Skadi: The Scandinavian Story Of A Mysterious Giantess - Alternative View

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Skadi: The Scandinavian Story Of A Mysterious Giantess - Alternative View
Skadi: The Scandinavian Story Of A Mysterious Giantess - Alternative View

We are used to the fact that gods and people are different from each other. It's not about strength, growth, or immortality, but about the scope. What constantly worries a person may not worry God at all. However, Scandinavian mythology describes other gods who are alien to suffering and experience. They are more human than deities from other countries.

Besides gods, Scandinavians describe giants. Cruel, formidable and bloodthirsty. However, quite often, these opposites got married. In the process of such intercourse, Skadi was born.

Daughter of Tiazzi

We first meet Skadi in Scandinavian mythology, as the daughter of Tiazzi, the giant who kidnapped the goddess of Asgard Idunn to steal the apples of youth that kept the gods young and beautiful.


Loki managed to bring the goddess back, and Tiazzi decided to try his luck a second time. He went to Asgard in the form of an eagle. However, the guards were already waiting for the giant, so when they saw him they lit a fire on the walls. As a result, Tiazzi died.

To avenge the death of her father, Skadi put on a helmet, chain mail, collected weapons and went to Asgard. The gods preferred to negotiate with Skadi, and both sides agreed on terms. Skadi is allowed to choose a husband from among the gods.

Promotional video:

Skadi among the gods

In the end, the giantess chose Njord, the god of the crows, who lived among the gods of the Aesir after the end of the war. He was the father of Freyr and Freya and the god of the sea, navigation, fishing, and wealth.


After the wedding, Skadi seems to have been accepted among the gods. She is described in several sources as one of the goddesses who attended the festival in Asgard.

At this festival, Loki scolds all the gods and goddesses, including Skadi. Loki taunts Skadi, reminding her that he is primarily responsible for the death of her father Tiazzi, and claiming that the giantess was more friendly when she lay in his bed.

Later, when the gods catch Loki and tie him to a rock for the death of Balder, Skadi will hang a poisonous snake over the god's head. She will drip her poison on Loki's face forever. Her position here was clearly strengthened among the gods.


The role that Skadi will play in Ragnarok is nowhere described, so we can only speculate whether she will return to her father's family to destroy Asgard and the rest of the Scandinavian space, or whether she will fight her new family in Asgard.