Tartary - The First Great Empire - Alternative View

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Tartary - The First Great Empire - Alternative View
Tartary - The First Great Empire - Alternative View

Video: Tartary - The First Great Empire - Alternative View

Video: Tartary - The First Great Empire - Alternative View
Video: The Tartars (Preview Clip) 2024, September

Recently, the number of articles and video materials on the Internet about the mysterious Tartaria is rapidly increasing. Mostly in confirmation of its existence, but there are other opinions. I carefully studied the available materials as much as I could and can subdivide them into several types:

1) artifacts that directly indicate the existence of the empire of Tartary, consisting of several kingdoms (khanates), mainly on the territory of the future Russian Empire;

2) logical assumptions that build a parallel version of the modern history of the world, based on not obvious facts;

3) a new epic - a presentation of previously known stories and legends in a new reading, without references to sources of information (where all these details were taken from, not indicated).

Map of Eurasia and Africa
Map of Eurasia and Africa

Map of Eurasia and Africa.

1) Artifacts: in addition to the simplest in perception maps and atlases, there are other references to this mysterious country … - Giacomo Puccini "Princess Turandot" (the father of the protagonist is the deposed king of Tartaria), William Shakespeare "Macbeth" (in the scene with witches), Mary Shelley "Frankenstein" (the doctor chases a monster among the wilds of Tartary and Russia), Charles Dickens "Great Expectations" (the heroine is compared to tartarine because of her character), Robert Browning "The Hamilton Pied Piper" (the piper talks about the work done for the king Tartary), Geoffrey Chaucer "The Canterbury Tales" (in the text gives information about the royal court of Tartary) - well-known works, respectable authors, right?

This list goes on and on, mentions of Tartary in one form or another occur until the 18th century, after which they disappear, as if by magic;

Mercator Hondius Map
Mercator Hondius Map

Mercator Hondius Map.

Promotional video:

- Tartary is described as "a huge empire, incomparable with any country" in the following encyclopedias: "Britannica" v.1 (1771), Spanish and French "World Geography" (1676), the encyclopedia of arts and sciences (London, 1764).), Dionysius Petrolius (French Jesuit); as well as in the atlases: Mercator Hondius (1604), Abraham Artelia (the world's first geographical atlas, 1570), Guillaume de Lille, and other Dutch and English maps and atlases - there are hundreds of them, you cannot list all of them …

Anthony Jenkins map
Anthony Jenkins map

Anthony Jenkins map.

- Especially noteworthy is the "Map of Russia, Muscovy and Tartary" (note, the names of the countries are written separately) by Anthony Jenkins, who served as the British ambassador to Muscovy since 1557. and "The Drawing Book of Siberia" by Semyon Remezov (1700) -that surely who cannot be blamed for not knowing the subject!

Genealogy of the rulers of the Tartar Empire
Genealogy of the rulers of the Tartar Empire

Genealogy of the rulers of the Tartar Empire.

Despite the obviousness and abundance of such materials, skeptics have two main excuses for this:

1) "Tartaria" is a derivative of the Greek word "unknown", which means on the maps it can be read as "terra incognita" - well, of course, Kazan, Astrakhan "terra", Great and Moscow "terra" … something does not look like "Unknown land" and how is the genealogy of the "unknown" explained? Doesn't sound convincing! 2) "Tartaria" - a kind of generalizing name for barbarians (like the ancient Greeks "Scythia") - which also does not stand up to criticism, since these encyclopedias contain exhaustive data about the population, form of government, social order, economy and other aspects of life the countries of Tartary, as well as for other countries of Europe and Asia, not to mention the fact that some of the compilers of the atlases lived in this very Tartary for a long time! Everything is clear and understandable - no generalizations. Again, an openly weak "argument"!

What other documentary evidence of the existence of a huge and multinational empire, stretching across the vastness of Eurasia, is there?

Flags and coats of arms of Tartary from the maritime directory
Flags and coats of arms of Tartary from the maritime directory

Flags and coats of arms of Tartary from the maritime directory.

Another large group of clear evidence is the coats of arms and flags of Tartary. - In many "Collections of naval flags of the countries of the world", right up to 1865 (in the USA), the flags of Tartary were published (Griffin on a yellow background - imperial, Owl on a yellow background - state). It is worth noting that in the same collections, the flags of Russia, China and the Great Mughals are shown separately (here is another interesting topic closely related to ours, it is worth considering separately).

