"It Can Be Called A Symbiosis Of Science And Esotericism" - Alternative View

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"It Can Be Called A Symbiosis Of Science And Esotericism" - Alternative View
"It Can Be Called A Symbiosis Of Science And Esotericism" - Alternative View

Video: "It Can Be Called A Symbiosis Of Science And Esotericism" - Alternative View

Video: Science World - Symbiosis 2024, September

Petr Pukharev and Alexander Pogrebsky (specialists in energy field safety technologies at Kuban State Technical University, Department of Life Safety) have been studying geopathogenic zones, energy fields and their influence on people's lives for many years. They themselves admit that what they do can be called symbiosis science and esotericism.

The DG's interlocutors cannot explain the reasons for some of the phenomena, but they assure that they are able to cope with them thanks to the methods they have developed. “Most of all, the person's well-being and business activity are influenced by his environment. Everyone pays attention to radiation - radioactive and so on, which science perceives. But there are also abnormal vibrations, radiation from the earth's crust,”says Pyotr Pukharev.

“Geopathogenic zones arise in places of fractures of the earth's crust, accumulations of groundwater, voids, burials. Human tragedies that have occurred at this place also leave information,”adds his colleague. According to the interlocutors of "DG", Kuban is included in the risk zone in Russia. There are a lot of crustal faults and underground water streams. Burials are also in abundance - many wars have been fought for this land.

If you look at the regional capital, then it is all permeated with geopathogenic zones, experts add. The largest are located in the area of st. Turgenev, on the street. Solar. Microdistricts Festivalny, Yubileiny, Gidrostroy are also not the most favorable places.

“A very big problem area is st. Kubanskaya Embankment, where a wide fault in the earth's crust passes We went around the whole city and did not find favorable places, everywhere there is the influence of some, if not all, negative factors,”the experts complain.

Apart from geopathogenic, there are other types of negative informational vibrations, say Pyotr Pukharev and Alexander Pogrebsky. First, it is technopathogenic radiation. “This includes radiation from computers, cell phones, and a swivel office chair,” they decipher. "All bodies of revolution create a torsion field (this term denotes a hypothetical physical field generated by the twisting of space), the long-term effect of which causes diseases."

Secondly, the psychopathogenic effect of one person affects another. “You know, they say, the grandmother whispered - and everything passed. Granny called it corruption, we call it negative management program. A drop of blood, hair, as well as a surname, name and patronymic carry your code. Therefore, you should never write complete code on a business card. Example. There is a healthy person, all chakras work. We take a business card, put, for example, soap on it, measure it - immediately the aura indicators fall. You look, after a week he can't even lift a bucket of water, "- say the interlocutors of" DG ". “Today every serious businessman has a specialist in his staff who could withstand these influences,” says Pyotr Pukharev.

“We have met such cases when the trade stopped in the store, and that was all. And the prices seem to be cheaper than those of competitors, but people bypass and seem not to see. "Rama" stands. After we work, everything improves in business. However, a prerequisite: a person must become better, reconsider his position in life, rebuild, do more good,”the interlocutors of the“DG”warn.

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Geopathogenic zones

Hartmann's lines are also referred to as geopathogenic radiation. According to Pyotr Pukharev and Alexander Pogrebsky, specialists in energy field security technologies, they were known about in Ancient China, 5 thousand years BC, they were called "Dragon's Tooth". Ideally, these lines run strictly from north to south and from west to east. Their purpose is not entirely clear and has not been studied. In the ideal zone, they alternate from north to south every 2 meters, from west to east - every 2.5 meters.

But if the zone with problems is a geopathogenic zone, their frequency can reach 40-50 cm. The radiation of the Hartman lines themselves does not pose a great danger, but the places where they intersect are called a cancerous place, it is undesirable to stay here for a long time. According to experts, the head of the company is most often sitting at the point of intersection of the lines. Moreover, when moving the manager's workplace, the intersection point follows him.

Technopathogenic radiation

This type of negative impact on a person includes radiation from computer blocks, cell phones. It is believed that these devices, even when turned off, retain radiation, since negative information that was transmitted by a person through a phone or computer remains in the "memory" of the device. The swivel office chair also has a technopathogenic effect. “Previously, members of the government and the presidential administration sat on swivel chairs. Today, notice that they have four-legged chairs. All bodies of rotation create a torsion field (this term is used to denote a hypothetical physical field generated by the twisting of space), the prolonged exposure of which can cause various diseases,”explains Pyotr Pukharev.

