Lost Russia: Traces Of The Terrible Tragedy Of Our Ancestors - Alternative View

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Lost Russia: Traces Of The Terrible Tragedy Of Our Ancestors - Alternative View
Lost Russia: Traces Of The Terrible Tragedy Of Our Ancestors - Alternative View

Video: Lost Russia: Traces Of The Terrible Tragedy Of Our Ancestors - Alternative View

Video: Lost Russia: Traces Of The Terrible Tragedy Of Our Ancestors - Alternative View
Video: Forbidden Veles's book. The great Slavic riddle. History of the Slavs 2024, September

Few of the modern Russian people have heard that their direct ancestors the Russians inhabited all of Central Europe relatively recently, by historical standards, only 600-700 years ago. The lands of today's Germany, Austria, Northern Italy.

On the geographical map of modern Europe, one can find thousands, tens of thousands of traces, which invisibly speak of the terrible tragedy of our ancestors - the Rus of the West.

History knows them under different names - Slavs, Wends, Veneti, Vandals, Wagras, Borus, Slav-Russians, Lutes, Volot-Veletes, etc.

Historical chronicles, books can be rewritten, edited, simply burned, destroyed, hidden. But it is very difficult, almost impossible, to rename the names of thousands of cities, villages, rivers, lakes, forests, mountains.

It was not possible to completely change the toponymy of Europe - it brings to us the memory of Slavic-Russian Europe. It is impossible to completely distort the language of the people, and therefore linguistics is becoming our ally.


"Germans" - who are they?

Promotional video:

Modern Germans, who are called Germans, descendants of ancient Germans, call themselves "Deutsche", and their country "Deutschland". Historians of Rome, later early medieval chroniclers, called the inhabitants of the North and the Center of Europe "Germans", or rather, "Germans". But at that time, Slavs lived in this territory, from the Laba-Elba, Oder-Odra and up to Lake Ilmen.

This fact is confirmed by toponymy (the science that studies place names, their origin, semantic meaning, development, current state, spelling and pronunciation) and the indications of medieval chroniclers (for example, Mavro Orbini).

Why did the Romans call the Slavs "Germans"? The word “man” means “man”, and “ger” is in Russian “yar”, “ar”, that is, “Germans” are “yarlyi”, “ardent people”, “arias”. For comparison, the Slavic deity - "Yarovit" (god of spring fertility and war), was written by Western chroniclers as "Gerovit". "Germans" are "yari-arians", "ardent people", ardent in peaceful labor and in war, like their god - Yarovit.

It was the Rus-Yarii that were the northern, eastern neighbors of the Roman Empire. As a result, they destroyed it, going down in history under the names of "Germans" - Vandals-Wends, Lombards-long-bearded, Franks-ravens, Goths-Getae.

Western Rus cities

Vienna - Windebozh. Berlin - there are two versions of the translation of the name of this city. According to the first origin of the modern capital of Germany comes the word "burlin" - "dam", on the second from "ber" - bear (compare "den" - "ber's lair"). Apparently the second version is correct, which is displayed in the coat of arms and flag of the city. Brandenburg - Branibor. Breslau - Breslau. Dyommin - Dymin. Dresden - Drozdyany. Leipzig - Lipitsy, Lipsk. Meissen - Mishno. Merseburg - Mezhibor. Mecklenburg - Mikulin Bor, formerly Rarog-Rerik (city of Falcon). Oldenburg - Stargorod, Stargrad, Starigrad, Old Town. Ratzeburg - city of warrior knights, Ratibor. Roslau - Rusislava. Sprout - Sprout. Teterov - Teterev. Torgau - Trading. Schwerin - Zverin, the city of the Slayan Bodrich Union. And other thousands of Slavic towns, villages, townships, rivers, rivulets, lakes, islands (Rugen - Ruyan, Bornholm - Bera Hill), etc.

Photo: Rugen Island
Photo: Rugen Island

Photo: Rugen Island.

Why are they forgotten?

The Vatican began a terrible war of extermination, it went on for more than one century. One of its "heroes", Charles "the Great", organized dozens of crusades to the Slavic lands. The enemy acted cunningly, where it did not come out by force, acted on the principle of "divide and conquer". With some tribes of the Slavs they temporarily "made friends", others non-stop "pressed", sent in missionary scouts. Year after year, century after century, there was an "onslaught on the East and North".

The weaker ones were assimilated - even now, Slavs, Lusatian Serbs and Kashubians, live in Germany. Strong and proud - lyutichi (fierce, descendants of the Veletov, Wolf clan) were exterminated. Some of them moved to the east - the Rurik-Sokol clan in the Novgorod lands, some of the western Russians went to Porussia-Prussia and Lithuania. Apparently, this is why the inhabitants of Prussia and Lithuania, the sons of Perun-Perkun, put up such fierce resistance to the crusaders.

It was the last corner in Europe that preserved the ancient solar faith of their ancestors, up to the 14-15 centuries.

