American Leash Of European Intelligence Services - Alternative View

American Leash Of European Intelligence Services - Alternative View
American Leash Of European Intelligence Services - Alternative View

Video: American Leash Of European Intelligence Services - Alternative View

Video: American Leash Of European Intelligence Services - Alternative View
Video: Exclusive Interview: CIA, French Theory and the Intelligentsia with Gabriel Rockhill 2024, September

That is how many times information has surfaced about how the American intelligence services use other states, the intelligence services of other states to achieve their goals. It should be understood that there is no benefit to these countries, often direct harm.

And after all, after all this was revealed, it was censured by the citizens of these countries - all this was forgotten and it all started from the beginning. Well, how can you contradict the "master".

Here's another fresh example …

Recently, information appeared in the Norwegian independent media about the use of the resources of the special services and the Norwegian Ministry of Defense by American intelligence to work against Russia.

A well-tried mechanism, usually used by the United States in the Third World countries, is involved - where there is no sovereign politics, strong power and unscrupulousness of officials who want to receive "salary increments" no matter from whom, even from the CIA, flourishes.


According to this scenario, the small but proud Baltic countries, impoverished Romania have already fallen at the feet of the Americans, and today the Scandinavian states are being destroyed. Everything happens according to Langley's proven and reliable methodology:

- At the initial stage, the Americans establish any contacts with the national intelligence service under a plausible pretext. The most common today is the fight against international terrorism, cyber security.

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- Then through this “hole” the so-called partnership relations are established and expanded, today - on the basis of dislike for Russia and other countries that conduct a policy independent of the United States and do not fit into the world order “in the American way”.

- Under the emerging favorable and comfortable conditions, joint operational measures and actions against the named countries begin, naturally in the interests of the Americans.

- In case the counterparties of the Americans try to refuse from the voluntary establishment of "partnerships", a whole range of "force" means is provided - from the threat of compromising evidence to the use of weaknesses and direct bribery. As the rich practice of the Americans shows, no one can resist. So, in particular, Germany, France, Italy, Austria, Spain are "processed".

As a result, the resources of the "captured" foreign special services begin to work in the interests of the United States, but not their own state.

Due to their inherent pragmatism, the Americans use the described tactics along the lines of not only the CIA, but also all of their special services.

According to an informed source, only in February of this year, for example, the US FBI made tempting offers to the intelligence services of Italy, Bulgaria, and Turkmenistan. US Secretary of Homeland Security Nielsen and FBI Director Ray were particularly warm about their Washington meeting with Italian Interior Minister Minniti. The Americans expressed their readiness for any cooperation with their Italian colleagues, even for expanding the presence of their specialists in the Apennines. And under a seemingly plausible pretext, all this is being done because of the serious fears of the Americans about the possible return to power of the "Berlusconi team", which will entail an inevitable decrease in Washington's current influence on Rome. There are similar contacts with the Bulgarian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to the ex-CIA officer, Langley's current goal is to aggravate relations between European countries and Russia, to draw the intelligence services of NATO and EU countries into the orbit of their maniacal plans against Moscow.


And in confirmation of all this, just yesterday in Norway, documents were leaked to the press about the penetration of Norwegian intelligence, in cooperation with the NSA, into the Russian computer systems of the Navy and the Ministry of Emergencies, as well as about the progress of Norway in satellite and signal tracking systems.

Eight classified documents are dedicated to the active cooperation between the Norwegian Military Intelligence Service and the American NSA.

According to them, the Norwegians infiltrated the computer systems of the Russian Navy. In addition, a joint working group of Norwegians and Americans carried out technical reconnaissance against the Russian Emergencies Ministry, in particular interested in security issues related to nuclear weapons. Also, the partners, as stated in one of the documents, tried to discover new intelligence data from modern operational communication systems on Russian military ships and submarines. Another group was involved in the identification of Russian computer networks. At the same time, it is known from published documents that in 2005 8-10 such networks were discovered.

It is clear that the secret of the special services is only slightly open, but even published is enough to represent the scale of cooperation between the Norwegians and the Americans. As noted by the media, referring to the Snowden documents, the information collected by Norway is about 1/5 of the total amount of information of the so-called signal intelligence received by the NSA. And it is already acknowledged that Norway is well advanced in the field of satellite surveillance.