4 "robots", Which Are Described In The Legends Of Different Countries - Alternative View

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4 "robots", Which Are Described In The Legends Of Different Countries - Alternative View
4 "robots", Which Are Described In The Legends Of Different Countries - Alternative View

Video: 4 "robots", Which Are Described In The Legends Of Different Countries - Alternative View

Video: 4
Video: BIRCHPUNK - RUSSIA TOMORROW NEWS // РОССИЯ ЗАВТРА: НОВОСТИ feat. Виталий Наливкин 2024, September

Our history is filled with an incredible number of myths and legends. Some of them are about gods, others about demigods, but today we will talk about "robots". Yes, it is about them! The mythological description of some creatures corresponds to high technologies that people of that time could not distinguish from magic or divine intervention.

Ancient Greece and the Legend of Copper Talos

Talos was the guardian of the island of Crete. He had only one weak point, namely a copper nail in his leg, "locking" the only vein in which molten lead was flowing. Talos was created by Hephaestus, however, he did not differ in great functionality, but performed the tasks assigned to him. For a long time, Talos, which Zeus gave to Minos, went around the island. He drove away alien ships with stones and incredible screams, but if necessary he could increase his temperature to burning, to destroy enemy ships with "fiery embrace".


In fact, an android robot is described with a simple set of functions.


However, the question is, how were people able to describe this creature at all, if its similarity did not exist? Or is there something we don't know?

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Medieval Germany and the Iron Gatekeeper

There are legends according to which the German philosopher and alchemist Albert the Great was able to design and create an iron servant who served as a gatekeeper.

Approximate depiction of the gatekeeper, as the original has not survived
Approximate depiction of the gatekeeper, as the original has not survived

Approximate depiction of the gatekeeper, as the original has not survived.

The servant opened the door and greeted the arriving guests with a raise of one hand. The doorkeeper was so well made that it was not immediately possible to distinguish him from a real person. Once, the beloved disciple of Albert the Great, Bishop Thomas Aquinas, came to visit his teacher, of course he never saw the servant of his teacher.

Image of Albert the Great
Image of Albert the Great

Image of Albert the Great.

When the gatekeeper opened the door, Thomas got scared and began to smash the robot with his heavy staff, but Albert did not manage to save his servant. This legend dates back to the 13th century, but only Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas are real personalities. Whether this legend is true or fictional, we no longer know.

Ancient China and Chi Yu, Lord of the Giants

Chi Yu had a human body, six arms, as well as a copper head and two pairs of eyes. In addition, the creature had hooves and wings that allowed it to quickly move over rough terrain.


The animal ate exclusively on sand, stones and metals, while having knowledge in the manufacture of weapons.

Other pictures of Chi Yu
Other pictures of Chi Yu

Other pictures of Chi Yu

When Chi Yu's time was over, his head was buried and worshiped for many years. Sometimes a red smoke rises from the grave. Another robot?

Another legend tells about the imperial dragon

The ruler of the Celestial Empire, Huang Di, possessed a huge reptile with wings and a metal body.


The most surprising thing is that the dragon could not fly in poor visibility and adverse weather conditions. Considering that in Chinese mythology, dragons were the lords of the wind and rain, then the described dragon could be an aircraft. The legend also describes that the dragon could lift up to 70 people into the air.


If this is just a legend, then why is the dragon not omnipotent then and cannot fly in any weather conditions?
