Races Of Humanoids Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Part 8 - Alternative View

Races Of Humanoids Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Part 8 - Alternative View
Races Of Humanoids Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Part 8 - Alternative View

Video: Races Of Humanoids Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Part 8 - Alternative View

Video: Races Of Humanoids Of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Part 8 - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Dinosaur Humanoids Alive Today? (Season 8) | History 2024, April

- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 -

The photo shows the central section of the constellation Orion in close-up. Here you can see the location of the stars in the central part of the constellation Orion. The "Orion Belt" is visible, consisting of three stars, from left to right: Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka.

Below the belt is the famous "Orion Nebula" - a gas-dust cluster in which new stars are born, but it did not get into the frame. The Earth is connected with Orion by numerous evolutionary - genetic and informational connections. This has been reported a lot in the channeling information.

Humanoid from the constellation Orion, drawing according to the description of the contactee N. B
Humanoid from the constellation Orion, drawing according to the description of the contactee N. B

Humanoid from the constellation Orion, drawing according to the description of the contactee N. B.

Humanoids from the constellation Orion are characterized by high growth, dark bronze skin, bright yellow bioenergy. The newcomers are distinguished by a good-natured character and an active life position. Many of them are active fighters for justice in space. They belong to the Light forces.

In my opinion, these humanoids originate from the central belt of Orion, from there representatives of the Light forces from the constellation Orion come to Earth. I draw your attention to this, because in the constellation Orion there are also representatives of the Dark Forces, in particular, aliens from the Rigel system (carriers of fascist ideas), reptoid races belonging to the opposite polarities of the Bellatrix system, and tall gray-skinned humanoids from the Betelgeuse system.

A humanoid from the central sector of the constellation Orion
A humanoid from the central sector of the constellation Orion

A humanoid from the central sector of the constellation Orion.

Humanoids with a southern yellowish-bronze skin color - natives of the central sector of Orion, this is the most widespread humanoid race among the humanoid civilizations of the constellation Orion.

Promotional video:

The ships of the Orions, members of the Coalition of Light Forces, - large ellipsoid and small ball modules. Reconstruction
The ships of the Orions, members of the Coalition of Light Forces, - large ellipsoid and small ball modules. Reconstruction

The ships of the Orions, members of the Coalition of Light Forces, - large ellipsoid and small ball modules. Reconstruction.

Ellipse capsule of Orions with a diameter of about 5 meters in the landing position
Ellipse capsule of Orions with a diameter of about 5 meters in the landing position

Ellipse capsule of Orions with a diameter of about 5 meters in the landing position.

The human contactee entered the apparatus through the overgrown door. The walls of the ship are thin and permeable to light in only one direction. From the inside, the chelovek can see everything, but from the outside the body looks mirror-opaque. The device made an excursion flight. Contacts of 3-4 degrees, the city of Lisakovsk, Kustanai region, 1994.

The landing of Orion humanoids in the village of Barok, Yaroslavl region, 1982
The landing of Orion humanoids in the village of Barok, Yaroslavl region, 1982

The landing of Orion humanoids in the village of Barok, Yaroslavl region, 1982

Humanoids from the central belt of Orion, the Alnilam star system. Contact of 2-3 clans, city of Sydney, 1960
Humanoids from the central belt of Orion, the Alnilam star system. Contact of 2-3 clans, city of Sydney, 1960

Humanoids from the central belt of Orion, the Alnilam star system. Contact of 2-3 clans, city of Sydney, 1960

The head of the humanoids is covered by a transparent helmet, the body is dressed in a light, light uniform. On the belt-belt one can see a device in the form of a metal plate - this is a spoken translator of thoughts. A humanoid civilization of a dense-bodily type, belongs to the Light forces. Humanoids of average height - 1.7 meters, light skin, blue eyes have an oriental cut (narrowed and elongated).

They use a medium-sized disk-shaped craft with a shiny metallic surface for space travel. The ship was surrounded by a violet glow and made a whistling sound during flight. In the landing position, it did not touch the ground.

Humanoids appear from the ship unexpectedly. They talk with a person without opening their lips, human speech in excellent English was broadcast from square boxes attached to their belts (frequency translator of thoughts). The aliens reported that they are residents from one star of the constellation Orion (specifically - the central star of the Orion belt) and are going to leave the Earth.

They made contact with a person because of his unusual aura. The humanoids promised to return and re-establish contact with the person in order to further involve him in some activity. Close eye contact occurred in the summer of 1960 south of Sydney on the seaside, witnessed by a local farmer.


Humanoids outwardly are very similar to people, the average height is 1.65-1.7 meters. Men and women differ. The skin is light, the eyes are blue, normal. Emotions are developed, the humanoids smile, they speak with the contactee in Russian (that is, in the native language of the contactee).

