Destruction Of The Family As A Project Of Western Occultists - Alternative View

Destruction Of The Family As A Project Of Western Occultists - Alternative View
Destruction Of The Family As A Project Of Western Occultists - Alternative View

Video: Destruction Of The Family As A Project Of Western Occultists - Alternative View

Video: Destruction Of The Family As A Project Of Western Occultists - Alternative View
Video: Occult Supply Store 2024, September

The search for those responsible for family politics in the West leads to the ideologists of anthroposophy and pedophiles.

Trying to describe the subject who promotes juvenile justice in Russia and around the world and imposes it in some invisible way on all countries, I made some rather unexpected discoveries for myself. I will try to share my thoughts on this in this article, which is not the first on a sore subject. Although, of course, this does not exhaust the topic, and it is necessary to continue the search in this direction, since the subject is complex and multifaceted.

At some point after the end of World War II, fascist structures merged with others that called themselves "democratic". As a result of this merger, a new project was born, a new language, a new quality of power, which Pasolini called “the void of power”. This "emptiness" rests on nothing more than the "humanitarian technocratic" that the neo-Marxists of the Frankfurt School described, and on which the post-classical bourgeoisie relied to create an implicit totalitarian state and society, massively producing the so-called false consciousness. We sometimes see clearly, and sometimes we feel intuitively that behind this emptiness is still the same fascist and Nazi face.

But this is a very serious statement! What evidence of this, in addition to a few given before, can we still provide?

The next milestone in my research was the centers of Waldorf education, in which activists of the "Turquoise Wave" strongly advised me to understand. In these centers, more reminiscent of sects, according to their testimony, some not secular, cult practices, mixed with pedophilia, are conducted with students. Many pupils of these structures remain in the system and are engaged in its further dissemination, including to other countries. Children who have already left the centers are periodically visited by some of the rapists so that they always remember and remain silent.

Of course, I've heard opinions that not all Waldorf centers are the same, that many of them are just using a brand name. That they do not introduce sex education, which is mandatory for public German schools, but at the same time they are cheaper than private ones. However, the name "Waldorf School" is a registered international trademark, the rights to use it belong to the Union of Independent Waldorf Schools (SNVSH). These centers must be recognized by the International Forum of Waldorf / Steiner Schools (The Hague Circle), the Pedagogical Section of the Goetheanum Free School of Humanities and the Friends of Waldorf Education (Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen).

S. Kurginyan has already written about Waldorf pedagogy and its founder Rudolf Steiner, the creator of a kind of religious and mystical teaching that emerged from theosophy, or anthroposophy, in his article "The Fate of Humanism in the 21st Century" in the "Essence of Time" newspaper. Sergei Ervandovich especially highlighted Steiner's work "The Occult Significance of Blood", in which Steiner takes as an epigraph the statement of his idol Goethe: "Blood is a very special juice."

Rudolf Steiner. Around 1905
Rudolf Steiner. Around 1905

Rudolf Steiner. Around 1905

Promotional video:

He founded the Steiner Waldorf School in 1919 at the request of the director and co-owner of the Waldorf-Astoria tobacco factory, Emil Molt, for the children of his workers. And although the Waldorfs themselves say that their principles of the educational process were not to the liking of the Nazi regime, and in most of the Nazi-conquered European countries, these schools were closed, we understand what role Theosophy and Anthroposophy played in the design of Nazi occult religion and ideology - quite a significant role.

In addition to many evidences and scientific explanations that this pedagogy does not have a scientific method, but is a religious organization, that children are not taught anything there, no grades are given, but some creative, artistic, and also occult knowledge is passed on to them, I found on the Internet Here is a testimony from one family from California (USA):

“My children have attended Waldorf School in California for twelve years. The Waldorf schools are run by anthroposophists. Like most parents, we knew nothing about the teachings of anthroposophical guru Rudolf Steiner, and how they were subtly implemented in school classes for children. It was only after we left that we learned that Steiner taught that humans evolved from creatures that lived in Atlantis, that the darker people's skin, the less "spiritually developed" they are, that the gnomes are real, that the heart is not is a "pump" that some children are demons in human form, that the Earth does not revolve around the Sun, that a person will one day give birth from his larynx, and many other strange "facts" that Steiner claimed when he learned them through clairvoyance.

The son of one of the parents came home and said that his biology teacher in Walldorf taught in the lesson that European blood is more developed than African blood! Any normal scientist can explain why this is absurd. However, for those familiar with Steiner's racist theories, such stories suggest that Steiner's racism may be living in today's anthroposophy and infiltrating the classroom in the form of pseudoscience.

And there is also the problem of pedophiles. They are, of course, everywhere and in no way peculiar only to Waldorf schools. The problem at our school was that there were several incidents and teachers did not comply with laws that protect children from sexual abuse.