Psychopathogenic effects

This is the impact of a person on another person, negative programs created by people. “We believe that sabotage against us is the free sale of books on magic,” say Pyotr Pukharev and Alexander Pogrebsky. And they explain that a person's code is contained not only in his DNA - a drop of blood, a lock of hair, a nail. The person's code also carries the surname, name and patronymic. Therefore, they advise to use the European form of communication - to report only the name and surname. “Photography can also be a tool to eliminate a person. Why are people not photographed in the Muslim world? They know that a photo can be damaged,”add specialists of energy field safety technologies.

Orthodox rituals in business

“And Moses came down from the mountain to the people and sanctified the people …” The Bible mentions several times about the sanctification of people, objects and phenomena. Today literally everything can be sanctified. This rite is used when laying the first stone in the foundation of a new building, and not only a church, but also any residential and industrial premises, then when this building is handed over. Roads, planes, cars, etc. are sacred. Modern priests-bloggers explain the essence of this rite in different ways. Someone says that sanctification is needed to separate things, objects, people for God and God's work.

Someone believes that the rite helps to protect against evil spirits and endow things with healing properties. But many say that if the residents of the consecrated apartment do not lead a righteous life, then the ceremony loses all meaning. It is believed that today the widespread use of the consecration rite by businessmen also carries a marketing component. Unfortunately, Krasnodar marketers interviewed by DG found it difficult to answer whether the fact of the ceremony affects the loyalty of consumers to a given residential building, bus, plane, etc.

Great occultists

History knows many examples of famous and influential people who were seriously interested in esotericism and occult sciences. One of the most striking examples is Adolf Hitler, who created a whole movement. An important role in occult Nazism was played by the legends about disappeared countries (Tula, Agharti, Shambhala). One of the relics of Nazism was considered the Spear of Longinus, and one of the symbols - "Black Sun". Some researchers and historians believe that occult Nazism was supposed to eventually become the official religion of Germany.

The last Russian emperor Nicholas II also had a weakness for everything unknown, who believed the predictions of the seers and allocated money to search for Nostradamus's manuscript about Russia, which he could not find. Nostradamus himself, by the way, was also a famous occultist. Some leaders of the Communist Party of the USSR were also interested in the unknown and listened to the predictions of psychics. For example, according to rumors, Stalin was interested in the activities of the telepath Wolf Messing and even met with him.

What businessmen believe in

Today, advertisements for helping businesses through magic and slander can be easily found on the Web. Do black witches and white magicians, clairvoyants, fortune tellers, etc. offer their services? For example, for the search query “business magic” Yandex offers 3 million answers, “elimination of competitors with the help of magic” - 270 thousand answers, “remove spoilage for money” - 970 thousand answers.

On forums, people ask each other for the contacts of those who can help. There are also businessmen. “Please help with trading. How to make the point "seen" and bought. We didn’t offer holy water, we tried it,”one forum member writes on kuban.ru. “Tell a good fortune teller who speaks of luck, prosperity, finances. Help in business,”another user asks.

Krasnodar businessmen, interviewed by "DG", said that they never resorted to the help of magicians and sorcerers. Many reacted to such a question from a journalist as a joke. “If we resorted to this nonsense, there would be no time to work,” the businessmen answered. Others, on the contrary, willingly shared their opinions on this matter.

“I treat the issues of esotericism in life as an outside observer. In business matters, I myself did not come across such things and did not communicate with those who would openly declare such practices in their affairs. I probably treat esotericists in business like a placebo in medicine,”says Evgeny Savelyev, WebcamTelecom project manager.

“I did not go to such specialists, because I strongly believe in God! In all difficult situations, prayer helped and helps me. I wish everyone to have faith if you don't have it yet. Sooner or later a person comes to faith anyway, says Lilia Harutyunyan, head of the KORZH Confectionery.

Businessmen are much more willing to show their commitment to the Orthodox Church. There are unions of believing businessmen in Russia. One of the most famous is the Orthodox Business Owners' Club, which includes politicians, scientists and business owners. There are also believers in Russian show business and sports, for example, rock musician Yuri Shevchuk, athlete Fedor Emelianenko, TV presenter and actor Boris Korchevnikov and many others.

“Business newspaper. South »news from Krasnodar region
