Races Of Humanoids Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Part 6 - Alternative View

Races Of Humanoids Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Part 6 - Alternative View
Races Of Humanoids Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Part 6 - Alternative View

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 -

On the maps of the starry sky, ancient astrologers and modern astronomers indicated a large number of stellar sectors (the so-called constellations), the outlines of which were drawn not from practical interests, but were inspired by legends and tales. Therefore, these sectors turned out to be twisting, broken and sometimes of arbitrary configuration. By now it turns out that all the constellations are inhabited.

It should be noted that for some reason little-informed people confuse the constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs with the constellation Canis Major, which have nothing in common with each other. The constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs is located in the northern hemisphere of the starry sky, adjacent to the Big Dipper. The constellation Canis Major is located slightly south of the equatorial constellation Orion, that is, in the southern hemisphere.

It is known about three humanoid civilizations of the dense-bodily type (I type), living in the constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs. These are white-skinned humanoids (Nordic type) from the planet Er-Taa and two races of yellow-skinned humanoids. Below are the characteristics of the first white-skinned race.

A humanoid from the planet Er-Taa, the constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs
A humanoid from the planet Er-Taa, the constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs

A humanoid from the planet Er-Taa, the constellation of the Hounds of the Dogs.

Humanoids have in their origin a genetic connection with the Nordic races, therefore, they look very similar to the blond Tionians. They are tall, 1.9-2.0 meters, with slender figures and normal body proportions.

Disc-shaped mother ship accompanied by small ships in the lower atmosphere, reconstruction
Disc-shaped mother ship accompanied by small ships in the lower atmosphere, reconstruction

Disc-shaped mother ship accompanied by small ships in the lower atmosphere, reconstruction.

Most of the humanoids from the planet Er-Taa have very pale, almost white skin. The eyes are sky blue and slightly elongated. Hair is light, golden shades, but there are representatives with brown and darker hair.

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The Ertyans' near-planet ship in the form of a "flying saucer", more than 30 meters in diameter, inside there are two decks (two floors), the hull color is silver. Reconstruction
The Ertyans' near-planet ship in the form of a "flying saucer", more than 30 meters in diameter, inside there are two decks (two floors), the hull color is silver. Reconstruction

The Ertyans' near-planet ship in the form of a "flying saucer", more than 30 meters in diameter, inside there are two decks (two floors), the hull color is silver. Reconstruction.

The aliens are characterized by a calm and balanced disposition. They belong to the Light forces. They help the Curators of the Earth, they come to us regularly. Ertians also left their descendants on Earth, but their share among other peoples of our planet is very small.

Disk-shaped uterus ship of Ertyans, reconstruction
Disk-shaped uterus ship of Ertyans, reconstruction

Disk-shaped uterus ship of Ertyans, reconstruction.

The diameter of such a mother ship is about 400 meters, several floors are equipped inside, the hull color is silver. The outer casing also contains dozens of beam compressors that serve multiple functions.

The constellation Centaurus is home to many races with different skin colors and, it seems, with different genetic origins. Most of them have reached the intermediate level of development. Since they live very close to the Earth by cosmic standards, they are frequent guests on our planet.

The complex system of the triple star Alpha in the constellation Centaurus is located about 4.3 light-years from Earth. This system is inhabited by races that are young in age and have also reached an average level of development.

On some planets of the Alpha Centauri system, humanoids have problems that are very similar to those on Earth - excessive overpopulation and environmental pollution by waste from technical activities. According to the humanoids, they are successfully solving the second problem at this time.

A humanoid from the Alpha Centauri system (a representative of one local race), fair-skinned, blue eyes, swollen frontal lobes, no hair, a narrow and sharp chin is characteristic
A humanoid from the Alpha Centauri system (a representative of one local race), fair-skinned, blue eyes, swollen frontal lobes, no hair, a narrow and sharp chin is characteristic

A humanoid from the Alpha Centauri system (a representative of one local race), fair-skinned, blue eyes, swollen frontal lobes, no hair, a narrow and sharp chin is characteristic.

The planets are inhabited by the light-skinned Nordic race and the darker-skinned race. The growth of humanoids ranges from 1.6 to 2.5 meters. The eyes are blue, the hair is light or light brown. Communicate by voice or telepathically. They call themselves the "Runes" race.

Elderly humanoid
Elderly humanoid

Elderly humanoid.

