UFO Over Kerch. Investigation - Alternative View

UFO Over Kerch. Investigation - Alternative View
UFO Over Kerch. Investigation - Alternative View

On the evening of August 23, residents of the city of Kerch witnessed a very strange and mysterious atmospheric phenomenon, which was filmed by dozens of cameras from different parts of the city:

n Promotional video:

The comments under the video, as always happens in such cases, are very funny to read. For example, many see these lights as a "quadrocopter" and "Chinese balls", which reflects a clear progress in the perception of humanoids inhabiting the Earth.

So, on July 14, 1989, a professional photographer from Tennessee was driving along the highway in the evening and his attention was attracted by strange moving lights in the distance. As a professional photographer, he had a 1985 Canon T-90 camera at an astronomical price of $ 3,400. By aiming the lens at the light and setting the maximum magnification, the person photographed this:


The object was shot from a distance of 5 miles and, according to calculations, has a diameter of about 30 feet. The color gamut, according to the photographer, is not very accurately conveyed by the camera, since the light was dynamic and its spectrum and brightness were constantly changing, as if the light was running in a circle.

What it was, the experts are still wondering, since the author of the pictures disappeared. At first he tried to go to newspapers and various departments, drawing attention to the topic, but then he had a heart attack, and a little later he crashed on a plane. But he survived - and immediately realized everything, after which he lay low.

Almost 30 years later, on February 28, 2016, John MacDonald, who lives in rural Scotland, was driving in the evening when he heard “the noise of a thousand vacuum cleaners” overhead. Grabbing a camera, he was able to shoot this:


Since at the time this photo appeared, the “experts” from humanoids had new words in the dictionary and there was a clear technical progress in comparison with 1989, the “experts” came to the conclusion that it was a “military drone”. Moreover, what is interesting is that this "military drone" appeared a couple of days later, 20-30 kilometers from the scene:

As you can see, the lights are quite similar to those that were observed over Kerch.

People with a more sober mind than those who unsubscribed under the videos in Kerch about the quadcopters suggest that the secret American TR-3B plane got on the video. We cannot unambiguously confirm or deny this assumption, however, as it seems to us, this does not look like TR-3B. TR-3B looks something like this:

Based on this and similar videos, it can be assumed that something larger than TR-3B was hanging over Kerch - most likely the device on which the “Martians” visited Scotland. But for what purpose was this visit?

Wyoming, Aug 12, Spring Creek Ranch, 90 kilometers to the center of Yellowstone Caldera:

As we warned a year ago, the “Martians” began to glow more and more often, and for some reason they glow in different unusual places: either over the caldera, which can explode at any moment, now over Jerusalem, now over the strait, beyond which the war may well start soon too.

Based on these observations, we believe that the “Martians” carefully observe how the earthlings are preparing for something and diligently fulfill the given orders. But what kind of orders they are is a mystery to us.