Damned Places - Alternative View

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Damned Places - Alternative View
Damned Places - Alternative View

Video: Damned Places - Alternative View

Video: Damned Places - Alternative View
Video: How To Speed Run FORT OF THE DAMNED - Advanced Guide 2024, April

Our ancestors knew very well that there are many places in nature, being in which, a person can both receive additional energy from the Earth and die. It cannot be assumed that beliefs and legends about "lost places" are just "horror stories for adults", or oral folk art. Many skeptics cease to be such, getting into incomprehensible, strange, and sometimes terrible situations associated with visiting natural anomalies. In such places mobile phones often stop working, compasses “go crazy”. Tourists who come to rest with tents for the night in such a place see ghosts and hear strange sounds. And when, hastily gathering, they try to leave, the cars refuse to start.

Scientists are trying to explain all these "oddities". They believe that "black spots" are located on the faults of the earth's crust. And this is what causes all the anomalies. Tectonic strata that are loosely adjacent to each other make it possible for the energy of the earth to freely come to the surface and affect the surrounding space. The explanation is good, but it cannot help a person in any way when he is seized by a primal horror of an unknown force.

The ancients used such natural "points of power" for various magical rituals. It is believed that pagan temples are the "gateway" to the world, where the energy of the Planet originates. Moreover, if you know how to manage this energy, you can use the "gate" to enter another space. Subsequently, churches were built on the stones left over from some of the pagan pantheons. Practicing magicians and witches know where these places were preserved intact, and actively draw their strength from these energetic sources. Such powerful "springs" are kept in the strictest confidence. However, there are many places on the map of our country that ordinary people know about. So in the Urals and Siberia, stone dolmens have survived to this day. Nobody hides them. Every year hundreds of tourists come here to take spectacular photos with these stones,and nothing happens to them. Why? Have these places lost their power? Not. It's just that not every person is given to feel the powerful energy of the Earth, and to make it “work” for him. The forces of nature in these places, because of the civilization that reached them, have gone so deep underground that only an experienced magician or shaman is able to awaken this energy and use it.

Disbelief in the power of the Earth and in its mighty capabilities does not make a person invulnerable to these energies. On the contrary, the more careless people are towards such places, considering stories about them to be "grandma's tales", the more terrible it is in reality. But sometimes the energy of the Earth is so great that it does not give up even under the invasion of civilization.

Just a hundred kilometers from Moscow, in the Vladimir region, there is one "strange" and even scary place. The locals gave it the name "Devil's corner". People who first find themselves on the bypass road between the cities of Pokrov and Kirzhach are surprised at the number of funeral wreaths and homemade monuments along the road. The closer you get to the "Devil's Corner", the more these sorrowful reminders become. The terrain on this section of the path is really "unfortunate". There are many closed turns on the road at almost ninety degrees. Simultaneously with the turns, steep descents and ascents begin. Should the driver speed up a little and loosen his attention, the car can be thrown into a deep ditch. It would seem that everything is simple and clear: carefully follow the road signs and observe the speed limit, especially at night and in bad weather. But local residents say that almost all accidents occurred on this section of the road during daylight hours, with good visibility and normal weather. And here's what's strange: in the place where the "Devil's Corner" is located there is no hint at all that the terrain will change dramatically. If you go from Pokrov towards Kirzhach, then directly opposite the "Devil's Corner" the road seems straight. What is the reason for this optical effect, drivers cannot explain.the drivers cannot explain.the drivers cannot explain.

Alexey is a driver with many years of experience. Officially, he has been driving since the age of 18. He worked in the taiga as a driver of a timber truck, drove "plate trucks" at a car plant, worked in a taxi for a long time. For all these years he has not had a single accident.

When Alexei decided to use this bypass road for the first time, his acquaintances warned him about the existence of a "bad place" there. But Alexey, brought up in the spirit of atheism and materialism, only brushed aside these "fairy tales".