More recently, their planets have been admitted to the Galactic Commonwealth. These humanoids belong to the Light Forces. They fly to Earth regularly as volunteer assistants to the Curators. They do not belong to the Creators. Astral counterparts of aliens can come into contact with people.

The near-planetary ship of the Centauri - "Flying saucer" 60-70 meters in diameter, drawing according to descriptions of an eyewitness, contact of 2-3 kind, 1978, Spain
The near-planetary ship of the Centauri - "Flying saucer" 60-70 meters in diameter, drawing according to descriptions of an eyewitness, contact of 2-3 kind, 1978, Spain

The near-planetary ship of the Centauri - "Flying saucer" 60-70 meters in diameter, drawing according to descriptions of an eyewitness, contact of 2-3 kind, 1978, Spain.

An elderly humanoid has very pale bluish-white skin, a sharp chin, pushed forward. Has a hypnotic gaze. The flight uniform is gray with a hood. The race had problems with the ecological pollution of their planet and overpopulation. Now they have partially solved these problems. (Drawings from the book by Timothy Goode "The Threat of Invasion", M.: Eksmo, 2002)

Small ships-discs of the Centauri near the surface of the Earth, reconstruction
Small ships-discs of the Centauri near the surface of the Earth, reconstruction

Small ships-discs of the Centauri near the surface of the Earth, reconstruction.

Small near-planetary ships of the Centauri: on the right - outdated modification of a "flying saucer" with a diameter of 30 meters, on the left - a more modern look with a diameter of 10 meters
Small near-planetary ships of the Centauri: on the right - outdated modification of a "flying saucer" with a diameter of 30 meters, on the left - a more modern look with a diameter of 10 meters

Small near-planetary ships of the Centauri: on the right - outdated modification of a "flying saucer" with a diameter of 30 meters, on the left - a more modern look with a diameter of 10 meters.

According to other sources, the Alpha Centauri system is home to a race of short and broad-shouldered humanoids with a bluish skin color and orange eyes. They are a prolific young race. There is information that these humanoids had contacts of the 6th kind with earthly women.


The humanoids from the planet Rick are small - 1.2 meters tall, the skin is light green, the eyes are yellow, round. They belong to the Neutral forces. They rarely appear on Earth, have restrictions on visits to our world. They fly to Earth periodically for research purposes, their attitude towards people is calm, neutral. They usually go down to Earth in spacesuits.

Stunted humanoids from planet Rick, constellation Leo
Stunted humanoids from planet Rick, constellation Leo

Stunted humanoids from planet Rick, constellation Leo.

Spaceships of aliens from the constellation Leo with a diameter of 10-15 meters have a silvery hull, above and below on the disk there are two hemispherical annexes. Along the perimeter, in the operating mode, multi-colored "lights" - propulsion systems, light and flash.

Spaceships of aliens from the constellation Leo
Spaceships of aliens from the constellation Leo

Spaceships of aliens from the constellation Leo.

On the upper deck there is a control cabin with rectangular windows for external viewing. On the lower deck there is a rectangular hatch to the outside. In the landing position, the discoid hovers about 50 meters above the ground. The humanoids, dressed in protective suits, descend along the orange-colored elevator beam.

Near-planetary ship maneuvers, reconstruction
Near-planetary ship maneuvers, reconstruction

Near-planetary ship maneuvers, reconstruction.

On the forehead of a black Orion, a Ψ - "psi" sign is depicted, indicating a parapsychological or magical direction of development. This race participated in the settlement of the Earth, its descendants widely settled in Central Africa, New Guinea and the Polynesian islands throughout the Pacific Ocean.

Representatives of the black Negroid race from the constellation Orion. Drawing from the book of V. Babanin "Secrets of the Great Sphinx", 1996
Representatives of the black Negroid race from the constellation Orion. Drawing from the book of V. Babanin "Secrets of the Great Sphinx", 1996

Representatives of the black Negroid race from the constellation Orion. Drawing from the book of V. Babanin "Secrets of the Great Sphinx", 1996

African Negro peoples adopted magical abilities from their creators, but chose a different path (dark magic schools "voodoo"). Now, in connection with the transition of the planet to the 4th and 5th dimensions, these schools will be highlighted and presented to the public.

On the astral plane, the restless movements of the members of these schools are now observed. Some of them will have to leave the Earth if by the appointed time they do not have time to reorganize, repay debts in the form of energy and somehow correct their activities, because one day they will have to be responsible for their affairs.

Continued: Part 7

Ufologist-researcher Pavel Khailov