Free Communities: Why Are They Created - Alternative View

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Free Communities: Why Are They Created - Alternative View
Free Communities: Why Are They Created - Alternative View

Video: Free Communities: Why Are They Created - Alternative View

Video: Free Communities: Why Are They Created - Alternative View
Video: They built an alternative community - Docu - 2014 2024, September

These strong people, repeatedly persecuted, have developed excellent immunity to all kinds of adversity and pressure and, more importantly, the ability to settle down in a completely new place. Let's look at the communities successfully existing and working on the land, both in Russia and outside Russia.

Old Believer villages in the USA, Canada and South America

For example, in Oregon, where the Old Believers came 60 years ago, during this time they built a strong farm and live it according to the old custom. Of course, the Old Believers over time outwardly Americanized, their children study in ordinary colleges for lawyers and others, but the main thing in the Old Believer community is strict faith, as long as it exists, the community will be alive.

Vladimir Ryabushinsky: “It seemed to the Slavophiles that they could find the embodiment of the Orthodox spirit in an average“peasant”; but not a peasant, often weak, whimpering, the future favorite of both the radical intellectual and Leo Tolstoy, forever with the name of God on his tongue, but more often in vain; not he, but a pious, well-read in Scripture, a laconic peasant-owner, merciful, but firm, creatively capable of abandoning without hesitation the fruits of many years of work in order to save his faith and soul, he is a select minority - this is who the real creator and guardian of the Russian Orthodox spirit man's element”.

Moshaws, kibbutzim

Agricultural communities in Palestine with the ideology of Zionism, from which the present situation, when Israel feeds us with agricultural products, has grown. It's okay that moshavim and kibbutzim in their pure form are gradually becoming a thing of the past, but their experience of colonization and development of territories, even such non-black earth ones as in Israel, deserves careful study. Actually, the economic model of the moshav, if not gleaned, then repeats the Russian community, but it is successfully incorporated into the legislation of Israel with organizational support at the state level.

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Family estates, Russia

Quasi-new-age movement, in which participants striving for land and any kind of useful ecology gather and build houses in more or less wild Russian nature. The community is based on the artificial principle of elitism. Not everyone is accepted into the new settlers, but only who will please by full consensus. They act as non-profit organizations, for which land is registered for life with the possibility of inheritance.


Lugovoy village

Community economic unit in the Penza region. The business man - polar biologist and extreme scientist Pavel Zaydfudim - took pity on the dying village near Penza and gradually got involved, deciding to create there a so-called noopolis - an economic unit between town and country with an emphasis on a special form of education. Here the community to a significant extent rests on the passionate and penetrating personality of the founder, which has always been important in Russia. And the authorities, when the process began, of course began to support a successful project, as is often the case.

A prosperous community, more precisely, rather, a commune of left idealists who bought an old agricultural complex, organized a farm and began to work and prosper. There are several dozen participants living on the principles of egalitarianism and environmental cleanliness, all work and everyday life takes place collectively, personal life on a libertarian basis (the community is left), it is not so easy to enter the community - here the fascist elitism characteristic of the Germans manifests itself.

Damanhur, Italy

The community is a long-liver near Turin, named as a city in Egypt in honor of the sun god. Naturally, it was founded by the New Age mystics under the leadership of Oberto Araudi, who chose not to cross the "lines of synchronicity." Since we are more interested in economics, then we will not talk about a temple made like a kaleidoscope without the influence of elsdesh trips. The community has now established a tourism name for itself, but still continues to engage in organic farming and animal husbandry, as well as design, ecological architecture, etc.

Longo May, France

Created by left-wing passionaries who fled from Austria from neo-Nazis, in 1973 in Liman, a community based on a cooperative life with communist ideals now has branches in several European countries, including Ukraine, and Costa Rica. Again, the community began with an abandoned farm in the form of a production cooperative society under French law. The community is engaged in a lot of left-wing activism, and in the economy it feeds on its own economy, which it also earns. The community also has a more or less successful foundation.

Finca Bellavista, Costa Rica

Another community project potentially suitable for the development of the Russian hinterland. It is an eco-friendly jungle settlement in one of the most biologically diverse regions in the world on the ocean with two mountain rivers side by side. The houses there are built into nature, most often built on trees. From the very beginning, the local community members focused on the tourism business, inviting people on a vacation in the jungle with various Native American entertainments. Of course, there is a subsistence economy - since the land will give birth well and there are many animals. The nearest city is not that far away, and there is everything you need from civilization.
