The Smartest People Listen To Metal And Punk Rock - Alternative View

The Smartest People Listen To Metal And Punk Rock - Alternative View
The Smartest People Listen To Metal And Punk Rock - Alternative View

Video: The Smartest People Listen To Metal And Punk Rock - Alternative View

Video: The Smartest People Listen To Metal And Punk Rock - Alternative View
Video: What Punk Rock sounds like to Prog Metal fans 2024, September

People choose the style of music for a reason, but depending on the style of thinking. Scientists from the University of Cambridge have conducted research on the musical predilections of people from different walks of life and different incomes. They put on music of different styles for them and recorded what exactly they liked and what caused rejection.

The choice of music is a process that does not depend on mood or trend, but on a person's thinking style, scientists say.

The scientists' task was to find out what kind of music "analysts" like - that is, people with rational, physical and mathematical thinking and "humanities" - those who like to solve life problems intuitively. The former are inclined towards natural sciences, while the latter understand other people better and deeper.

It turned out that "analysts" often chose heavy metal, punk rock and other forms of rock music. The empathic participants settled on soft and flowing music. They liked such genres as country, folk, euro-pop and jazz.

In parallel, scientists conducted IQ tests. Since this presupposes mathematical logic, the "analysts" with a penchant for rock music won, as expected. But the lowest results in IQ tests were shown by those who are fond of rap and hip-hop.
