Is America's Economic Collapse Predicted In The Bible? - Alternative View

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Is America's Economic Collapse Predicted In The Bible? - Alternative View
Is America's Economic Collapse Predicted In The Bible? - Alternative View

Video: Is America's Economic Collapse Predicted In The Bible? - Alternative View

Video: Is America's Economic Collapse Predicted In The Bible? - Alternative View
Video: Economist who predicted last financial crisis warns of coming 'Greater Depression' 2024, April

As the saying goes, he who seeks will always find … But it is interesting to read this creation …..

Everyone, of course, has heard about the famous "Revelation" of the Apostle John the Theologian, also known as the "Apocalypse". This work, placed in the canons of the entire Christian religion, describes catastrophic events related to a certain "end of times." But here's what is curious: describing the destruction of the world colorfully, the prophet in a strange way now and then returns to purely economic horrors, which supposedly should break out one day on our planet and plunge it into the abyss of chaos.

Such wealth perished in one hour

In the 17-18th chapters of the "Apocalypse" we are talking primarily about financial collapse, when a certain world Babylon must fall and "empty in one hour", on the mountain "earthly kings, nobles and merchants" and to the joy of everyone else. Here is how John describes it: “And the kings of the earth will mourn and mourn for her (the whore of Babylon) … And the merchants of the earth will mourn and mourn for her, because no one buys their goods” (Rev. 18: 9, 11).

In general, the theme of falling money and financial collapse in this part is a leitmotif. The Prophet now and then returns to her, repeating: "Woe, woe to you, Babylon, for in one hour such wealth perished!" Even in the previous chapters of the "Apocalypse", when it comes to the alleged natural disasters that await the planet, the fall to the earth of "a hail the size of talent" is predicted. Curiously, talent is a Greek gold coin that was in circulation at that time. That is, this phrase also contains a hint of some financial cataclysms. Today it could be safely written as a “hail the size of a dollar”.

Newton's calculations

What can we hide here, many have tried to interpret the biblical texts at different times. This was done by none other than the notorious communist ideologist Friedrich Engels. But the most famous interpreter of biblical prophecy is perhaps Sir Isaac Newton - the one who discovered the law of universal gravitation and laid the foundations of all modern mathematical analysis. Moreover, according to Newton's letters, it was the deciphering of biblical prophecies that he considered the main business of his life. The results of these studies are detailed in his book Review of the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John.

In this work, Newton also pays attention to the timing when, according to his logic, the “end of times” should come. In chapter 8, he gives possible starting points and a time frame after which the predicted “end of times” should come. The reader can only add these numbers to make sure that, according to Newton's logic, everything should happen in the period from 2015 to 2060. It was during this period, as Newton wrote, "not immediately, but gradually" that Western civilization, as well as the entire Christian Church, must completely lose their influence. Whether the great scientist is right or not - we'll see. It won't be long to wait.

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The sea power collapses

An interesting fact: when the "Apocalypse" talks about the collapse of the world Babylon, mired in wealth and luxury, the prophet John, as it were, mentions that not all merchants will mourn the death of Babylon, but only "all the pilots, and all sailing on ships, and all the shipbuilders, and all the merchants at sea”(Rev. 18:17).

Land merchants are simply not mentioned there even once, and this is strange. The fact is that the real ancient Babylon was located on the territory of modern Iraq and was never a maritime power. However, it is clear that Babylon in this case is a symbol. But the symbol of what? Judging by the words of John, we are talking about the fact that the main world power at the "end of times" should be a kind of sea state, which is simply impossible to get to by land. How not to remember America here?

And today, before our very eyes, the American market is not just going through another crisis, but is literally collapsing, and at an incredible speed. And here it is worth paying attention to another interesting coincidence with the words of John, in which the same sea is present: “And one strong angel took a stone and threw it into the sea, saying: with such a desire Babylon will be defeated” (Rev. 18: 21).

Incidentally, "stone", in Latin saxum, is strangely reminiscent of the origin of "Native" Americans. The fact is that the Saxons, or Anglo-Saxons, are one of the self-names of the English nation, to which the Americans also belong. Perhaps these are just coincidences, but in the light of recent economic events, they look interesting.

Is the number of the beast 2008?

And, finally, one more coincidence: when John colorfully describes the downfall of this Babylon, he suddenly mentions that the “beast” on whose back this “Babylon” is located has its specific number: “The beast that was and is not, there is an eighth …”(Rev. 17: 8, 11). But it’s just the eighth year from the beginning of the millennium, and America’s "Tower of Babel" is no longer just swaying, but has given a big financial crack. The only consolation is that, according to the prophet John, only “kings, nobles and merchants” will "weep" over its ruins. As for everyone else, the prophet advises them only one thing: to leave (and as quickly as possible) from the crumbling Babylon somewhere to the side. And live in peace.


Nostradamus warned about the crisis … Similar predictions, foreshadowing an economic collapse, are easy to find in other great prophets. There is no need to go far, just open the texts of Michel Nostradamus: “The easily acquired wealth will suddenly be overthrown. The world will be thrown into confusion by three brothers”(centuria 8, quatrain 17). Curiously, America's financial collapse began with the collapse of three major companies: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and The Lemon Brothers - why not three brothers? Moreover, Nostradamus has a prediction in which one can even discern the name of one of these companies - the culprits of the current crisis: “Sermons from Lake Leman will cause irritation, days will turn into weeks, then a month, then a year, then everything will collapse. The authorities themselves will curse their own insignificant laws”(Century 1, Quatrain 47).

And then Nostradamus directly states that all these events will take place in a certain "seaside state", which will eventually be captured by enemies. It is very easy to discern a hint of America in this prediction, because the very name of this country in French is consonant with the expression a-mer, which literally means "by the sea". Similar cryptograms in Nostradamus are found everywhere. However, in fairness it is worth saying that with a great desire in the prophecies of Nostradamus, as well as in the "Apocalypse", you can see hints of a variety of events - it is too dark and unclear these prophecies are composed. So to believe in such predictions or not is a purely voluntary matter.

… and the Maya

According to the ancient Mayan calendar, there are only four years left until the end of our era, which is called the era of the Fifth Sun and has lasted more than 5000 years on Earth. It is curious to see how the global financial crisis compares to the predictions of the ancient Mayans. The fact is that, according to the ideas of the Indians, all processes on Earth are subject to large and small time cycles. So, the period from 6 to 18 October 2008 falls on the Mayan Night sign, which is characterized by disappointment and focus on personal problems.

It is not surprising that the peak of the financial collapse occurred precisely during this period: in the very first five days of the Night cycle, American stock indices lost about 20%, that is, almost as much as in the entire previous year. In general, an unfavorable period for the economy can last right up to November 27, when, according to the Mayan calendar, the calm and reasonable period of the Eagle should begin. Let's be patient. In principle, not so long!