A. Klesov Refutes The Myth Of The "Mongol-Tatar Yoke" - Alternative View

A. Klesov Refutes The Myth Of The "Mongol-Tatar Yoke" - Alternative View
A. Klesov Refutes The Myth Of The "Mongol-Tatar Yoke" - Alternative View

Video: A. Klesov Refutes The Myth Of The "Mongol-Tatar Yoke" - Alternative View

Video: A. Klesov Refutes The Myth Of The
Video: Tsars 02- The Era of the Tatars 2024, April

The pseudo-historical myth of the "Mongol-Tatar yoke" invented by the falsifiers of history is striking in its monstrous absurdity. The activity of the "cruel eastern conquerors", as historians describe the mythical "Tatar-Mongols", in Russia causes a very strong surprise with suspicious loyalty. And even if we discard the facts that the "wild Mongoloids" did not touch the Russian churches, they imposed only 10% tax on Russia (and now how much does the state take from us?), Did not instill their writing and language, then the surprising fact remains that they did not leave any Mongoloid "trace", neither in Russia, nor in the rest of Europe, through the lands of which the army of Batu Khan passed.

For a long time, on the basis of this pseudo-historical myth, Russophobes developed a whole theory about the “inferiority” of the Russian people, which supposedly genetically represents a mixture of different peoples. But they didn’t think that someday there would be brave scientists who would try to find out the truth. So a group of American, Estonian and Russian scientists, after conducting genetic research, was surprised to find that the Russian people had a fairly high genetic purity, which was based on the "Aryan" haplogroup R1a1. And the DNA genealogy of Professor A. Klesov completely exposed this long-term Russophobic myth.

For example, what you can read about this in his book "History of the Aryans and Erbins":

I do not agree with the professor about the "humiliation" of the 10% tax, because then the taxes collected by our and other states from their fellow citizens will have to be recognized as an even "more humiliating yoke". And where have you seen such taxes imposed by the victors on the conquered losers? And is it in other territories, where the army of mythical "Mongol-Tatars" passed, anything about it? You will not find anything like that in the historical chronicles. And the falsifiers of history and their followers are unable to explain this contradiction.

But, if we accept that the mythical "Mongol-Tatars" were invented only in order to hide from the descendants the existence of the Siberian kingdom, the bulk of the population of which was close to the Russians both genetically and culturally (Vedic pre-Christian culture), then much becomes into place. And such a "loyal" attitude towards Russia, which, most likely, was itself the western province of this kingdom, which is designated as "Great Tartary" on European medieval atlases and maps, is no longer surprising. It is "Tartaria", not "Tartary".

Promotional video:

And the population of this particular country, both in Europe and in Russia, was called "Tatars" at that time. Therefore, in the ancient Russian annals they mention the "Tatars", and not the mythical "Mongolo-Tatars". And that is why these "Tatars" were depicted on ancient Russian and European miniatures in the same way as Russian warriors, that is, as classical Caucasians. At the same time, the two troops could only be distinguished by their banners. And neither ancient Russian nor European chroniclers and chroniclers note any characteristic signs of Mongoloidism among the warriors of Batu Khan. Moreover, in European sources one can find information that, together with Batu, Russian princes and their squads went further to the West, which again completely contradicts the version of the "conquest of Russia".

All this looks more like "restoration of constitutional order" in a distant province, where some of the local princes started unrest and civil strife (even confirmed by the official history). But what was the goal of the traitorous princes? For a long time we were fed with myths about "the struggle for supremacy in Russia". Of course, such a struggle was undoubtedly fought between the princes. However, now that many facts of the Vatican's involvement in these events have been revealed, it becomes clear that Russia in those days was not split into specific principalities, but was divided in two.

Part of the princes from the western and central principalities, having entered into an agreement with the Vatican, prepared the ground for the Catholicization of Russia, buying into the promises of the Vatican. At the head of this "pro-Western coalition" was the Galician prince Daniel, to whom the Vatican promised the king's crown in exchange for the adoption of Catholicism by the people of Galician Rus. All these pro-Western traitors expected a large-scale invasion of Russia by the troops of the crusaders in order to subdue those principalities that went against the will of the Vatican.

It was through the cities and the land of the pro-Western traitors that Batu's army marched, and then fell, together with the allied Russian princes, on the crusader armies already ready to invade Russia, completely defeating them. And only the Livonian Order was able to organize an inglorious foray into the Novgorod lands, which ended in the famous "ice battle" on Lake Peipsi. And, by the way, very few people know, and official historians prefer to keep silent about the fact that together with the squad of the Novgorod prince Alexander Nevsky and the local militia in this battle, shoulder to shoulder with Russian soldiers against the crusader invasion, three tumens of the Siberian troops of Great Tartary fought.

Most of the Russian cities were actually burned in Russia even before the arrival of Vaty's army, i.e. during the internecine civil war. It is because of her, as well as the previous forcible baptism of part of Russia by "fire and sword" that a global population decline occurred, which the falsifiers attributed to mythical "Mongol-Tatars" the coming to power of the Genghisids (who, of course, were not any Mongoloids), was called "Great Scythia".

And all this version quite organically fits into the data of the DNA genealogy of Professor A. Klesov, proving that no mythical "Mongol-Tatars" came to Russia and did not organize a "yoke". Moreover, the 300-year yoke in our country came much later - after the seizure of the royal throne by the Vatican's henchmen - the Romanovs. And it is no coincidence that the modern Russian historian D. Belousov called this yoke "German-Romanov".

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