Flags from the American Collection
Flags from the American Collection

Flags from the American Collection.

- In Russia, with the personal participation of Peter the Great, such a reference book was also published, and of course there are flags of Tartary in it! It is unlikely that the flags of non-existent states will be published in official documents published for public use (such an explanation would already sound paranoid). And by the way, we were taught that before Peter we had no state flags (and again lies - the whole world knew and distinguished such flags!). Regarding the use of the griffin image:

- the griffin was considered a war totem both in Tartary and in Muscovy, and apparently in general among many Slavic clans (for example, there were three griffins on the banners of Ivan the Terrible);

- one of the readings of the word griffin - nogai (knowing this, the well-known name Nogai Horde acquires a completely different meaning) (I would like to say separately that knowledge of the primordial meanings of Russian words fills our language with a new, understandable semantic load - this is also a separate interesting topic); - many cities in Eastern Europe and of course in Tartaria depicted griffins on their coats of arms, and this is no coincidence, if you know that the ancestor of the Slavs, Dazhdbog, flew in a team with two harnessed griffins (!) (cult animals for paganism);

- on the facades of many ancient churches, during repairs, images of a griffin and Dazhdbog taking off (ascending) on them are found, which are smeared with new plaster or partially chipped off (pagan symbols speak of a much older age of temples or their later conversion to Christianity than considered according to the canonical version);

- at some sites, including temples, the pagan Dazhdbog taking off on griffins is presented by the church as “the ascending Alexander the Great (Macedonian), while it is not at all clear what relation he has to our history and why his canonized (unified) image used on religious buildings and historical sites (the church and historians, as usual, are modestly silent);

- on the symbols of power: the state and the throne of Muscovy, griffins are also depicted;

- images of these mythical animals have been widespread since the 7th century BC. until the end of the 17th century A. D. and they were finally withdrawn from use by our “great European reformer” Peter the Great (like everything else in Russia) (read more in “This strange Tsar Peter”).

Imperial coats of arms of Tartary from various nautical collections
Imperial coats of arms of Tartary from various nautical collections

Imperial coats of arms of Tartary from various nautical collections.

Based on the data contained in sources that have survived to our time, independent researchers offer the following definition:

Great Tartary - (Latin Magna Tartaria, French Grande Tartarie, English Great Tartary, German Große Tartarei, Hebrew כְּנַעַן, Arabic کنعان). No information about the official name has been preserved. Transcontinental proto-state, which includes in the main territory all of Asia from the Don River to the Bering Strait from east to west, from the Arctic Ocean to the Indian Ocean from north to south, and had protectorates between the Rhine and Oka rivers, in Asia Minor, Persia and Babylon, and also in Africa and North America.

The first capital is the city of Tartar on the Tartar River (now the territory of Yakutia in the lower reaches of the Kolyma River). Later, at different times, the capital of Great Tartary was located in Kambala (Khanbalyk), where the village of Arka is now located, in the Khabarovsk Territory. Later, Kara-Kurum, where today the area in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is located, known as the Black Stones. Then the capital was located in Grustin (Tomsk), Tobolsk, Astrakhan, Moscow and Samarkand.

The name of the country comes from the ethnonym of one of the most numerous, in the past, the Tartar tribes, who considered the founder of their clan a Khan named Tartar, who was the brother of Khan Mogull, and a close relative of the princes Rus, Sloven, Chech and Lech.


1) according to the official (at that time) documents that have come down to us, the world knew the Tartar Empire, which has its own coat of arms, flag and navy, its structure, rulers, borders of khanates and other statistical data;

2) it was obvious to everyone that the state of Great Tartary exists independently of Russian Muscovy (Russia) and China (China);

3) in modern history, this state formation is not mentioned at all, they tried to erase the memory of it and replace it with false information or deliberately hypertrophied, intuitively unacceptable information.

Who inhabited this huge empire, what were its true borders, when it was formed and with whom did it fight?


Above, I talked about many artifacts proving the existence of Great Tartary. These are references in encyclopedias, maps, atlases, collections of sea flags, works of literature and travelers' notes. The sources of this variety of facts are not only foreign, there are the same references in Russian materials.

