Spirits - Helpers - Alternative View

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Spirits - Helpers - Alternative View
Spirits - Helpers - Alternative View

Video: Spirits - Helpers - Alternative View

Video: Spirits - Helpers - Alternative View
Video: Spirit Helpers 2024, April

In ancient times, people believed that the human soul dwells in blood. As shown by recent research by scientists, ancient people were pretty close to the truth. So, thanks to a series of experiments on volunteers, it was revealed that the biochemical composition of blood is very individual and is directly related to the level of personal experiences.

In other words, blood has individual characteristics. The day is not far off when, having made a subtle analysis of the composition of the blood, it will be possible to say with confidence which soul this blood belongs to.

Nevertheless, in one person, who is in various states of the psyche, the blood changes greatly. Probably, we can talk about a psychic settler (spirit), when this or that essence of the Subtle World "sits down" on the energy center - chakra and affects human consciousness and feelings.

Tell me who you are and I will tell you who you are

Each of us has our own spiritual "port" of registration. Certain entities "come" to him, with which the soul vibrates in unison. Now, in reality, you can rephrase the saying: tell me who your essence is, and I will tell you who you are. Entities close to the soul can prompt or inspire a person with certain thoughts and feelings.

In the plane of connection with the spiritual community, the phenomenon of clairvoyance and telepathy can also be considered. The fact is that “friends” from the subtle world “get bored” and, as soon as they are given such an opportunity, they willingly predict events - what awaits a person. They "sit down" on a person's eyesight and show him pictures of the future or the past. Spirits tell a person when he is guessing, showing the necessary path when he needs their help.

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Helper spirits

Those who trust their spirit friends are shamans. Each of them has a spirits-helpers in service. Sometimes these are human spirits, but in most cases animals, for example, the spirit of an eagle, deer, wild boar, bear, etc. Animal spirits are easier to control, they help the shaman. With their help, he can find out what awaits people in the future, how to cure the patient, whether the hunt will be successful, etc. However, the animal spirits, fulfilling the instructions of the shaman, demand from him that he also fulfill their desires - let them “PO- walk . During such walks, the shaman either himself serves as a container for spirits, that is, becomes possessed, or instills spirits in animals. Animals possessed by animal spirits rage and become as if they do not belong to themselves. A rabbit can show aggressive behavior and attack dogs if the spirit of a wolf has entered it.

As mentioned above, perfumes are associated with a specific type of food. What kind of perfume descends to a person depends on food. If food rots and wanders in the stomach, then base spirits like it, who immediately find themselves nearby. If a person eats divine food, then angels of light come to him to share a magical meal with him. Therefore, experiencing a craving for a particular type of food, we feel attachment to a particular community of spirits. And vice versa, in order to attract certain spirits to oneself, one must, accordingly, taste what they love, or rather, what they loved to eat during their lifetime. So raw meat, which is sometimes eaten for ritual purposes by shamans, attracts a spirit-helper - a wolf or a bear. The yagel eaten by the shaman attracts the spirit of the deer. And the divine drink - amrita, which ancient Hindus knew how to prepare, attracts the hypostasis of the deity …

Wanga is a spiritual mediator

People of creative professions intuitively know how to attract spirits and "charge" them to serve themselves. Sometimes the spirits themselves attract this or that person, if they believe that he is suitable for their purposes. So it was with Vanga, who was destined for a special fate to be a spiritual mediator, organizing the meeting of the souls of living people and the dead. As you know, the competent authorities were very interested in the predictions and activities of the Bulgarian seer. Her predictions were carefully recorded and then verified. The authorities wanted to be the first to know what happened and what will happen. Any authority is ready to accept the help of spirits, if it strengthens the authority.

At Vanga's chair there was a stick, with which she beat along the edge of the table when another visitor came to her. And at the same time, as if submitting to the blow of a magic staff, the deceased relatives and relatives of her visitor appeared to Vanga. They lined up in a semicircle around the visitor and told Vanga that they wanted to learn from their living relative. In turn, he told Vanga that he was interested. And thus, through the translator, contact was established between the worlds and a dialogue took place between the living and the dead. The interests of the living and the dead did not always coincide. The living were eager to learn one thing, but the dead were interested in something completely different. The dead shared the information that was available to them, and the living allowed the dead to learn about their present life that which they did not know. In the end, two vectors and two desires: what was and what will be,crossed paths at a reception with a clairvoyant.

Fatal roles

Many critics have noted the special fate of literary masterpieces. Some work lives for centuries, and some dies immediately after birth. Take, for example, the work of William Shakespeare - "Macbeth". This literary masterpiece is rather infamous with directors and actors. They say that on the day of the premiere at the famous London Globe Theater, a young man playing Lady Macbeth (then female roles in the theater were played by disguised men), after dressing up in a Macbeth costume, became ill and died suddenly. Then Shakespeare himself, in order to save the premiere, changed into a Macbeth costume, put on his make-up and played her role. But this premiere was more like a requiem, and it caused such superstitious horror among the audience and theatergoers that Macbeth was not staged for a century. Connoisseurs claimthat the terrible witches and their terrible curses, which they vomit from the stage, are to blame for everything.

Literary characters - like people, they also have their own destiny. Invented by a genius, they begin to live an independent life, sometimes they no longer depend on anyone. A certain essence is infused into the created literary image, which begins to influence the audience and the actors. The more talented the writer had a hand in creating a character, the more powerful and vital essence can enter into him.

So already closer to our time actor V. Soshalsky received a microinfarction during the premiere of Macbeth, and another actor V. Strzhelchik died while working on the role of Duncan in Macbeth. When, in the 1990s, television decided to show the TV version of the play, nothing came of it. The equipment is out of order. When the performance was removed from the next attempt, the film turned out to be spoiled and the viewers did not see anything. Maybe for the best.

The actors considered the image of Ivan the Terrible to be the most fatal image created on the Russian stage. Sergei Eisenstein died during the filming of the film "Ivan the Terrible", and Nikolai Cherkasov, who played the emperor, got into a terrible car accident. In the Moscow Art Theater, Nikolai Khmelev, who played the same role, died right on the stage. Evgeny Evstegneev ended his life with the role of Tsar the Terrible. Alexander Mikhailov was hospitalized and was ill for a long time after playing the role of the king. Yes, apparently the formidable king is very dissatisfied with the stage embodiment of his person and takes revenge on the impudent who encroached on his image without permission.

The role of Don Juan is also considered fatal. For Vladimir Vysotsky, she became the last in his life. Don Juan had a real prototype. It was from him that the literary image was written. It is very possible that the prototype, who was a monk during his lifetime, has reason to be dissatisfied with his stage appearance.

If our assumption is correct, and stage and literary characters can come to life, and the actors who play them begin to be influenced by spirits, then this means that the actors turn into possessed. Not everyone can "take off" the settler.

A. Belov