The Technological Level Of The Northern Gods In The Mahabharata - Alternative View

The Technological Level Of The Northern Gods In The Mahabharata - Alternative View
The Technological Level Of The Northern Gods In The Mahabharata - Alternative View

Video: The Technological Level Of The Northern Gods In The Mahabharata - Alternative View

Video: The Technological Level Of The Northern Gods In The Mahabharata - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Vishnu's Ancient Guided Missiles (Season 8) | History 2024, April

The Sanskrit texts that have come down to us contain many amazing mysteries associated primarily with the ancestral home of the Aryans. Here I would like to remind once again some of the characteristic features of this ancestral home, preserved by the Mahabharata.

In the ancient Indian epic, the great sage Narada (recall that the highest peak of the Urals is called Narada), narrating about the northern country "Suvarna", speaks of the city of Patala located here, which is inhabited by Daityas and Danavas. What is so amazing about this region? Here is a description of the Mahabharata:

Here in half a year the golden-haired sun rises.

And fills with words the world called Suvarna.

(Here) the flowing waters take on beautiful images, That is why the excellent city is called Patala.


(Here) Great rishis dwell, having given up their lives, having taken possession of the heavens.

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In connection with these lines, BL Smirnov notes that the part of the text where it is said that “the sun rises on Suvarna every six months is of exceptional interest. This is a very important evidence of the ancient Indians' acquaintance with the polar countries, which are here called the "Golden country" or "Beautiful colored". He believes that confirms the correctness of the interpretation of "Suvarna" as a polar country is that "the water here, falling," becomes an ornament, "that is, freezes in beautiful forms, hence the name" Patala ".

Further, the text of the Mahabharata says that in the north is the "happy country of Rasatala", where the flow of heavenly milk, falling to the ground, formed the "Milk Sea", which is the "purifier of the Universe." And finally, the Mahabharata tells about the great Northern country called the "Ascended", where the road of the "Golden Bucket" - the Big Dipper passes, where "radiance appears".

BL Smirnov writes that, apparently, here we are talking about the northern lights and "if this is so, then this place is another proof of the familiarity of the ancient Aryans with the polar countries." In the same chapter of Bhagavan's Journey (one of the Mahabharata books) it is said that:

There are seven rishis and the goddess Arunhati;

Here is the constellation Swati, here they remember

about his greatness;

Here descending to the sacrifice, Pole Star

strengthened by the Great Ancestor;

Here the constellations, the moon and the sun are constantly circling;

Here, the best of twice born, the gate

The singers of the country are guarded;


Here is the mountain that is called Kailasa and the palace of Kuvera;

Ten apsaras live here by name



Here is Zenith-Vishnupada, the trail left by the walking Vishnu;

Walking through three worlds, he reached the northern, ascended country.

BL Smirnov emphasizes that “the trail of“Vishnu”is the zenith. According to legend, Vishnu "stepped over all the worlds in three steps." But the north (Polaris) is at its zenith only at the pole, or roughly, in the polar countries. This is one more evidence of the knowledge of the polar sky by the Aryans”. It is here, in the Polar region, that you can see the star Arunhati and the constellation Swati, here the constellations, the moon and the sun constantly go around the Pole Star, the Blistavitsa of the Northern Lights sparkle here, and, finally, the Kailash River is the source of Pinega, which means that the plateau was also nearby Kailasa Mahabharata, where the Aryans grew barley.

Describing the "northern country", the ascetic Narada reports that "great sages who have conquered the heavens" live here, flying on "beautiful chariots."

Another of the famous Aryan sages - Galava - describes a flight on the divine bird Garuda. He says that the body of this bird "in motion appears to be clothed in radiance, like a thousand-rayed sun at sunrise." The sage's hearing is "deafened by the roar of the great whirlwind," he "does not feel his body, does not see, does not hear." Galava is shocked that “neither the sun, nor the sides, nor the space are visible”, he “sees only darkness” and, not distinguishing between his own body and the bird's body, he sees the flame emanating from the bird's body.

The "Forest" book of the Mahabharata tells about the ascent of the hero Arjuna to the sky of the god Indra. Here is a description of the celestial chariot - "vimana":

Scattering the darkness in the sky, as if cutting through the clouds,

Filling the sides of the world with a noise like the roar of a huge gloom;

Powerful broadswords, terrifying clubs, Of a wondrous product, darts, glowing flashes, Thunder arrows, discs, weights, blanks (were on that chariot);

(Her movement was accompanied by) gusts of wind, whirlwinds, huge thunder clouds.

