Vanga's Story - Alternative View

Vanga's Story - Alternative View
Vanga's Story - Alternative View

Video: Vanga's Story - Alternative View

Video: Vanga's Story - Alternative View
Video: Ancient Aliens: Baba Vanga (Season 12, Episode 10) | History 2024, September

She was born so weak that her parents did not give her a name for two months and thought: the girl was not a tenant. However, the girl not only survived, went through many trials, but also became one of the most famous personalities of the twentieth century. This is Vanga, from the Greek "bearer of the good news", whose predictions came true, come true and, most likely, will come true. We'll see. We have a chance to witness them.

The future fortuneteller appeared in Bulgaria in 1911 in the family of a poor peasant. When Vanga was three years old, her mother died. At the age of 12, the girl suffers another misfortune: she falls into the epicenter of a tornado, in a whirlwind of which the sand severely wounds her eyes. And the family has no money for treatment. So Wanga became blind.

Vanga's supernatural abilities were revealed gradually, no one fixed the date of their birth, many later recalled how she helped her father find the stolen sheep from the flock he was tending. She accurately described the yard where the sheep was hidden. And when everyone was extremely surprised, Wang said that she saw it in a dream. She herself had already noticed that she began to have dreams that spoke of unpleasant events that then came true.

All the power of her abilities unfolded during the war years. But this was preceded by a vivid vision when she talked with a certain “rider” in early 1941: according to her descriptions, “he was tall, Russian and divinely beautiful. Dressed like an ancient warrior, armor that glittered in the moonlight. His horse flapped its white tail and dug the ground with its hooves. He stopped in front of the gates of Vanga's house, jumped off his horse and entered a dark room. Such a radiance emanated from him that it became light inside, as if during the day. He turned to Vangaand spoke in a low voice: “Soon the world will turn upside down, and many people will perish. In this place you will stand and divine the dead and the living. Do not be afraid! I will be next to you and I will say what you have to convey to them! “. No one knows what kind of rider it was, but the locals assumed that in the area where Vanga lived, a full-length golden statue of a rider was buried. According to some, this is a statue of St. Constantine, according to others - a statue of the Thracian deity Heros. Be that as it may, after that vision, she became a soothsayer.

This is how Vanga herself described the mechanism of her visions: “When a person comes to me, I have a feeling that a window opens in my head through which I observe pictures, and the life of this person passes before my eyes, like a film strip, but I must I hear a “voice” that tells me what exactly needs to be conveyed to the visitor. To predict, Wang often used sugar. The person who came to her for advice brought with him a piece of sugar, which he spent under his pillow overnight. talked with those whose days are already numbered, or with those who came out of curiosity.

Bulgarian scientist Georgy Lozanov observed Vanga for a quarter of a century and noted more than 7000 cases of her predictions come true. He came to the conclusion that Vanga's "recognition" goes beyond the boundaries of random coincidences and reaches 80 percent.

Powerful politicians also fell into this 80 percent. Adolf Hitler, visiting Wanga, did not listen to her prophecy about his defeat in the war with Russia. The soothsayer said to his face: “Leave Russia alone! You will lose this war! And so that he believed in the power of her predictions, Vanga sent his guards to the house on another street where the mare gave birth, and told in detail how the foal would look. The foal was born exactly as she said. The Fuhrer left Wang in a rage.

Six months before Stalin's death, Vanga predicted the death of Joseph Vissarionovich, for which she even went to prison, but after the death of the leader she was released.

In 1963, she predicted an assassination attempt on the 35th President of the United States, who turned out to be John F. Kennedy.

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In 1968, she predicted three important political events at once: the insurrection in Czechoslovakia, the mortal wound of Senator Robert Kennedy and the victory of the Republican candidate.

submarine Kursk

In 1969, she “saw” the death of Indira Gandhi, and in 1979, the beginning of perestroika and the collapse of the USSR … And once she said: “Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it …” Kursk? A city far from big water? Only in August 2000 it became clear which "Kursk" she was talking about …

Famous people turned to her for personal reasons. For example, the story of the arrival of actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov to Vanga in 1979 is widely known. The moment he crossed the threshold, the soothsayer shouted to him: “Why did you not fulfill the requests of your best friend? I'm talking about Yuri Gagarin. When he set off on his last test flight, he came to say goodbye to you and said: “I have no time, so I beg you - buy an alarm clock and put it on your table. Let this watch remind you of me. The actor was so amazed that he felt bad. He was given valerian, and he was able to tell that everything was exactly like that, but in the confusion associated with the death of Gagarin, he forgot to buy this alarm clock. Vanga then added: “Gagarin did not die, he was taken!” How, where exactly, did not say.

The poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko also visited Vanga. According to eyewitnesses, the old woman did not stand on ceremony with him: “What a writer you are! It comes from you like a barrel! You know a lot and you are good for a lot, but why do you drink and smoke so much?"

Among the amusing incidents, everyone recalls the request of football fans to predict the score of the decisive match in Blagoevgrad. How the local team “Belasitsa” would have played at that time, depended on its position in group “A”. Wanga ordered to bake a large cake in the shape of a football field, and the city pastry chefs worked on it all night long. And when everything was ready, she took a knife and cut it in half. A few hours later the game score was 0: 0.