Our living conditions are not suitable for them, because they went to the surface of our planet in silvery spacesuits with a protective transparent helmet on their heads with a viewing angle in all directions. The protective cap was thin and transparent, like a soap bubble. On the surface of the earth, the aliens moved without touching it with their feet, as if levitating.

The lenticular spacecraft (with a thickening in the central part), silvery, with a diameter of about 13 meters, a height of 4 meters, is, obviously, a universal hypership for travel at any distance.

In the landing position, the ship sinks low at the surface of the planet, hovers motionless at a bird's-eye flight, while the humanoids move from the ground to the ship in a force stream (a person is pulled into the doorway), the door appears anywhere and then overgrows without a trace. The usual ladder does not seem to be used here.

During takeoff, a blue glow appears around the body of the vehicle, which intensifies and becomes brighter as the speed of movement increases, the ship is surrounded by a bright luminous oval halo.

Upon invitation, a human witness was able to visit the facility and see the interior of the ship. The walls of the ship's cockpit seemed to the witness not solid, but rather unsteady, smoky-grayish in color. Obviously, this feature is a sign of the inconstancy of the shape and size of the ship, that is, the ability to external transformations.


Inside the ship there are cockpits with uniform illumination, there is a control panel and instruments, a round table, and comfortable chairs for sitting. The aliens establish contacts with people, are interested in human concepts ("sport"), studied the physical condition of the contactee using instrumental methods, that is, they made an express examination.

Despite the technical internal structure, the disk-shaped ship is capable of polymorphic transformations in appearance for external observers: after rising into the air, the discoid demonstratively divided into 8 sectors, like orange slices, then curled up into a cylinder and turned into a discoid again. Based on these manipulations of the external form, it can be concluded that it was a universal hypership.

In my opinion, these were also humanoids from the Alnilam system. Close visual contacts of genus 3-4 with aliens occurred on July 21, 1975 and on April 17, 1979 in the Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk district, contactee A. M.

Humanoids from Orion, during risky landings on the surface of our planet, can use biorobots (like many other VCs), for example, in the procedures for passing medical examinations. The objects of medical examinations were individual random people or even contactees, selectively removed from the earthly environment for a short time. Supervising civilizations need to know the degree of environmental pollution on Earth and the degree of influence of this pollution on the human body.

It is known in advance that a human witness does not expect such a procedure, for him a 4th degree contact (abductive contact with return) is a force majeure situation. Therefore, it is not always possible for the aliens to agree on a voluntary visit to the laboratory ship; often a nervous situation is created, which is smoothed out by means of induced hypnosis or with the help of special neutralizing devices that cause temporary paralysis of the limbs.

Outside, the spherical object had a diameter of 5 meters. However, the inner space was found to be 20 meters, that is, 4 times the outer diameter of the object
Outside, the spherical object had a diameter of 5 meters. However, the inner space was found to be 20 meters, that is, 4 times the outer diameter of the object

Outside, the spherical object had a diameter of 5 meters. However, the inner space was found to be 20 meters, that is, 4 times the outer diameter of the object.

The Orion laboratory flying vehicle looked like a transparent "bubble" hovering low above the surface of the earth, it shimmered with iridescent shades. Then the ball began to "harden", becoming covered with a silvery patina. Against this background, a honeycomb structure made up of triangular segments appeared throughout the body of the ball. The outer diameter of the spherical object was estimated by the witness at 5 meters.


A slit-like opening in the form of a 1 × 3 meter watermelon slice opened in the wall of the apparatus, from which pink light flickered. From there the robots "floated out". The robots had one eyepiece instead of eyes on their "head", were dressed in silver-blue overalls. The branch arms could bend anywhere. Their legs were doubled, as if stuck together. In the closed position of their legs, these robots levitated above the surface of the earth, without touching it with their feet.

Robots helped transport a person inside the spherical apparatus. The man could not resist, his weightless body was lifted and transported through the air in a state of levitation into the apparatus in a horizontal position. The ship's crew consisted of three robots.


Most of all, the witness was surprised by the discrepancy between the internal size of the room and the external dimensions. The size of the inner cabin was 20 meters, much larger than the outer dimensions. Now this phenomenon is explained by the compression of space inside the ship relative to the earth's space (the ratio of linear compression is about 1: 4).

The materialization and visualization of the outer shell of the ship, obviously, took place simultaneously with the frequency restructuring of the ship's energy, that is, in order to manifest on Earth, the aliens had to switch to earth energy frequencies.

The round cockpit inside the ship seemed large and spacious to the witness. The light walls were illuminated in an incomprehensible way. Control panels and numerous flat screens were visible around the perimeter, displaying information that only aliens could understand.

