Homeland Of Mankind And Who Are The Aryans? - Alternative View

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Homeland Of Mankind And Who Are The Aryans? - Alternative View
Homeland Of Mankind And Who Are The Aryans? - Alternative View

Video: Homeland Of Mankind And Who Are The Aryans? - Alternative View

Video: Homeland Of Mankind And Who Are The Aryans? - Alternative View
Video: Nazi Quest for the Holy Grail - Nazis & the Aryans | History Documentary | Reel Truth History 2024, September

The article was written based on materials collected from several speeches of Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences A. A. Klesov, one might say "dry pomace". Who will be interested in the primary sources, a link will be given below.

A. A. Klesov and M. N. Zadornov
A. A. Klesov and M. N. Zadornov

A. A. Klesov and M. N. Zadornov.

Let me remind readers that A. A. Klesov is a professional in the field of DNA genealogy, one of the fields of natural science, molecular history.

“DNA genealogy studies the dynamics of the accumulation of mutations in human DNA using the approaches of chemical and biological kinetics, which in turn are part of physical chemistry. The essence of the concept of molecular history is that it becomes possible to follow the movements of ancient peoples not with the help of a shovel and a brush of an archaeologist, without measuring the skull, not cleverly unweaving the consonances and meanings of words in living and dead languages, without studying ancient tomes in libraries and monasteries, but tracing the labels on the Y chromosomes of our DNA. " (from the article "DNA genealogy in questions and answers" - site reformat.ru). In short, the essence is this: from a certain number of men, genetic material is taken and the Y chromosome is studied, which is transmitted in the only way - from father to son. Within the space of,a random mutation occurs in a set of chromosomes, which separates its carrier from other relatives (except for sons). By means of well-known mathematical formulas (now everything is calculated by a special program), it is possible to calculate the time of occurrence of certain mutations, to understand who is whose descendant, when in time the lines of descendants and the paths of their migrations were divided (according to the sons left on the traversed territories with a paternal set of chromosomes and mutations) … Since this science is young and quite costly, far from everything has been studied and understood. In this article I will reflect the most interesting (from my point of view) moments.when in time the lines of the descendants and the paths of their migrations were divided (according to the sons left on the traversed territories with a paternal set of chromosomes and mutations). Since this science is young and quite costly, far from everything has been studied and understood. In this article I will reflect the most interesting (from my point of view) moments.when in time the lines of descendants and the paths of their migrations were divided (according to the sons left in the traversed territories with a paternal set of chromosomes and mutations) Since this science is young and quite costly, far from everything has been studied and understood. In this article I will reflect the most interesting (from my point of view) moments.

General information: At present, it is generally accepted that Africa is the ancestral home of all mankind, on the basis that the most ancient fragments of bone remains were found there, presumably belonging to modern Homo sapiens. Nobody did DNA tests of these bones, so all of this is from the "maybe", "and even probably" area (and these may be the remains of one of the "dead-end branches"). The age of the remains is estimated at 200,000 years (hereinafter, throughout the text, the figures given have some error). At such a distance from us, extremely few remains are found, both the ancestors of modern humans, and Neanderthals and various other dead-end branches of human development. The whole thing, according to scientists, is in a meteorite that fell in the Pacific Ocean 64-65,000 years ago and raised a giant tsunami wave,walked all over the earth several times (this is proven by drilling pits and studying the soil corresponding to this time). As we have seen more than once on TV and on the Internet, a tsunami carries with it rubbish, stones, dirt and is essentially a mudflow. A mudflow of this size removed the "scalp" from the earth's crust several meters deep, destroying ancient bone remains as well.

The current mutations (the so-called "young" ones) are dated no older than 64,000 years ago and support the catastrophe theory. Then the "bottleneck" of the current human population, which had narrowed to a few surviving individuals, was passed. From them came 20 main genera of all our humanity, which received the letter designations of their haplogroups from A to T.

