Answer To Vigen Avetisian. Stop Writing False Armenian History! - Alternative View

Answer To Vigen Avetisian. Stop Writing False Armenian History! - Alternative View
Answer To Vigen Avetisian. Stop Writing False Armenian History! - Alternative View

Video: Answer To Vigen Avetisian. Stop Writing False Armenian History! - Alternative View

Video: Answer To Vigen Avetisian. Stop Writing False Armenian History! - Alternative View
Video: Armenian warriors history 2024, April

Recently on the website …… was published an article by Vigen Avetisian “Baku-August 1905 - the second pogrom of Armenians - the Black Hundreds on the side of the Turks”. Reading it, one feels that the author is not only not familiar with the history, but also that the author is not a very well-read person. It was also not possible to hide the fact that the author is clearly a supporter of Armenian chauvinism and claims that there was an Armenian massacre in Baku and Nakhchivan in 1905. First, we want to convey to the author that the massacre he is writing about really took place. But quite the opposite, that is, the attitude of Azerbaijanis on the part of the Armenians on February 26-27, 1905, when Armenian terrorist organizations began massacres in Baku, Yerevan, Lankoran, Zengezur, Karabakh, Nakhchivan and other places where over 50 Azerbaijanis were killed. Thus, not only Turks, but also Talysh, Tats,Kyrgyz, Jews and Kurds became the victims of Armenian terrorism.

The slogan of the "Hnchak" party, created in 1890, was adopted as follows: "Wherever and in whatever form you see a Turk and a Kurd - kill! Kill liars, traitors, Armenian detectives, traitors, revenge!”(“Historoma”, No. 10, June, 1895, p. 79).

And if the local residents, restricting the freedom of Armenians, even if they answered them with the aim of their protection, in modern terms, it was an anti-terrorist struggle. According to the speech of Khatisov (the future Prime Minister of Armenia), at the Azerbaijani-Armenian reconciliation meeting in Tiflis in February 1906, 45 Armenians and 1 Muslim were killed in Nakhchivan at that time. The Armenians cannot forget this date. Throughout history, the Nakhchivans have always opposed the Armenian expansionism and successfully resisted the Armenians who longed for the Nakhchivan region. In May 1905, when the Armenians began to carry out terror in Nakhchivan, the Azerbaijanis were forced to take retaliatory measures and, finally, the provocateurs and terrorists were punished deservedly. As M. S. Ordubadi wrote in 1911, “the complete defeat of the Armenians in May 1905,completely imposes a black line on the pages of their national history. After this incident, all the Armenians of the world realized that there was no social base in Nakhchivan to protect their selfish plans. And, of course, Armenia has not yet forgotten the exceptional staunchness and courage of the Nakhchivan population.

Let's move on to the second problem. It is known that after the signing of the Gulustano-Tyukmenchay agreements, the Armenians who resettled in Azerbaijan claim that it is under this agreement that their rights are protected. We want to inform the author of the article that the main points of the agreement were drawn up in St. Petersburg. The correspondence, reports and documents of the commander of the Caucasian troops, Ermolov and Paskevich, played an important role in the compilation of these points. First, in 1826, the first points were written, and then, on May 24, 1827, additions were made in the Jaliloglu camp from the side of Griboyedov and Obresk.

In the Petersburg version of the Turkmenchay agreement on the resettlement of Armenians, and in general, there is no mention of Armenians in a single proposal. In the original version of the treaty, the document “for 1826, 1827 and 1828 secret and military correspondence between Paskevich and his adjutant Baturin” does not contain a single sentence about Armenians. (“On some sources on the history of Russian-Persian relations in the first third of the 19th century”, Vestnik, Leningrad, U-ta / 1959, U. )

In November 1827, during negotiations held in Deckhard during a meeting between Griboyedov and Paskevich, representatives sent through Nerses Khoi asked them to take care of the resettlement of the Armenians. The content of this petition is as follows: “Now from the devoted defender of the Armenian people, Mr. Griboyedov, I ask you not to forget about the captive Christians and I ask you to receive them under a mighty banner. And also, I asked His Highness, about all Armenians, and now, in writing I ask you: during the truce to involve Ivan Fyodorovich Paskevich, do not forget to include in the clause of the agreement on the return of Armenians living in cities and villages of Iran. And under the auspices of the great Russian empire, help these Armenians in free conditions, return to their homeland in Armenia. (Alain-Paul Muratoff, Kafkas Harekatı, 1828-1921 Türk-Kafkaz sınırındakı Harplerin Tarihi, Ankara 1966, s. 3-17.)

After this meeting, Griboyedov wrote a letter to Paskevich related to Nakhchivan. The content of the letter is as follows: From the letter of A. S. Griboyedov about the resettlement of Armenians to the territory of Azerbaijan, including Nakhchivan, addressed to Count Paskevitz. “The resettlement of Armenians to the Nakhchivan region after the Turkmenchay treaty is an ill-considered policy. Because the consent of the Russian government to such a resettlement evokes a fair protest from the local and indigenous population in Nakhchivan … Before this resettlement, very few Armenians lived in Nakhchivan before, they could be counted on one hand. After Turkmenchay, the number of Armenians resettled from Iran is artificially brought to the number of the indigenous Muslim population living in Nakhchivan. True, here, in Nakhchivan, the position of newcomers, that is, Armenians, is better in comparison with other places. However, the discontent and protest in the minds of the Azerbaijani Turks reaches its limit."

Then Griboyedov suggests: “Let the resettled Armenian families be sent to another place. They have nowhere to live anyway. It turns out that we are taking power away from the local beks and khans, and in exchange we intend to impose alien and confusing laws on the local population … I consider it my duty to repeat once again - we should not create a situation here in which we would over the heads of persons and religious figures who deserve great respect and trust of the local people, forcibly enforce the laws of a completely foreign nation."

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From the "Notes on the resettlement of Armenians from Persia to our regions" (as the editor of the "Acts of the Caucasian Archaeographic Commission" Adolph Berger notes, where this note was published, there is no information in the files who owns this note, but judging by the fact that the person mentioned in it translator Dadashov (Vasily Dadashyan) was a translator for Griboyedov, he altered letters in his own way.

For the information of the author, we would also like to convey a letter written by Griboyedov to the Russian tsar: “Your Excellency, do not allow the settlement of Armenians in the central Russian lands. They are from such a tribe that after living for several decades, they will begin to shout to the whole world that this is the land of our fathers and great-grandfathers."

And finally, we declare that from the sources to which we referred, Griboyedov did not have much love and worship for the Armenians. He was a supporter of Russia. For him, it was necessary to create a buffer zone of Christians on the conquered southern borders of the Russian Empire, which would separate the local population from two large Muslim states: - the Ottoman Empire and Iran. As a diplomat in Tehran, Griboyedov was killed by Armenians serving in British intelligence. The events of January 30, 1829 began when the religious leader of Tehran Mirza Mesi called for a jihad in the Adin mosque, after which an Armenian by origin Mirza Yagut, two Armenian employees from the shah's harem, guarding their officer's daw, as well as 37 people who were at the embassy, together with Griboyedov, were killed. Thus, Griboyedov became a victim of Armenian lies and treachery. The Armenians skillfully played out the script and brought to a climax the story of two Armenian concubines from the Persian Shah's harem, which cost the life of the 34-year-old Russian envoy and virtually all of the employees of the Russian embassy in Tehran.

This is how the Armenians repaid their patron, whom they should forever be grateful to for settling in the Azerbaijani territories, where they have created a state for themselves today.

Zaur Aliyev, Doctor of Political Science in Philosophy, Associate Professor

Hasan Hasanov