The man was seated in an easy chair, put a helmet on his head, in his head he heard a squeaky voice, communicating the purposes and intentions of the aliens. They were interested in earth time reckoning. The person was asked to remember all the important moments in the history of the Earth that he knew.

All negotiations were duplicated by the reproduction of human thoughts on a large television screen. During this survey, the human brain was scanned. Close contact of the 3-4th degree occurred in the vicinity of Krasnodar on March 17, 1990, contactee A. Ya.

The famous "Big Dipper" in the constellation Ursa Major
The famous "Big Dipper" in the constellation Ursa Major

The famous "Big Dipper" in the constellation Ursa Major.

Portrait of a humanoid woman from the Fegda system - γ (Gamma) constellation Ursa Major
Portrait of a humanoid woman from the Fegda system - γ (Gamma) constellation Ursa Major

Portrait of a humanoid woman from the Fegda system - γ (Gamma) constellation Ursa Major.

High humanoids - from 3 to 5 meters, physically developed, the skin is smooth, grayish-brown, closer to chocolate color. The eyes are almond-shaped and slanted, in women - blue, in men - black. Hair is white in women and black in men.

Humanoids belong to a peaceful civilization - Light forces. They do not belong to the Creators of mankind, but they carry the status of Curators of other underdeveloped civilizations, that is, they help the Curators of the Earth as far as possible. On our planet, they periodically, they patronize Muslim peoples on Earth (having the Islamic faith).

During space flights, they wear snow-white suits, a helmet covers their head. In dangerous places, biorobots are often sent instead of themselves and autopilot vehicles. When entering the surface of our planet, humanoids always put on snow-white spacesuits.

The spacesuit completely covers the entire body - the head, face and the whole body. This is due to the increased protection of the crew members from various negative factors. Apparently, the composition of our atmosphere is also not suitable for normal humanoid breathing.


The alien mother ship has the shape of a giant sphere with a diameter of 800 meters, the hull color is silver. Small modules - balls and discoids 10 meters in diameter - fly out of the mother ship through the locks. Their body also has a silver color. Cone-shaped devices can be stacked with a single vertical axis. The humanoids descend to the ground by the stairs (drawings according to the descriptions of eyewitnesses).

Small spacecraft aliens from the Big Dipper, the color of the hull is silver, the dimensions of the ships are different
Small spacecraft aliens from the Big Dipper, the color of the hull is silver, the dimensions of the ships are different

Small spacecraft aliens from the Big Dipper, the color of the hull is silver, the dimensions of the ships are different.

Small alien spacecraft near the Earth, reconstruction
Small alien spacecraft near the Earth, reconstruction

Small alien spacecraft near the Earth, reconstruction.

Humanoids from the planet Proserpine arrived from the opposite arm of our galaxy. The star system is unknown to us (not on our maps). Proserpins are highly intelligent humanoids from 1.5 to 2.5 meters in height. Among them, both men and women differ, individuals are thin-boned, pronounced asthenic (get tired quickly), lean and refined.

Humanoids from the planet Proserpine
Humanoids from the planet Proserpine

Humanoids from the planet Proserpine.

Their skin has a greenish tint due to the lack of sunlight on the planet. The eyes are greenish-yellow in color, rather large and prominent. The facial features are thin, the labial ridges are slightly pink in color. The ears are strongly elongated, the auditory canal is in the form of a slit. The frontal tubercles are well defined on the forehead. Humanoids exist both on the physical plane and in the etheric-energetic state. They belong to the Light Forces. They visit Earth occasionally, mainly for the purpose of establishing friendly contacts.

According to other sources, aliens from the planet Proserpine have grayish skin with a bluish tinge. Their height reaches 3 meters, and the mind is 19 orders of magnitude higher than ours. The eyes are very kind, the heads are noticeably tapering towards the bottom, with a neat hairline. Long and straight noses, narrow and short lips. Contact form - psychography (automatic writing) and telepathic dialogue.


Base spaceship

The base spacecraft has the shape of a ball and resembles a comet during flight - the hull begins to glow with a bright yellow light, and a fiery trail remains behind. Small near-planetary modules are disk-shaped and resemble typical "flying saucers". The diameter is about 10 meters, the height is 3-3.5 meters. The device is operated by one pilot. Close visual contacts with aliens took place in the Volgograd region (1980), contactee A. G. Contacts since 1991 - contactee I. E. (at that time she was 11 years old).

The large alien ship is called the Nemlung and resembles a large fireball with a fiery tail
The large alien ship is called the Nemlung and resembles a large fireball with a fiery tail

The large alien ship is called the Nemlung and resembles a large fireball with a fiery tail.

Continued: Part 9

Author: Ufologist-researcher Pavel Khailov