Black Lightning Mohenjo-Daro - Alternative View

Black Lightning Mohenjo-Daro - Alternative View
Black Lightning Mohenjo-Daro - Alternative View

Video: Black Lightning Mohenjo-Daro - Alternative View

Video: Black Lightning Mohenjo-Daro - Alternative View
Video: The Outsiders Just Made Their Arrowverse Debut! Black Lightning Post-Crisis Breakdown 2024, April

About 3,500 years ago, under unusual circumstances, an ancient Indian city died, which went down in history as Mohenjo-Daro (in the Sindhi language "Hill of the Dead"). The Mahabharata manuscript tells of a powerful explosion that followed the appearance of "blinding light" and "smokeless fires" in the sky. From the high temperature, “the water began to boil”, “the fish looked like they were burnt.” As a result of the catastrophe, all residents of the city died, the explosion destroyed buildings and other structures.

In 1922 the Indian archaeologist R. Banerjee found this city on one of the islands of the Indus River. The discovered groups of skeletons showed that before the disaster, people calmly walked the streets. Signs of mass disease - the results of the epidemic on the bones were not found. The surviving skeletons had no traces of blows or the impact of any weapons. There were also no signs of flooding, volcanic eruptions, or large meteorites.

At the same time, traces of rapid melting, fires and an extremely powerful explosion were preserved on the stones. All buildings were destroyed, but the destruction on the outskirts of the city was not so great. In many ways, Mohenjo-Daro resembles Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the atomic explosions. However, no increased radioactivity was found. As the English scientist David Davenport, who studied the culture, languages of Ancient India and the history of Mohenjo-Daro for many years, notes, cities rarely fall into decay suddenly, and everything in this city indicated that the catastrophe came instantly. First, the sky lit up, then objects blazing without smoke began to hover over the city, bringing death to the inhabitants, then a powerful explosion occurred, from which buildings collapsed, people were covered with earth.

There are various hypotheses regarding the causes of the tragedy in Mohenjo-Daro. One of them involves … a nuclear explosion, produced during the launch or maneuver of an alien spacecraft that visited Earth in the distant past.

And yet, I think, the death of Mohenjo-Daro can be explained by earthly, natural reasons.

Let us remember that the Greeks and Romans repeatedly described "flaming chariots" or "flying shields" that appeared in the night sky, the American Indians - "round baskets" in the sky, the Japanese - "ghost ships" with luminous windows. According to the priest Ezekiel, in Palestine around 592 BC. e. “A strong wind came from the north and a great cloud arose. And the fire was blazing from it, and the brilliance was strong, and from the middle of the cloud a strong radiance came out. " Many ancient reports of strong air glows and other unusual phenomena have also survived in Egypt, Ethiopia, India, China, Tibet, Sahara, Scotland, Germany, and Sicily.

Today it is already known that the air glow is due to the accumulation in the atmosphere of substances such as ozone, nitrogen oxide, carbonyl compounds, hydrocarbons and others, which are formed when the air is exposed to solar radiation, cosmic rays and electric fields. And natural air almost always has its own glow, outwardly imperceptible. However, in many cases, its intensity sharply increases. During the disaster in Mohenjo-Daro, the air glow was very significant, it could be clearly visible even on a clear sunny day against the background of a bright southern sky.

The chemically active particles contained in the atmosphere are capable of concentrating, and such physicochemical formations are abbreviated as PCOs. Judging by the rock carvings, they were observed by people 50 thousand years ago. They have been captured many times in Etruscan art monuments, recorded in ancient Arab manuscripts. So, in the Egyptian manuscript, written 15 centuries BC and containing the official chronicle of the reign of Pharaoh Thutmose III, it is said about the appearance “in the 22nd year, in the third month of winter, at six o'clock in the afternoon in the sky, a luminous ball, which slowly moved south, terrifying everyone who saw it. The total number of information in the literature on FHO exceeds 15 thousand. On August 12, 1983, Professor Bonill of the Zacatecas Observatory in Mexico City took the first photograph of the FHO. Now there are hundreds of them.

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There are several types of physical and chemical formations. In a cold state, they can exist for a long time without emitting energy or emitting light, therefore, by analogy with ball lightning, they were called black lightning. They can float freely in the air and stay on the soil surface for a long time. Glowing PCOs that appear in the atmosphere in the absence of thunderstorm activity are called chemiluminescent formations (abbreviated as CHLO). Various types of PCOs have the ability to move quickly. The glow intensity can be continuously changed. The quirkiness and confusion of the trajectories is striking, which, however, is associated with a significant energy of formation.

Simultaneous formation of many FHOs is possible. Scientists have observed hundreds and thousands of luminous objects in the sky. On September 21, 1910, about a million New Yorkers watched hundreds of FHOs flying over the city for three hours. When heavier or more dense, black lightning begins to fall on the surface of the earth, often starting to glow brightly. In September 1984, in the Sarapul region of the Udmurt ASSR, late in the evening, the starry sky suddenly lit up. Dazzling white balls rained down from above. Dodging and spinning, they gently sank to the ground. It became as light as day. This phenomenon was observed by workers of the state farm "Udmurtsky" on the territory of 20 kilometers. Some power line transformers were damaged.

The atmospheric conditions under which PCOs are formed also contribute to the appearance of very toxic substances, which leads to air poisoning. Apparently, in Mohenjo-Daro, residents were mainly affected by poisonous gases, therefore there was no damage on the bones of the dead people.

After that, an explosion occurred over Mohenjo-Daro, which destroyed buildings and fell asleep in many places already dead people. The probability of such an outcome is especially high in the presence of a large number of CHLOs or black lightning in the atmosphere. When one object explodes, a chain reaction of neighboring explosions occurs. We can say that a significant area of atmospheric air explodes, the shock wave reaches the surface of the earth, crushing everything in its path. The temperature during the explosion of CHLO reaches 10-15 thousand degrees. Melted stones found in the disaster zone confirm this version. In ordinary fires, the temperature practically does not exceed a thousand degrees. Calculations show that during the disaster in Mohenjo-Daro, about 2-3 thousand black lightning with a diameter of up to 20-30 centimeters and over 500-1000 CHLO appeared in the atmosphere.

The explosion at Mohenjo-Daro, however, is not unique; dozens of similar cases can be found in the literature. What they have in common is the multitude of PCHs arising in the atmosphere. The pilots more than once flew through a huge cluster of not only black lightning, but also multi-colored CHLO.

The Mohenjo-Daro phenomenon could well have been a purely natural phenomenon. It would be interesting to find nitrate-nitrite compounds, smalt, pieces of slag and other "material traces" of black lightning along with historical monuments during archaeological excavations.

The problem of preventing natural disasters from such explosions requires special consideration. Let's imagine that a catastrophe similar to the one that destroyed Mohenjo-Daro would occur in our time, over a modern multimillion-dollar city! The most reliable way to combat this formidable natural phenomenon is the spraying of reagents, under the influence of which the PCS lose their ability to explode and quickly disintegrate.

The processes taking place in black lightning and CHLO can be put at the service of man. They can be used, for example, in chemical technology and instrument making.

From the book: "SECRETS OF THE TWENTY CENTURY". I. I. Mosin