There are very terrible serpents, with huge bodies and flaming mouths;

Gems were heaped up, like the cloudy mountains.

Ten thousand skewbald horses like the wind

They were attracted by that wondrous, enchanting and enchanting chariot”.

And when Arjuna ascended this chariot, "wondrous, shining like the sun, skillfully worked", and ascended to heaven, then he "moved along a road invisible to mortals." And where "neither fire, nor moon, nor sun shone," he "saw thousands of chariots, wonderful views." The stars here shone with "their own light" and "those star-like, shining chariots were visible." Seeing "huge images shining from afar, fiery and beautiful," and gazing in amazement at the "self-luminous worlds", Arjuna asked the chariot manager Matali what it was. And he received the following answer: “These are the righteous who shine, each in his place, Partha; if you look at them from the ground, they appear in the form of stars (motionless). " It is interesting that the place from which the celestial chariot took off, taking Arjuna to other worlds,It was called Guruskanda and was located on the luminous northern island of Shvetadvipa. The fact that it was to the north that the great ascetics Nara and Narayana flew back in the days of the forefather of the people Manu (Svarozhich) is said in another book of the Mahabharata - "Narayaniya". Here Mount Meru is called "excellent, inhabited by perfect heavenly pilgrims." Nara and Narayana descend on their golden flying chariot exactly to Mount Meru, since "the basis (dharma) develops from here for the fabric of the whole world", and then they fly to the shining island of Shvetadvipu, inhabited by "bright people shining like a month."Nara and Narayana descend on their golden flying chariot exactly to Mount Meru, since "the basis (dharma) develops from here for the fabric of the whole world", and then they fly to the shining island of Shvetadvipu, inhabited by "bright people shining like a month."Nara and Narayana descend on their golden flying chariot exactly to Mount Meru, since "the basis (dharma) develops from here for the fabric of the whole world", and then they fly to the luminous island of Shvetadvipu, inhabited by "bright people shining like a month."

It should be noted that the Viking legends tell about flying ships of fire, which they saw in the polar latitudes. AA Gorbovsky writes in connection with this that such devices "could hover, hovering in the air, and move over great distances" in the blink of an eye "," at the speed of thought. " The last comparison belongs to Homer, who mentioned the people who lived in the north and traveled on these amazing ships … Other Greek authors also wrote about the people who supposedly knew the secret of flying in the air. This people, the Hyperboreans, lived in the North, and the sun rose over them only once a year. " A. A. Gorbovsky emphasizes that the Aryans, who came to India 4 thousand years ago, brought from their ancestral home "information about flying vehicles that we find in Sanskrit sources." He refers to the ancient Indian epic Ramayana, which says,that the celestial chariot "shone", "like a fire on a summer night", was "like a comet in the sky", "flamed like a red fire", "was like a guiding light moving in space", that "it was set in motion by a winged lightning "," the whole sky was lit when she flew over it, "two streams of flame emanated from it." In the “Forest” book of the Mahabharata, the flight of such a chariot is described as follows: “The sparkling (chariot), driven by Matali, suddenly illuminated the sky. She looked like a giant meteor surrounded by clouds, like a smokeless tongue of flame. "In the “Forest” book of the Mahabharata, the flight of such a chariot is described as follows: “The sparkling (chariot), driven by Matali, suddenly illuminated the sky. She looked like a giant meteor surrounded by clouds, like a smokeless tongue of flame. "In the “Forest” book of the Mahabharata, the flight of such a chariot is described as follows: “The sparkling (chariot), driven by Matali, suddenly illuminated the sky. She looked like a giant meteor surrounded by clouds, like a smokeless tongue of flame."

The same "Forest" book tells about the whole "flying city" Saubkha, which hovered above the ground at a height of one crumb (ie 4 km.), And from there "arrows similar to a blazing fire" flew to the ground, and the earthly the warriors were "in awe of Saubha approaching the ground."

A. A. Gorbovsky gives in his book a description of the internal structure of these aircraft, given in various Sanskrit sources. Thus, in the Samarangana Sutradhara it is said: “His body, made of light metal, like a large flying bird, must be strong and durable. A device with mercury and a heating device underneath should be placed inside. Through the force that lurks in mercury and which sets in motion the carrying vortex, a person inside this chariot can fly long distances across the sky in the most amazing way. Having entered it, a person can, like a two-winged bird, rise into the blue sky. " And one more battle scene from the Mahabharata. “We noticed something in the sky that looked like a flaming cloud, like tongues of fire. A huge black vimana (celestial chariot) emerged from it,which brought down many sparkling (luminous) shells. The roar they made was like the thunder of a thousand drums. Vimana approached the ground with unimaginable speed and released many shells, sparkling like gold, thousands of lightning. This was followed by violent explosions and hundreds of fiery whirlwinds … The army fled, and the terrible vimaana pursued it until it was destroyed."