Then the driver said that about thirty meters to the "Devil's Corner", as if by some order, he began to smoothly press the gas pedal. At the same time, Alexey assures that at this moment an absolutely straight road stretched before his eyes. There was no hint of a turn. Smooth asphalt, framed by a forest, smoothly disappearing towards the horizon. And only having taken off to the top point of the ascent, he realized with horror that all this time he was going up. And below there is a sharp turn. And at that moment something flashed in his mind, and he gained control over his actions. Only by a miracle the driver escaped a terrible accident: he managed to slow down and brake. But he was lucky, says Aleksey, that the road was absolutely dry. If it happened on ice in winter, or even in summer after a little rain, there would be one more mournful sign on the road.

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But most people know this corner on the map of Russia for other sad events, seemingly completely unrelated to popular beliefs about the "Devil's Coal". Near the village of Novoselovo, at the eighteenth kilometer of the PokrovKirzhach bypass road, there is a memorial erected on the site of the deaths of Yuri Gagarin and Vladimir Seregin. What happened to the winged machine and its pilots that day is still unknown. What caused the disaster: the notorious "human factor" or a malfunction of the onboard systems? Much has been written, talked about, argued about this. But the fact remains. Literally a few minutes of flight from the place where the pilots crashed, there is the same enchanted "Devil's corner".

A resident of the village of Pershino Elena recalls that in the year when Gagarin and Seregin crashed, she was finishing her eight-year school. The whole class of teenagers was taken to the village of Novoselovo to help the collective farmers. The guys spent all their free time on the street, but they tried to bypass the "Devil's Corner". Elena and her classmates were the first to see the falling plane, and they ran to see what happened. She says that at that time the village was surrounded by dense forests. And when the schoolchildren reached the crash site, they saw that all the trees around the crash site had been knocked down as if they had been swept away by a hurricane. The woman is absolutely sure that it was the proximity of the anomalous place that played its fatal role in the catastrophe.

And in sorrow and in joy

Serious illnesses come to a person at the very moment when he least expects it. Why do some live a long life and do not even get a common cold, while others are destined to hear a fatal diagnosis from doctors in their prime? Believers have their own opinion on this matter. They say that God never sends a cross to a person that he could not bear. But this is little consolation for the patient and his loved ones.

Esotericists believe that any disease is caused by interference with the subtle body of a person. It is worth breaking through the energy protection, a person becomes vulnerable to diseases and other negative events. The stronger the blow, the more terrible and severe the disease. There can be several reasons for such a failure at the energy level. Or it is external interference from enemies who want problems and even death for a person. Or, the person himself is guilty of having an illness. Anger, anger, negative emotions - all these negative manifestations of consciousness seem to "undermine" a person from the inside. They feed creatures from the world of shadows, and give them the strength to attack. That is why both doctors and healers first of all advise people who have learned about a terrible disease not to lose their presence of mind. Do not fall into the sin of despondency, and do not thus aggravate the situation. A huge concentration of will and mental strength is also required from the patient's family. The support of a seriously ill person is exhausting and "drains" all the energy. Relatives who are forced to communicate with the patient, over time, are completely "exhausted". They cannot be blamed for this, because they give their life energy to a loved one, and in return they receive nothing. Very few people know how to replenish their vitality, using various techniques and practices.

That is why professional healers and magicians warn: you need to take on help only knowing how to restore your strength. Otherwise, the "healer" himself will take on some of the illnesses and hardships of the one whom he decided to help.

Pets often take on the role of gratuitous "donors" for seriously ill people. They do not always manage to "recover" later. But the strength of their love for the owner is so great that they are even ready to sacrifice their own lives.

Alina, a young attractive woman, barely celebrated her 40th birthday. Everything was fine in the family: my daughter graduated from school and entered a prestigious institute, her husband, despite the long years of marriage, loved Alina as passionately as he had in his youth.