First of all, they exterminated the wise men, the keepers of memory, the boyar clans who could lead the resistance. Stores of knowledge and sanctuaries were destroyed - such as the temple of Svyatovit in the city of Arkona on the island of Ruyan, the temple of Triglav in Szczecin, sanctuaries in Radigosche, Retra, Wolin. There was a violent introduction of Christianity, the language was distorted, people were turned into slaves - serfs.

Many current inhabitants of Denmark, Germany, Northern Italy, Austria, Hungary are direct descendants of the Western Rus. But they are deprived of language, memory, faith and do not know the Truth.

This process, the onslaught and destruction of the Rus Family, has not been interrupted to this day. The West dismembered the lands of Eastern Russia - the processes of the elimination of the Russian language and historical memory are taking place on the territory of modern Ukraine - Little Russia, Crimea, to a lesser extent in White Russia, thanks to Alexander Lukashenko, but he is not eternal. And negative processes are going on in the Russian Federation, the Russian Language will be rotten with words-parasites, they distort history.

The question of the Western Rus is too connected with geopolitics, with the memory of the Russian People, it is customary not to remember the death of the Western and northern Slavonic Russians.

Taisiya Sergeenko.


There are two civilizational poles on Earth - Holy Russia and Judeo-Zionism.

The idea of "Power" is inextricably linked with the idea of "Money" - both have one thing in common - the ability to concentrate.

Both are the products of Judeo-Zionism and are combined into one common Idea, the idea of AntiGod or, in a modern way, Antichrist.

The main weapons of the Antichrist at the present stage are ALL RELIGIONS and FEMINISM.

It is also quite obvious that any struggle with God is meaningless and doomed to failure.

These are all consequences… these are all the middle layers of the pyramid and the reasons for this….

There was a Unified Integral Knowledge in the form of the Vedas and in the form of a Unified Language in which behind each letter stood an image, interpreting something, explaining from the structure of the world and its laws.

Knowing the images of the letters from them, it was possible to interpret the meaning of the words from these letters composed. The language resembled Japanese or Chinese, there was a whole story or dialogue in the phrase! Conceptual language. there it was impossible to forget, change, lose the word, so there was a whole meaning and everyone understood it equally! There could be no discrepancy and different ideas, which led us to different groups of people, the meaning was lost.

The thing is that people with this knowledge think independently and soundly and it is not possible to manipulate them. And those who do not like it and do it so that this knowledge is not easy and generally accessible. Its living carriers were destroyed, and the survivors were forced to hide.

They did the same with material, information carriers - they were either destroyed, or confiscated and hid. Instead of the One Whole Knowledge, many religious and esoteric teachings were imposed, as well as a whole bunch of SEPARATE sciences. The old principle of manipulation is divide, push and conquer. The Common Language was cut off, distorted, divided into several, which they continue to do now.

What has happened in the world since the time when everything that is written above began and is happening now, who is behind all this, what he achieves, what methods and through whom he acts. There are many Vaticans and thirsty people. Russian land is rich in natural resources.

And what happens is that they want to destroy us and occupy the Earth. These forces have already tried to do this once by force. A global planetary war was unleashed, the results of which were both a global flood and a global cooling and a change in the configuration of the continents, some of which sank to the bottom of the oceans and new ones rose. Nuclear strikes and erased all the tartaria !!!

The density of the earth's atmosphere decreased by an order of magnitude due to the release of its part into outer space, and it is because of this that giant plants, insects, animals and people disappeared on Earth. The climate has changed.

But those who unleashed this war lost it and were mostly expelled from the Earth. But several hundred of them asked permission to stay. They were allowed, but on condition of a secretive stay. That is, we do not observe them. But as it turned out, they did not abandon their goal, but simply decided to achieve it in a different way.

Destroy us with our own hands, bringing under the action of one of the laws of the structure of the world, which says: "Everything that does not strive for knowledge and development - degrades and dies out."

Everything that leads to degradation and self-destruction is imposed on us by all sorts of methods. All these "secret societies", committees, "secret government" are those through whom this is done. And this is done covertly. After all, they think that they are pursuing their goals, but in fact they are being manipulated.

All of them are essentially puppets in the hands of those who want to destroy humanity and free the Earth for themselves, because they made their planetary system unsuitable for existence. They do not realize that with their worldview, understanding of the world, even having mastered the Earth, they will do to it the same as they did to their own. This land is not the first in parasites, They ruined Venus, Mars and the Moon. or rather, there were two moons, one they destroyed.

As the continent where our ancestors lived (this is on the site of the present Arctic Ocean), our ancestors settled on other continents. When they settled, they brought knowledge and culture to the natives who lived there. But the followers of the Reptilians, after the sinking of Atlantis, also settled and England became and still is their residence.


That's right, but now a very strong and careful war has been waged with the reptilians since 2010 … They threaten that the planet will be blown up if they are destroyed, but THEIR 2-cities were destroyed in 2012, so that they would not think that they themselves would stay, then and now 6 more died down, cities were destroyed quietly and imperceptibly. Once the cities disappeared, the creatures got it in full. Why don't I know this? What cities?

Published by Alexander Nikolaevich