According to the descriptions given in various books of the Mahabharata, the celestial chariots were of different types and were created from different materials. Above was a description of a "vimana" made of light silvery metal, and in the first book of the Mahabharata it is said that Indra gave the king of the Chedi people - Vasu - "a wonderful great crystal chariot capable of moving through the air - such as the gods use in air … Gandharvas and Apsaras were approaching the noble king Vasu, who was riding in the crystal chariot of Indra, " it can be concluded that this type of aircraft was made of some kind of transparent material. According to the Mahabharata, King Vasu ruled in ancient times, but after thousands of years his distant descendant Arjuna also used flying machines. God Agni gave Arjuna a chariot,which were harnessed marvelous heavenly horses, "silvery like a white cloud" and "swift like the wind or thought."

Equipped with all the tools, it was invincible by the gods and Danavas, it sparkled with brilliance, raised a great roar and carried away the hearts of all creatures. It was created by his art Vishvakarman, the ruler of the world. Ascending this chariot, the sight of which, like the sun, was inaccessible to the eye, the mighty Soma defeated the Danavs. She shone with beauty, like the reflection of a cloud on a mountain. On that beautiful chariot was installed an extraordinary golden flagstaff, brightly shining and beautiful, like Shakra's arrow … There were various huge creatures on the banner, from the roar of which the enemy soldiers fainted.

Note that Vishvakarman "was the creator of thousands of arts and crafts, the architect of the gods, the master of all ornaments, the best of the artisans who made heavenly chariots."

In addition to military purposes, flying chariots were also used for such purely everyday matters as bride kidnapping. Thus, Arjuna, being in collusion with Krishna, got a celestial chariot to kidnap his sister. “She was… equipped with all kinds of weapons and made a roar like the rolling of clouds; she had a brilliance similar to a blazing fire, and dispelled the joy of enemies … And, seizing the maiden with a clear smile, the tiger among her husbands then set off on a fast chariot to his city , which he reached in a matter of hours, while, according to the Mahabharata, before him there were several months of horse riding.

Returning to the battle scenes of the Mahabharata, it is worth noting that, in addition to "sparkling shells", bows and arrows, other types of weapons are repeatedly mentioned in the epic text. Reading their descriptions, one cannot help thinking that these lines belong to our time. So, for example, the weapon "Anjalika" is described: "six-winged, three cubits long, formidable-swift, inevitable …, inspiring fear, disastrous for all living things." As a result of its use: “the streams interrupted their run, the darkened sun bent to the west, and the planet, the brainchild of the Yama, which did not yield to the flames of the sun, rose high into the sky along its crooked orbit … and burst into a bright flame. The oceans stirred and roared, many mountains with groves on them hesitated,the doubters of living beings suddenly experienced unprecedented torment … and Jupiter, oppressing the Rohini (constellations), became like the Sun and the Moon with its radiance … It was impossible to discern directions, the whole sky was covered with darkness, the earth shook, flaming-scarlet comets and "wandering in the night" fell from the sky were filled with great jubilation!"

Other weapons were also used. For example, the "weapon of Javetas", which "burst into flames". He was tamed with the "weapon of Varuna", by means of which all sides of the World were enveloped in clouds, and such darkness fell, "as if it was a rainy day," but these clouds were dispelled by the "weapon of Vayu." Or “the great formidable weapon Pashupatu, capable of crushing the triple universe”, which cannot be “thrown at any person: if it hits the weak, the entire transitory world will perish. Here, in the three worlds, everything moving or motionless is vulnerable to him. It can be set in motion with thought, eye, word and bow."

The use of the naga weapon immobilized the legs of the enemy soldiers, which was removed by the use of the sauparna weapon, and the use of the aishik weapon by Ashvatthaman damaged the embryos in the womb.

And here are two excerpts from different texts.

The first:

Hearing the hiss, the advisers fled! And struck with great sorrow, they saw a wondrous serpent … rushing through the air, leaving a lotus-colored strip in the sky, like a parting. Then they left in fear the palace, engulfed in fire, born of the venom of the snake, and fled in all directions. Atot collapsed as if struck by lightning.