But not everyone Vanga told predictions, she simply kicked out many people. So, a woman came to her asking how she should live after her sister's death, because she spent all the money on her treatment. However, Wanga kicked her out with the words that that woman had never come to visit her sick sister, did not help her in any way, and now wants to find the money hidden by her sister. And where the money is, Wanga will not tell her either.

Vanga fortuneteller

Or she refused to tell one young man the name of the killer of his brother, who left three orphans and a sick wife. Vanga took a promise from him that he would not take revenge on the killer, because he would already witness his end. By the way, this young man who came to Vanga later became her husband. At the very first meeting, the prophetess told him about this, but the guy did not believe her, not wanting to connect his life with the blind. But then Dimitar began to come to Vanga more and more often, he fell in love with her. They had no children of their own, and they adopted a foster boy and a girl.

Vanga broadcast about newborns and unborn children. In an incomprehensible way, she saw and spoke with people who died 100, 200 and more years ago. As scientists note, this is the most mysterious manifestation of Vanga's clairvoyance.

In 1981, she warned: “Be careful! Soon new diseases unknown to people will come to us. People will fall on the streets for no apparent reason, no apparent disease. Even those who have never been ill with anything will become seriously ill. But all this can still be prevented, because it is within our power. Then AIDS did not appear yet, no one knew about such diseases as SARS, or bird flu.

The prophetess was convinced that at the beginning of the 21st century, humanity would get rid of cancer. She said: "The day will come and the cancer will be bound in iron chains." And she explained that "the medicine will contain a lot of iron."

In early 1993, Vanga announced that the USSR would be revived in the first quarter of the 21st century. And shortly before her death she said: “The time of miracles will come, and science will make great discoveries in the field of the immaterial. We will witness great archaeological discoveries that will radically change our understanding of the world since ancient times. All hidden gold will come to the surface, but water will leave. It is so predetermined."

Well, our grandchildren, in about 200 years, in her opinion, will be able to establish contacts with brothers in mind from other worlds. Vanga even noticed that aliens from other worlds have been living on Earth for a long time … Where do they come from? From the planet, which in the language of its inhabitants is called Vamfim. This is the third planet from Earth …

Vanga's grave

Scientists have calculated: for 55 years of its activity, more than a million people have visited Vanga. With the money that people brought her, the prophetess built the Orthodox church of St. Petka. But her relationship with the church remained strained, for the clergy did not recognize such "prophets." “Calling herself an Orthodox believer, Vanga was not really one at all,” representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church believe. "She recognized reincarnation, which means she was a pagan." Nevertheless, Vanga was exclusively religious - she celebrated all church holidays, observed fasts.

Helping people treat diseases with herbs, Wanga categorically refused to treat herself. Exactly at midnight on August 10, 1996, doctors noted a sudden improvement in the condition of the sick prophetess (she was suffering from a progressive cancer). According to her niece, her grandmother asked for a glass of water and bread, then wished to be bathed. “Now I'm fine,” she said. At about nine o'clock in the morning, Vanga reported that the spirits of the once-deceased relatives had arrived for her. At 10 o'clock in the morning, “the most informed grandmother of the planet,” as she was called in the press, left this world.

More than 10 years have passed since her death, but still Russian experts on anomalous phenomena continue to look for a new meaning in Vanga's prophecies:

»Fear, fear! Brothers American will fall, pecked by iron birds. Wolves will howl from the bush, and innocent blood will spill like a river " (1989). In September 2001, after a terrorist air attack on the United States, the skyscrapers of the World Trade Center collapsed. The collapsed skyscrapers were called" twins "or" brothers. "Planes hit them -" birds iron "- terrorists." From the bush "- Bush, in English" bush "and" Bush "(ie the trouble dates back to the time of his presidency).

“The world will go through many cataclysms, strong shocks. The very consciousness of people will change. Times are going to be tough. People will be divided on the basis of faith …” (the date of the prediction is unknown). Needs no comments.

famous personality Wang

“We are witnessing fateful events. The two biggest leaders in the world shook hands (the grandmother was obviously hinting at Gorbachev and Reagan). But a lot of time will pass, a lot of water will flow away, until the Eighth comes - he will sign the final peace on the planet” (January 1988). Begins to come true. At least with regard to the "Eighth" (Russia joined the "G7"). By the way, even at the time when Boris Yeltsin was the President of Russia, Vanga had already hinted at the next one, although she did not mention the name: "It will be a completely unexpected figure."

"Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain intact - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia … She will sweep everything out of her way and not only remain, but also become the ruler of the world" (1979). This was said during the times of the USSR, when very few people pronounced the word "Russia". It is not known what kind of Vladimir they were talking about. Interpreters Vanga name three contenders for the role of the fateful Vladimir - Prince Vladimir, Lenin and Vladimir Putin, aka "Eighth".

“In 2018, trains will fly on wires from the sun. Oil production will stop, the Earth will rest” (1960). By 2018, terrestrial scientists intend to organize production of helium-3 on the Moon - such plans were announced just the other day. According to the interpretation of the images of prediction, helium-3 is both a product of solar activity and fuel for a thermonuclear reactor, which, in fact, is itself a small sun. The reactor will give electricity "into the wires", and trains will fly.

"They will find life in space, and it will become clear how life appeared on Earth. " The mystery of the origin of life has not been solved. We could not find it even on Mars. But the search continues.

“Russia will again become a great empire, first of all an empire of the spirit” (the date of the prediction is unknown). This was one of the last prophecies of Wanga.