Slavic Rule - What Is It? - Alternative View

Slavic Rule - What Is It? - Alternative View
Slavic Rule - What Is It? - Alternative View

Video: Slavic Rule - What Is It? - Alternative View

Video: Slavic Rule - What Is It? - Alternative View
Video: History Timeline of rulers of Russia История Правители Россий 2024, September

In ancient Slavic and modern pagan philosophy, the worldview, the entire universe is divided into three parts - Reality, Nav and Prav. In simple words, this is the world of matter, the afterlife and the world of the Gods among the Slavs. Rule is the highest world that is possible. Rule is the abode of our light Gods. The entrance to the dark Gods and evil entities is forbidden there. Only the brightest souls can get to this beautiful place. In addition, these are also light laws that are established by the Rule over all other worlds. Naturally, the Supreme Gods rule the whole world, they have their own laws that apply to all space, regardless of whether it is Reality, Nav or Hell. They relate to everything - both physical laws, the rules of the universe, the structure of Reveal and Navi, and the laws of life, rules of behavior in Revealed, etc.

Staying in the world of Reveal or Navi, we are always in the indestructible system created by Rule. We are its particles that perform certain functions in the worlds that are below. Constantly improving on the path of spiritual development, the goal of all human existence is to return to its present abode, a home for every spirit. This is the meaning of life, and Rule is the goal of the meaning of life. People who ignore this are forced to revolve in the circles of rebirth for thousands of years without understanding the basic essence of all existence.

Many words have also come from this term: rule, righteous, truthful, right, and even truth. All this indicates that the laws of Rule are true, inviolable and those that were given to us by the light Gods. Many modern pagan Slavs believe that the term "Orthodox" is also translated as Glorifying Rule. This is a rather ambiguous interpretation. Analysis of this word by linguists quite convincingly proves that this is not at all the case (translated from Greek - the correct judgment or doctrine).

On the other hand, modern Slavs can quite afford to take this word and give it a new meaning. However, this looks like a substitution of concepts and personally I would not recommend calling a Christian word pagan. Probably, the term Righteous is more suitable for this.