And the second one:

And such a picture played out in the sky, as if two … a snake approached each other, spreading huge silvery-scaly tails behind them. When the snakes clashed their foreheads, the faster flew further, and the second's head fell off the tail and began to fall, licked with tongues of flame, falling apart into smoking and burning pieces. Where the largest piece fell, a fire flashed, an explosion thundered, and a dirty brown cloud shot up over the ground, gradually acquiring the form of a huge mushroom that grew over the steppe.

It would seem that these texts were written at the same time and about the same phenomenon. However, the first of them is an excerpt from the epic Mahabharata, which tells about an unsuccessful experience with the "snake" that occurred in the summer of 3005 BC, and the second is the story of the General Designer of Anti-Missile Systems, Lieutenant General, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. V. Kisunko, about the first test of domestic missiles to destroy moving targets (in this case, the Tu-4 bomber) in April 1953.

In battle scenes spears are described, "fiery, impetuous, formidable, blazing like a large comet." Bows similar to the Gandiva bow, which was endowed with “great power … irresistible by any weapon and crushed all weapons, ruled over all weapons and exterminated enemy troops. He expanded the kingdoms and one could be compared with a hundred thousand. " Various "arrows" are described in the Mahabharata. So, when flying alone, "the firmament, earth and air space together seemed to fly apart … the entire sky above that place was blazing, as if covered with red clouds." Others, called "Raudra's weapons", are compared to "searing flames and serpentine venom." This is how the Pandavas describe the demonstration of the fighting properties of this "all-iron arrow":

Then appeared … a three-headed, nine-eyed, three-faced, six-armed, sparkling creature with hair burning like the sun. On each of his heads there are huge snakes with protruding stings … As soon as he activated the weapon of heaven, the earth gave under his feet and trembled along with the trees, the rivers and the great guardian of waters were agitated, the rocks split. The wind no longer blew, the luminary pouring thousands of rays faded, the fire went out … the inhabitants of the earth's interior in fear got out … scorched by the fire of heavenly weapons, humbly folding their palms and covering their faces, trembling, they prayed for mercy …

And further:

In the midst of the celebration, O king, Narada, sent by the gods, approached Partha and spoke with such noteworthy words: “O Arjuna, Arjuna! Abandon the heavenly weapon, oh Bharata! It should never be consumed without a purpose. And even if there is such a goal, this weapon should not be used unnecessarily. It is a great evil to use it, O descendant of Kuru! Take care of it, as before, O conqueror of wealth, and it will undoubtedly retain its power and serve for the good. And if you do not take care of this weapon, three worlds may perish from it. Never do that again!

However, according to the Mahabharata, the warning was not heard. And as a result of the war, "one billion six hundred and sixty million and twenty thousand people were killed in the battle, rajah, the remaining knights are twenty-four thousand one hundred and sixty."

Naturally, the rest tried to get rid of such a dangerous weapon. "Snakes full of poison like the destructive fire at the end of the yuga" were almost completely destroyed during the "snake sacrifice", which lasted three years (when, in fact, the Mahabharata was created), but was never completed. A more powerful "heavenly weapon", including the bow "Gandiva", was drowned even earlier, the disc of Krishna "with a diamond navel, the one that Krishna gave Agni, was ascended to heaven in front of the Vrishnians", crashing somewhere in the north. It was "a disc with a steel bar attached to the middle - a fire weapon." God Agni, making a gift to Krishna, admonished him:

With this, you, no doubt, will defeat even inhuman creatures … when during a battle you throw it at enemies, it, having slain them, will return to your hands again, remaining irresistible in battle.

Krishna's weapons could fly tens of kilometers and easily destroy a variety of materials.

In connection with this legend about "Krishna's disk" it makes sense to refer to the report about an interesting find made by three fishermen on the bank of the river. Vashki (in the Komi ASSR) in the summer of 1976. They found an unusual stone the size of a fist, gleaming white and emitting sheaves of sparks upon impact. When the fishermen tried to split it among themselves, jets of white fire flew out from under the saw teeth. The stone was transferred to the Institute of Geology of the Komi ASSR, then it was studied at the All-Union Research Institute of Nuclear Physics and Geochemistry, the Institute of Physical Problems named after SI Vavilov, Institute of Geochemistry. VI Vernadsky, the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys and a number of other scientific departments. According to the researchers, the found sample is an alloy of rare earth elements. The content of cerium in it is 67.2%, lanthanum - 10.9%, neodymium - 8.781%, there is a small amount of iron and chromium,impurities include uranium and molybdenum, the content of which does not exceed 0.04%.