The cat Marsik was everyone's favorite in the family. From a small, puny creature, thanks to the cares of Alina, he turned into a luxurious robber, whom the owners forgave all the antics. Alina never complained about her health, and tried as little as possible to visit a dull place called "polyclinic". But the alarm bells began to sound more and more often, and she had to see a doctor. The diagnosis was not fatal, but very unpleasant, I had to go to surgery. A month later, Alina again felt unwell, and immediately went for an examination. The doctor's verdict literally nailed her feet to the floor. It turned out that the first operation was unsuccessful for her, and now she needs a second surgical intervention. This time, I had to do a full-fledged abdominal operation, at the end of which, the doctors said that there might be another one. Two deep anesthesia in a month, and the prospect of once again getting on the operating table, broke Alina's will. She returned home in a terrible mood and not feeling well. Every day, she thought with fear of what she still had to go through. The stitches did not heal well, my head was spinning, coordination of movements was disturbed. In her forty years, Alina has become like an old woman. The husband and daughter supported her as best they could, but realized that there was nothing they could do. Marsik went to bed with the hostess every night. He nestled neatly on the spot where the postoperative stitch had been and played his long cat song. With each session of this “cat therapy” Alina felt the desired relief. She was not tormented by black thoughts about the possibility of imminent death. The head stopped spinning, and even the seam began to heal better. The woman mentally brushed off these sensations. As a child, she was a pioneer and a Komsomol member. She, like all children of that time, was taught that in the world there is only a scientific basis for all events in life. Therefore, Alina was skeptical about the "supernatural" topic. It's been a week since Marsik came to the hostess every night and hummed his lullabies to her. Waking up in the morning, Alina felt, if not quite healthy, then not such a "wreck" as a few days ago. She ate breakfast with gusto and began cleaning the apartment. And then she noticed that Marsik's bowl was still full. Usually, the husband, leaving for work, poured him a whole heap of food, and the cat ate it with pleasure. Chasing bad thoughts from herself, Alina rushed to the chair where the cat usually liked to rest. The animal lay on pillows. The cat's gaze was full of sadness and pain. He weakly licked the mistress's hand, as if apologizing,that didn't come out for breakfast. Not remembering herself, Alina grabbed the car keys, wrapped the cat in a blanket and rushed to the veterinary hospital. The doctor threw up his hands: the animal is no longer young, most likely it is time for him to die. But Alina did not believe it. Ten years is not the age for a well-groomed domestic cat. She put Marsica on IVs, gave injections, but nothing helped. Three days later, the cat died. Alina and her family cried for a long time. They buried Marsik at the dacha, where he loved to be and catch mice. Taking care of the sick cat, the woman completely forgot about the planned appointment with the doctor. Alina came to the hospital and heard the shocking news that she was healthy. Another operation is not required.the animal is no longer young, most likely it is time for him to die. But Alina did not believe it. Ten years is not the age for a well-groomed domestic cat. She put Marsica on IVs, gave injections, but nothing helped. Three days later, the cat died. Alina and her family cried for a long time. They buried Marsik at the dacha, where he loved to be and catch mice. Taking care of the sick cat, the woman completely forgot about the planned appointment with the doctor. Alina came to the hospital and heard the shocking news that she was healthy. Another operation is not required.the animal is no longer young, most likely it is time for him to die. But Alina did not believe it. Ten years is not the age for a well-groomed domestic cat. She put Marsica on IVs, gave injections, but nothing helped. Three days later, the cat died. Alina and her family cried for a long time. They buried Marsik at the dacha, where he loved to be and catch mice. Taking care of the sick cat, the woman completely forgot about the planned appointment with the doctor. Alina came to the hospital and heard the shocking news that she was healthy. Another operation is not required. Taking care of the sick cat, the woman completely forgot about the planned appointment with the doctor. Alina came to the hospital and heard the shocking news that she was healthy. Another operation is not required. Taking care of the sick cat, the woman completely forgot about the planned appointment with the doctor. Alina came to the hospital and heard the shocking news that she was healthy. Another operation is not required.

Alina remembered how for several days in a row the cat came to her and lay down on a sore spot. He purred, gently massaged the place where the seam was with his paws and calmed the hostess. She realized that she owed her recovery to her pet. He took over her illness. But he himself could no longer cope with it.

Only when faced with the unknown and the unusual does a person begin to understand that life is only matter, but also unlimited consciousness. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this in time, and many troubles could have been avoided.