What Or Who Kindles The Holy, Blessed Fire For Easter? - Alternative View

What Or Who Kindles The Holy, Blessed Fire For Easter? - Alternative View
What Or Who Kindles The Holy, Blessed Fire For Easter? - Alternative View

Video: What Or Who Kindles The Holy, Blessed Fire For Easter? - Alternative View

Video: What Or Who Kindles The Holy, Blessed Fire For Easter? - Alternative View
Video: Jerusalem's Holy Fire Ceremony in 360 video - BBC News 2024, April

Every year, on the Bright Resurrection of Christ, my friends and I go … ugh, God forgive me! Well, of course, we are not talking about the familiar New Year film "The Irony of Fate …", but about the sacred event for all believers - the Descent of the Holy Fire, a miracle that has been happening regularly for a couple of thousand years …

It is peculiar for a person incomprehensible to be afraid, to worship, or the thirst for knowledge of everything unusual turns on … We will not be afraid and worship, I think the majority who know about this annual phenomenon, a completely legitimate, normal question arises - why suddenly this very Holy Fire is kindled and is it possible find a logical explanation for this? Strongly (fanatically) believers I recommend not to swear, not to spit, not to impose penance and not to anathematize for encroachment on the “analysis” of the Miracle, but simply not to read further, because you always have a universal answer: “For everything, the“Will of God”… So it is possible that it is by the “will of God” that we try to understand this most interesting fact!

So, first, korotenko, prehistory - the first mentions of the indulgent fire appeared in the 4th century by Gregory of Nyssa, Eusebius and Sylvia of Aquitaine … lights up … At least, judging by various attempts, they did not succeed … Why? What's the secret here? An agreement between religious representatives? It is hard to believe if we take into account the eternal “competition” of religious trends for the right to consider themselves “closest” to the Almighty, hence the most “correct” and worthy representative on Earth … Although in general, the presence of such a variety of “true representatives” among people already raises some doubts …

Well, let's not "exacerbate", let's look further … So, the agreement somehow does not work out, because over these thousands of years it would all have surfaced (what two know, the whole world knows) … Representatives of other religions, on the contrary, would be glad to catch Orthodoxy in fraud and get rid of "competitors" … And, as a last resort, it was quite possible to agree that every year the fire is "lit" by representatives of different religions … But no fire is lit only at the Orthodox … after prayer in a strictly defined place, again in loneliness, although even after a search … No, after all, the fire is really likely to ignite spontaneously … From what? From prayer? And exactly in a certain period of time, when, as is commonly believed, Christ rose?

For what? What would the “greyhounds” not and remember about the Heavenly Square? Could you tell me how many wars there were in a couple of thousand years, in the overwhelming number for religious reasons? How many people were killed? Something does not match fire with the intimidation of the Human race … Then there is a version that spontaneous combustion and the descent of fire has nothing to do with faith in God … Perhaps, several factors coincided in this place, as a result of which fire arose and this moment was noticed by some kind of nimble A “doer” who did not fail to use this event for his own purposes. Perhaps he (or they) even tested this discovery for several years …

What are these factors? Well, I think no one is surprised by voice-controlled devices anymore? Light the light there, turn on the stove, ask "Alice" to tell an anecdote or read a prayer? But what if in this place there is an ancient artifact belonging to some previous developed civilization or a toy of some offspring of an alien guest, forgotten by him on Earth in time immemorial? And does it react precisely in the spring and precisely to the words found in the text of the Orthodox prayer? AND? How do you like it? Nimble people, perhaps having accidentally read an Orthodox prayer here a long time ago, suddenly discovered a “miracle” and maybe they themselves, or the one to whom they told about this “miracle” repeated it and rumors began to circulate … Perhaps people are faced here with the manifestation of high, unknown technologies of the distant past?

By the way, I did not find any old-ancient pictures-engravings depicting the "convergence" of fire, or maybe it began to "descend" not so long ago and it was simply "tied" to a certain event called the Resurrection of the Lord, and for greater "evidence" have come up with different legends - cases of a cracked column, etc.? Or, on the contrary, this convergence took place earlier, but just did not come across a smart and enterprising representative of a religious concession? …


Promotional video:

I apologize for some confusion and inconsistency, consider this just an impromptu reasoning … But I think you understand what I wanted to say … Anyway, sooner or later this "miracle" will be revealed and "disassembled" to the smallest detail … I'm sure that the hierarchs of religious trends know perfectly well what this “miracle” is … But the “pastors” know better how to use this in managing the “flock”, they have thousands of years of experience …