Listening To Mozart - Alternative View

Listening To Mozart - Alternative View
Listening To Mozart - Alternative View

Video: Listening To Mozart - Alternative View

Video: Listening To Mozart - Alternative View
Video: The Mozart Effect 2024, September

It is known that in the mid-60s Gerard Depardieu was an absolutely tongue-tied young man, unable, due to his stuttering, to complete a single sentence. Studying the actor's creativity explain the situation with family troubles, personal failures, low self-esteem and problems with getting an education. The only thing that undoubtedly distinguished Depardieu at that time was his passionate desire to become an actor.

Depardieu's acting mentor sent Gerard to Paris to the very famous physician Alfred Tomatis, a doctor of medical sciences, who had devoted many years to studying the healing effect of music and especially the works of Mozart. Tomatis determined that the cause of Depardieu's voice breakdowns and memory problems lay deeper than his purely physiological difficulties - in the emotional sphere, and promised to help him. Depardieu asked what would be included in the course of treatment: surgery, drugs or psychotherapy. Tomatis replied: "I want you to come to my hospital every day for two hours for several weeks and listen to Mozart."

"Mozart?" - asked Depardieu, puzzled.

"Mozart," Tomatis confirmed.

The very next day, Depardieu came to the center of Tomatis to put on headphones and listen to the music of the great composer. After several "musical treatments" he felt a significant improvement in his condition. His appetite and sleep improved, he felt a surge of energy. Soon, his speech became more distinct. A few months later, Depardieu returned to acting school with a new confidence in himself and, after graduating from it, became one of the actors who expressed his generation.

“Before Tomatis,” Depardieu recalls, “I could not complete a single sentence. He helped to complete my thoughts, taught me the synthesis and understanding of the very process of thinking. Practice convinced Tomatis over and over again that, whatever the personal tastes and attitude towards the composer of each particular listener, Mozart's music invariably calmed the patient, improved his spatial representation and allowed himself to be more clearly expressed.

Why Mozart? Why not Bach, not Beethoven, not the Beatles? Mozart did not create the overwhelming effects that Bach's mathematical genius was capable of. His music does not throw up waves of emotions, like the works of Beethoven. It does not relax the body, like folk melodies, and does not set it in motion, like the music of rock "stars". So what's the deal then? Probably because Mozart remains both mysterious and accessible. His intelligence, charm and simplicity make us wiser.

For many, Mozart's music helps to find peace of mind. If it restores energy balance and harmony in the body, then it performs the function that all medical systems strive for. Acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietetics and other methods are aimed precisely at restoring energy balance, which we call health. Mozart's music, not too smooth, not too fast, not too quiet, not too loud - for some reason "exactly what you need."

Promotional video:

As an example, a fabulous story that happened to an old sick marshal. His name was Richelieu Louis François de Vignro. Old age and illness are always close by. And the marshal was already 78 years old, a considerable age for any person. His illnesses completely crippled him. And now he lies on his deathbed, his eyes are closed, only his lips move slightly. When they listened to the dying whisper of the old man, we heard the last request of the dying man. And he asked a little: that in his last minutes a Mozart concert was played with him. His favorite concert.

How it was to deny a man his dying request. The musicians came and played. When the last sounds of music died down, the relatives expected to see another marshal departed into the world. But a miracle happened. They saw that the marshal began to revive before their eyes. The Mozart concert he listened to "drove away" death and returned the vitality to man. Maybe someone was unhappy with this turn of events, but not Richelieu Louis François de Vinro, who recovered and happily lived until he was 92 years old. Believe it or not, all of Europe knows this story of an amazing resurrection.

According to Tomatis, Mozart's works are a perfectly balanced musical "dish" containing all the necessary components.

Monks in one of the monasteries in Britain found that cows gave more milk when listening to Mozart's music.

In Canada, Mozart's string quartets are performed on city venues to streamline traffic.

The power of Mozart's music came to the fore, mainly as a result of pioneering research by the University of California in the mid-90s. Then a number of scholars studied the influence of Mozart's works on the mental potential of students and increasing their ability to absorb program material.

"Mozart's music can warm up the brain," says one of the researchers. He believes that Mozart's music undoubtedly has a positive effect on the processes of higher brain activity.

"Mozart is something incomprehensible in music, - said Goethe to his friend Johann-Peter Eckermann, - it is an image that embodies a demon: so alluring that everyone aspires to him, and so great that no one can reach him" …