Thus, there is no doubt - there really was such an empire, consisting of several khanates. The question of who inhabited it is not entirely correct, it is obvious that it was definitely a multi-tribal population, one can only guess about the predominance of any nationality (there is no data, as you yourself understand). But we can get an idea of who ruled this empire, their courtiers and soldiers, thanks to the story of travelers who were at different times in Great Tartary.

For example, probably the well-known Italian merchant Marco Polo, who visited Mongolia of interest to us during his trip to Asia, wrote a book-report about this with colorful and curious illustrations (in the publication “Genghis Khan and other“Mongol-Tatars”published information that allows us to assert, that the empire of Genghis Khan was not Mongol, it was invented to cover up the existence of Slavic Tartary). I propose to see who he saw there: in the picture below - the Great Khan Khubilai (grandson of Genghis Khan - on the left) presents a golden paizu for the Pope, the Polo brothers (find the differences between the Europeans of Polo and the “Tatar-Mongol” khan).


And this, by the way, is the original illustrations of the “Book on the World's Diversity” about the visit of Marco Polo and his relative Niccolo to Khan Kubilai, and not modern drawings commissioned by the governments of interested countries (!). The next Polo miniature depicts the four wives and children of the Great Khan.


To paraphrase Ostap Bender, we can say: “whoever says that they are Mongolians, let him throw a stone at me…” and pay attention to the outfits of the Horde - quite a European type of dress! And crowns, with a royal shamrock - a symbol of European monarchs.

Terrible & quot; Mongol-Tatars & quot; - Horde warriors
Terrible & quot; Mongol-Tatars & quot; - Horde warriors

Terrible & quot; Mongol-Tatars & quot; - Horde warriors.

Probably, Marco Polo at that time did not yet know about the politically correct requirement to portray the Horde with Mongoloid features. Drawings of travelers of that time convey to us images of the Great Khans, indistinguishable from the Middle Russian type of face. In other books, Marco Polo has many pictures depicting Genghis Khan, the inhabitants of his empire, various situations from his life (I advise you to look on the Internet, very interesting!), But nowhere will you see the difference between the “Mongol-Tatars” from the usual European outfits, buildings and persons! And how do they still present all this to us and our children ?! Here is another vivid example of a different "vision" - engravings depicting Tamerlane, made by his contemporaries in the present time:

It's all one person, Tamerlane - guess where the modern reconstruction is
It's all one person, Tamerlane - guess where the modern reconstruction is

It's all one person, Tamerlane - guess where the modern reconstruction is.

The inscription on the medieval engraving in the center: “Tamerlane, the ruler of Tartaria, the sovereign of the wrath of God and the forces of the Universe and the blessed country, was killed in 1402.“Interesting, isn't it? Maybe there was a great multitude of Tamerlans back then, and this is not the ONE ……….? It is unlikely, whether these images can be recognized or not, but we will not consider the people who made them as idiots - this is THE SAME Tamerlane.

For comparison, the bust on the left is the work of the famous anthropologist Gerasimov, made after the opening of Timur's tomb in 1940, in which, according to surviving descriptions, the khan's mummy has pronounced Caucasoid features, white skin, red or light hair on the head, eyebrows and beard. There are testimonies of contemporaries who asserted that Gerasimov had repeatedly stated orally that his first reconstruction of Tamerlane's appearance was not approved by the leadership, and he was “recommended” to bring the portrait to the generally accepted standard: Tamerlane is an Uzbek, a descendant of Genghis Khan. I had to make him a Mongoloid. Contemporaries of the Great Khromts, of course, did not receive such an installation for years ago and painted as they saw.

The image on the left is a reconstruction of Tamerlane based on ancient engravings
The image on the left is a reconstruction of Tamerlane based on ancient engravings

The image on the left is a reconstruction of Tamerlane based on ancient engravings.

It makes no sense to drag and drop all the images of tartars that are available on the Internet into the article, if you wish and are interested, just type “ancient engravings of tartarine” and be surprised at the look of our (not so distant) ancestors, their way of life, buildings and clothes that are suspiciously similar to Russian or European. After a careful examination of the images, it will be difficult for skeptics to say that all these tartars and Tartarii are nothing more than wild hordes of not washed nomads who lived in a primitive communal system.

Tartar warriors are Horde, but definitely not Mongoloids
Tartar warriors are Horde, but definitely not Mongoloids

Tartar warriors are Horde, but definitely not Mongoloids.

For more information about Tartary, look for the tag "Tartary".