Most likely, this handful of people survived somewhere in the vastness of Eurasia and began to gradually reclaim the Earth they had inherited.


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On the roads of the Aryans

Naturally, we are more interested in our ancestors, and these are haplogroups R1A (about 50% of the population of Russia) N1A (14%) I2A (7%), which are actually Slavic clans. The most numerous R1A originated about 24,000 years ago in Southern Siberia, in the area of Lake Baikal, from where they began their migration westward through the Iranian Highlands, Anatolia (Turkey), went to the Balkans and settled Europe, along with its indigenous inhabitants.

About 5,500 years ago, a return migration began, probably caused by the invasion of Western Europe by another line of the haplogroup R - R1B, which also came from Altai, but in a different way - through the South Urals, northern Kazakhstan, the Volga, the Caucasus, the Middle East, Egypt and Spain. After that, judging by the found remains, a war of extermination began … as a result, the indigenous inhabitants were completely destroyed and disappeared from history, and R1A shifted to the east. The R1A / R1B border passes through Austria, Yugoslavia, divides Germany into eastern and western (how not to remember the times of the USSR - GDR / FRG!). Since then, the distribution areas of these haplogroups have not shifted relative to each other! The West (R1B) has repeatedly tried to move the East (R1A) by military means, but to no avail. The very first battle is known from excavations on one of the rivers,flowing along the R1A / R1B interface and held 3,200 years ago. Judging by the fact that the Luzhitsk culture began at this place, R1A won. Part of the R1A went to the Russian Plain and remained there, forming the Fatyanovskaya culture, Srubnaya, Potapovskaya, Sinshtatinskaya (the famous Arkaim) and becoming the ancestors of the Eastern Slavs, and some continued their movement eastward, in turn dividing further into those who left for Iran and reached Altai. Altai R1A divided into 3 groups: the first remained in Altai (this is how the Scythians appeared to the world), the second went to India (the Aryans proper), and the third reached northern China (Guangxi province; China is now home to 90,000,000 carriers of haplogroup R1A - more than in Russia!). Part of the R1A went to the Russian Plain and remained there, forming the Fatyanovskaya culture, Srubnaya, Potapovskaya, Sinshtatinskaya (the famous Arkaim) and becoming the ancestors of the Eastern Slavs, and some continued their movement eastward, in turn dividing further into those who left for Iran and reached Altai. Altai R1A divided into 3 groups: the first remained in Altai (this is how the Scythians appeared to the world), the second went to India (the Aryans proper), and the third reached northern China (Guangxi province; China is now home to 90,000,000 carriers of haplogroup R1A - more than in Russia!). Part of the R1A went to the Russian Plain and remained there, forming the Fatyanovskaya culture, Srubnaya, Potapovskaya, Sinshtatinskaya (the famous Arkaim) and becoming the ancestors of the Eastern Slavs, and some continued their movement eastward, in turn dividing further into those who left for Iran and reached Altai. Altai R1A divided into 3 groups: the first remained in Altai (this is how the Scythians appeared to the world), the second went to India (the Aryans proper), and the third reached northern China (Guangxi province; China is now home to 90,000,000 carriers of haplogroup R1A - more than in Russia!).the first remained in Altai (this is how the Scythians appeared to the world), the second went to India (actually the Aryans), and the third reached northern China (Guangxi province; now there are 90,000,000 carriers of the haplogroup R1A in China - more than in Russia!).the first remained in Altai (this is how the Scythians appeared to the world), the second went to India (actually the Aryans), and the third reached northern China (Guangxi province; now there are 90,000,000 carriers of the haplogroup R1A in China - more than in Russia!).


A genus is a community of people who have one common ancestor (a genus is a haplogroup). DNA genealogy is fully a science - it is akin to mathematics, all the facts in it are cross-checked, which gives a high degree of accuracy of the facts.

Professor A. A. Klesov
Professor A. A. Klesov

Professor A. A. Klesov.

