How To Distinguish A Psychic From A Fraudster? - Alternative View

How To Distinguish A Psychic From A Fraudster? - Alternative View
How To Distinguish A Psychic From A Fraudster? - Alternative View

Video: How To Distinguish A Psychic From A Fraudster? - Alternative View

Video: How To Distinguish A Psychic From A Fraudster? - Alternative View
Video: Putting Psychic to the Stars to the Test 2024, September

Whatever the pseudoscientists from the “commission for combating pseudoscience” say from the high tribunes and other PR platforms, there are no more scammers and charlatans among people who call themselves “healers” and “psychics” than among those who call themselves "Doctors" and "scientists". And the point here is not only in the purchased diplomas and scientific titles received "by pull" or by virtue of "nepotism". Often, such "specialists" are people who have absolutely no abilities and talents in medicine or science. And the harm from them is actually no less than from swindlers and charlatans.

Take, for example, everywhere promoting "fighters against pseudoscience." At first glance, it seems that they are engaged in a useful business, but in reality they only undermine the authority of real science. And why? Yes, because their unsubstantiated chatter, which has not been proven by practical experiments and research, has nothing to do with real science, but is only their subjective opinion, which they are trying to give the appearance of "scientific".

On the other hand, real scientists always maintain objectivity and impartiality, and are based on scientific practice, and not on empty talk. And what is most interesting - back in the 1990s, a scientific method was developed that makes it possible to determine whether a healer or a psychic really has unique abilities. Here is what one of its authors, Professor K. Korotkov, writes about it in his book "The Energy of Our Thoughts":

So, there is a scientific method for identifying fraudsters and charlatans among psychics. Why is it not used by "fighters against pseudoscience"? Because they are not interested in finding the truth. Their task is to serve the global parasitic satanic force, in the interests of which it is necessary to convince people that all healers and psychics are without exception swindlers and charlatans. But practical experiments and research suggest something else: that along with real charlatans and fraudsters, there are real healers and psychics. And it is precisely this information that the "fighters against pseudoscience" are ordered to deny so that people do not guess about the methods of manipulating their consciousness, which are used by the servants of parasites in the interests of their owners. After that, to believe or not to the empty balabolism of “fighters against pseudoscience” and other false “authorities” is entirely your business. Especially if you, like them, are not interested in the truth either.

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