and bloody. This is exactly what happened in the early 1990s in our country and in 2014 in Ukraine.

And while there is a society based on the parasitic values of interest on loans and the exploitation of people, it simply cannot be otherwise. That is why all the main bawlers and "fighters with the redhead" themselves are inherently even much worse than those against whom they "fight". And it is not at all the improvement of the life of the country and the people that is their real goal, but the possibilities of "feeding the authorities" both for them and for their foreign sponsors and owners. That is why 90% of the information from their Pharisaic "agitation" when checked turns out to be a real and blatant lie. But if they lie so much and deceive the people, even before they come to power, then what will be the level of their lies during the seizure of power?

Don't you think that the oligarchs and bankers who finance the Russian "opposition" are doing charity work for the welfare of our country? Only a very naive person can believe in this. For the social parasites of the society of the interest rate always pursue only the goals of profit and power. And they really want to regain the "freebie" of the 1990s, when they could rob the country and people with impunity and uncontrollably. But do we need to step on the same rake again?