Earlier I outlined the version of the emergence and general migrations of haplogroups R1A and R1B. For us, of course, the main interest is the results of samples in the regions of Russia - we have the following results:

- R1A - 50% R1B - 5% N1 - 15% IA - 7% and others with insignificant%;

- contrary to the widespread theory of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, the Russians have no traces of Mongolian DNA (which once again confirms the thesis of the substitution in history);

- Tatars have a very large genetic diversity due to the influence of Muslim countries, among them are descendants of Arabs, ancient Bulgars, Scythians and other clans;

- as for the part of the Tatars that has the haplogroup R1A (Scythian haplotype), their common ancestor with the Russians lived about 5,000 years ago (which confirms the theory of return migration set forth in Part 1), and the Russians have no Tatar trace (“scratch Russian - you will find a Tatar”- complete nonsense!), but the Tatars have (apparently these are traces of mixed marriages, after the annexation of the Tatar kingdoms by Ivan the Terrible);

- also do not have Russian and Scandinavian genes ("Norman theory" - also nonsense!);

- N1 is an ancient haplogroup originally from northern China (at that time representatives of the Caucasoid race may have lived there), which migrated through Altai to the Urals 20,000 years ago and came to the Baltic in the north, where its representatives became the South Baltic Slavs (they came to the Russian plain about 900 AD) and a little later by the Finns (Estonians, Lithuanians); - IA haplogroup of the Danube Slavs who migrated to the Russian plain from the Balkans about 2-2 500 years ago, in Ukraine there are more of them - 15%;

Other births

Judging by the finds in the opened Scythian barrows, SKIFS are a collective name, they have both Mongoloid and Caucasoid races. After the division of the stream of Aryans in Altai, those who remained married women of other tribes and received Mongoloid anthropogenic characteristics. It is known that they, as well as in India, had a division into castes (farmers, nomads, royal, etc.), some strictly adhered to the "purity of blood", while others, for various reasons, took it easier. For example, ALANS are descendants of the Scythians, they have 3 different haplogroups R1A, G2 and I2, and the Kabardino-Balkans, Ossetians, and Ingush have grounds to call them their ancestors … migration to the west (even before their penetration into Europe!). The LAKTSY people (Dagestan) speak a variety of the Sumerian language,they easily understand and read Sumerian texts, sing songs from the Sumerian epic (sometimes with unknown names of rivers and places) - these are the possible descendants of the Sumerians (and not Ukrainians), although it will be possible to assert this for sure after conducting DNA research.

Recently, two burial grounds of the white Khazars were opened, DNA analysis was made and it turned out that they are carriers of the Scythian variant of R1A. Another interesting story: the descendants of the Fatyanovo culture migrated from the Russian plain to the Danube region (SERBY, CROATS), Asia Minor (Paphlagonia - the southern part of the Black Sea), made up the population and defended the legendary Troy. After the defeat in the war (the siege of Troy), all of them (as losers) were moved to the Apennine Peninsula (Italy), where they called themselves VENETS, founded Venice and migrated to the northern Adriatic - Illyria, Thrace (Austria).

Probably their descendants became CELTES (GALLAS) and were also representatives of R1A. By the way, in Germany, 32% R1A. The Jews and Arabs have a haplogroup J, their common ancestor lived 4,000 years ago, but unlike the Slavs, after the separation, they never mixed with each other. The ancient neighbor of Russia - Bulgaria, was probably inhabited mainly by people with haplogroup N (many among the Tatars, 30% on the Volga, 60% in Udmurtia) and has nothing to do with present-day Bulgaria (0.5% N). The Americas were settled across the land (at that time) isthmus with the Far East by settlers from Siberia (haplogroup Q). In Egypt, for the most part, immigrants from the Middle East live and have lived, but the DNA study of Tutankhamun's mummy gave an unexpected result: R1B is the ancestor of today's Western Europeans.

Continuation: "Arias of Ancient Rome"