The conclusion of the employees of the All-Russian Research Institute of Nuclear Physics and Geochemistry V. Miller, S. Savostin, O. Gorbatyuk and V. Fomenko is this alloy of artificial origin. Cerium, lanthanum and neodymium are found in terrestrial rocks in a very scattered form, and in the studied object there was an amazingly high content of these elements in a small volume of matter. In nature, in such a combination, they almost never occur. At the same time, there are no iron oxide forms in the sample, but in nature they are found everywhere. "Vashkinsky stone" could not be a piece of meteorite, because the content of rare earth elements in them does not differ from that of the earth, and meteorites practically cannot be composed of pure rare earth metals. The alloy could have been made only under terrestrial conditions - this is evidenced by isotope analysis, which showedthat the composition of the alloy coincides with terrestrial ratios to within hundredths of a percent.

Even more unexpected were the results of studies on radioactivity. In the found sample, the uranium content is 140 times higher than the average uranium content in rocks (1 g / t). But on the other hand, it does not contain uranium decay products, i.e. there is only its own radioactivity. And this is another evidence of the artificial origin of the alloy.

The age of the "stone" could not be determined. For uranium it is at least 100 thousand years old, and for thorium it is no more than 30 years old.

The level of manufacturing technology is evidenced by the fact that in any terrestrial alloy of rare earth metals, impurities of calcium and sodium are required; they are found in spectral analysis even in reference samples obtained using the most advanced purification methods. Even traces of calcium or sodium were not found in the Vashkin find. Experts say that it is impossible to obtain an alloy without these impurities at the current level of technology. The purity of the constituent components was also striking. Lanthanum is accompanied by other metals of its group; due to the similar chemical and physical properties, it is possible to separate them with great difficulty. In the sample found, lanthanum is presented in a perfectly pure form. The analysis revealed that the sample consists of a mixture of powders, fractions of which have a different crystal structure;the smallest powder particles are only a few hundred atoms. Such an alloy can be obtained by cold pressing at a pressure of tens of thousands of atmospheres. This is supported by the extraordinary density of the alloy, 10% lower than the theoretical one assumed by all known laws. The magnetic properties of the sample are also extraordinary; in different directions they differ by more than 15 times. The researchers suggest that such an alloy could be used for magnetic cooling to temperatures that are thousandths of a degree different from absolute zero. When this temperature is reached, the gases transform into a solid form, the properties of the substance change, and complete superconductivity arises. In order for the alloy to have similar characteristics, it must be manufactured in very strong magnetic fields,which are not yet available to modern technologies. Scientists suggest that the fragment was part of a ring, cylinder or sphere with a diameter of 1.2 m.

It can be assumed that the superconducting medium that arose around such a disk completely destroyed any material obstacles in its path.

It should be emphasized that currently there is no equipment capable of pressing such parts under pressure of tens of thousands of atmospheres. It is tempting to assume that the "Vashkin stone" is part of the fiery disc of Krishna, glorified in the Mahabharata, which crashed somewhere in the north.

It has already been noted that the knowledge of the ancient Indians amazed Abureikhan Biruni in the XI century. He wrote that according to Indian ideas the day of the "universal soul" is equal to 622 08 x 109 earth years, and the day of Shiva is 3726414712658945818755072 x 1030 earth years.

In Sanskrit texts, as A. A. Gorbovsky notes, there are the terms "rubti", equal to 0.3375 seconds, and "kashta", equal to 1/300 000 000 seconds. “Our civilization has come to such short periods of time only quite recently, literally in recent years. In particular, the "kashta" turned out to be very close to the lifetime of some mesons and hyperons. One of two things: either they invented terms that stood for nothing, and invented units of measurement that they could not use, or it remains to assume that these terms came into Sanskrit texts from the times when there was a living content behind them, i.e. … “Rubbing” and “kashta” could be measured, and there was a need for that,”writes A. A. Gorbovsky. We have reason to believe that such knowledge, as well as ideas about the possibility of space travel,about the structure and appearance of aircraft, the Aryans possessed even in their Eastern European, or rather, the Circumpolar ancestral home.

It is worth noting here that one of Plutarch's heroes, who visited the Hyperboreans, where six months a day and six months a night (that is, close to the North Pole), received here "as much knowledge in astronomy as a person studying geometry can reach." … As for the location of the land of the Hyperboreans, in addition to everything said earlier, it makes sense to pay attention to the conclusion of the American geophysicist A. O'Kelly, according to which, as a result of the last glaciation, the North Pole was located at 60 ° N, which is as much as 30 ° south of the current one. … By the way, exactly at 60 ° N. the Northern Uvaly or Hyperborean mountains of the ancients also lie.

Fragment of S. V. Zharnikova's book "The Golden Thread".