About A Boy Who, In An Unknown Way, Could Revive A Cardboard Man - Alternative View

About A Boy Who, In An Unknown Way, Could Revive A Cardboard Man - Alternative View
About A Boy Who, In An Unknown Way, Could Revive A Cardboard Man - Alternative View

Video: About A Boy Who, In An Unknown Way, Could Revive A Cardboard Man - Alternative View

Video: About A Boy Who, In An Unknown Way, Could Revive A Cardboard Man - Alternative View
Video: I HATCHED A SUPERMARKET EGG ! 2024, September

This story was published in one of the books by the researcher of anomalous phenomena Alexei Priima and it is about a teenager who possessed a very rare and unusual gift. At the same time, this gift could be taught to another person, the boy was taught everything by his stepfather. There are very few stories about such superpowers in the archives of anomalous phenomena.

A man from the management of a construction school tells the story on his own behalf. His name is not mentioned, as is the city where the school was located.

“It happened within the walls of the 31st construction school in a small town either in 1963 or in 1964 - I don't remember exactly. The school was of the type of a closed boarding school, "boys" were called here young men from sixteen to twenty years old. There were "girls" of the same age. Here I came into close contact with young people and made good friends with some of the guys.

- One of the boys in my group shows some amazing trick. Those who saw it say that he brings a cardboard figure to life,”one of the teachers once told me.

“Send him to me,” I replied.

- Did you call me?

Before me stood a sixteen-year-old guy, fair-haired, with cheerful, intelligent eyes.

- Yes! We will have a conversation. Sit down here!

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People see and hear a lot of surprising and unusual things, but for fear that they will be arrogantly ridiculed, called superstitious, they are silent. To break this silence, you need to show such a person that you yourself belong to the category of ridiculed "superstitious", that you yourself know amazing cases. That's where I started.

Soon, the boy was filled with confidence in me and admitted that he could make a cardboard figure dance. He asked for cardboard to make a new "dancer" - the old toy had already fallen into disrepair.

The next day, towards evening, I, the teacher, two or three girls and Gennady, my constant volunteer assistant, were in the room. Our magician came and brought a figurine made by him, which he immediately presented to us for consideration, so that we could make sure that there are no clever devices in it, that it, in a word, is “without deception” …

The figurine was a little man thirty centimeters high. Rather, it was a "devil", since he had two horns on his head. The arms and legs, with elbows and shins, were cut separately and then attached to their respective places. In general, the figurine resembled those cardboard figures that, if pulled by the thread, make monotonous movements, simultaneously raising their arms and legs.

The only difference was that in the figure of our sorcerer there was no thread that could be pulled. The arms and legs were tied with thread, which was immediately cut short. There was no additional thread. The figurine was indeed without "any deception".

- Well, what a magician I will be, - exclaimed our magician, - if I don't have a magic wand! Give me some stick.

There was no stick. There was a thin board. The miracle worker with a longitudinal blow on the edge of the table broke off a long splinter. Then, without any preparation, he threw the figurine on the floor. He sat down on the floor himself, legs spread wide so that the figure fell between the legs below the knees. Then he began to draw wide circles around the figure with the end of the splinter, blew on it, singing the song "Hey you, canopy, my canopy" and shouting "Get up!"

And suddenly the figurine stretched upward and immediately fell powerlessly back to the floor. But after a few moments she jumped up and began to dance. Not! It was not a programmed movement mechanism! It was a living creature that creatively varied the dance, beat its shins with its hands, spun quickly - no mechanism would have done this. Besides, where is this mechanism hidden? On bare cardboard?

The dance was suddenly interrupted - the dancer fell. We thought that this was the end of the performance, but our artist did not find it enough: he began to hum again, and the figure jumped up again, danced and fell.

- Well, that's it! - said the wizard.

And so it all ended.

The next day, the young magician told me that he came from the vicinity of Alma-Ata, some forty kilometers from the city. He was brought up by his stepfather, who naturally possesses unusual abilities. Smokers and drunkards came to my stepfather, wanting to get rid of their bad habit. And if their stepfather ordered them, they really stopped drinking and smoking.

The stepfather, according to the boy, can do a lot - he is by nature like that. Previously, he worked as an accountant, and now he moved to a watchman at a fruit-growing state farm. And it is very beneficial for him: other watchmen take under protection three hectares for the night, and his stepfather - as much as twelve, and no one will steal an apple from him.

- Why not steal? I asked.

- Yes, a thief can go to the site and he can pick apples too, but he cannot leave.

- How so - impossible?

- It's very simple. He sees everywhere in front of him pits and chasms and is afraid to step. And then the stepfather comes up to him and says: "Shake the stolen goods out of the bag!"

Further, the young man said that his stepfather had taught him the ability to make a figure dance. For three months the young man, together with his stepfather, practiced in the basement before our miracle worker learned to control the dancing figure ….

From A. Priima's book "The World Inside Out"