The Sydney Morning Herald recently ran an article about the sexual advances of students by male and female teachers at the Australian Waldorf School and allegations of emotional and physical abuse. I don’t think it’s quite obvious that pedophilia is prevalent in Waldorf schools. However, I think that it may be useful for parents to learn about the attitude of the centers towards cases of sexual abuse of students by teachers, other anthroposophists and members of the family of anthroposophists …"

That is, it is clearly visible that we are dealing with a kind of esoteric Gnostic movement, which at the beginning of the 20th century contributed to the formation of Nazi ideology, survived Nazism and began to develop again in the postwar period. And again, it is key in the formation of a new ideology, which they have been trying to introduce since childhood and which presupposes mechanisms of inheritance and distribution. But is this growth so great to sound the alarm? Here are the figures for the growth of the centers of Waldorf pedagogy in the post-war period. One center in the 1920s, about a hundred in the 1970s, and over a thousand today (see graph).


Within the framework of the Waldorf movement, kindergartens, preschool institutions (today - about 2000), as well as medical educational institutions and orphanages, which also number in the hundreds, were also organized.

So what happened in the 1970s that the number of such schools began to grow so dramatically? Asking myself this question, I again find myself in the era of the Spanish transition (transition from dictatorship to democracy). One of the main characters who have done everything for the widest implementation of Waldorf centers around the world is the former Director-General of UNESCO (1987-1999) Federico Mayor Zaragoza. It is Zaragoza - a biochemist, dean of the University of Granada, who has been the Minister of Education in several Spanish governments, a member of the Academies of Sciences of many countries, including the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1999) - from the height of his post at UNESCO gives a very positive recommendation to Waldorf Centers and so this contributes to their certification by the governments of different countries. Essentially,that many Waldorf centers receive subsidies from governments and therefore no longer have to pay for parents.


In addition, Triodos Bank is very seriously involved in the distribution of these centers, making itself an image of an "ethical bank" that opposes the dominance of financial markets and for responsible investments in ecological branches of agriculture (such as, for example, the method of biodynamic agriculture based on a horoscope, associated with alchemy, which is an integral part of anthroposophy), as well as in “personal growth”, and therefore in the Waldorf centers and other “socially responsible” projects around the world. Joan Mele, a member of the Advisory Board of Triodos Bank and a close associate of Federico Zaragoza, is actively promoting Waldorf education. It is very significant that Mele has been a professor of the Master's program in Personal Growth and Leadership for many years, including the one taught at the Economics (wow!) Faculty of the University of Barcelona,as well as the universities of Valencia, Madrid and Mexico, where along the way (attention!) a number of specific subjects are taught: from the techniques of "conscious eating" to African dances according to the special AfroYin technique. At the same time, there is always an appeal to some kind of paradigm change, a departure from the old "industrial" paradigm to personal emancipation, etc. That is, this is a kind of "factory" for the production of "posthumans", which are supposed to become privileged in the "new era "or that very new paradigm. Mele is engaged in this in addition to master classes in Waldorf pedagogy.a departure from the old "industrial" paradigm to personal emancipation, etc. That is, this is a kind of "factory" for the production of "posthumans", which are supposed to become privileged in the "new era" or the very new paradigm. Mele is engaged in this in addition to master classes in Waldorf pedagogy.a departure from the old "industrial" paradigm to personal emancipation, etc. That is, this is a kind of "factory" for the production of "posthumans", which are supposed to become privileged in the "new era" or the very new paradigm. Mele is engaged in this in addition to master classes in Waldorf pedagogy.

That is, while philosophy and astronomy are removed from the educational program, astrology and esoterics are introduced there. Well, what's wrong with that, you say? We have freedom here, and everyone learns by himself and gives his children to be raised in the system that he likes best. Nobody forces you! The fact of the matter is that this is not always the case, since these centers actively cooperate with the "protection of childhood and youth" bodies, which, as we know, ruthlessly take children away from their completely normal parents.

Here I cannot but give an example of another activist of the parental resistance in Spain, "Turquoise Wave". I will not name her, I will only say that she was a pediatrician, she was responsible for about 500 children in the hospital when her own children were taken away from her. And after taking away her own children, she continued to work and be responsible for many children's lives professionally. It would seem absurd, but the fact is that the children were never returned to her.

Okay, so what? Where is the connection with a certain subject, which we promised to describe at the beginning of the article? Dealing with the figure of Federico Mayor Zaragoza, we discover that he is a member of the Club of Rome, and in the film with his interview on the RTVE24 channel, in response to the host's question about the characters with whom he is most proud of cooperation, Zaragoza states the following:

“I [was lucky - V. R.] to be with President Gorbachev. I had the honor together with Arthur Miller, Arthur King (the second president of the Club of Rome after Aurelio Peccei - V. R.) and Alvin Toffler, and I was the president of this group, together with Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev we made perestroika and glasnost … and all this is absolute true! Why am I so impressed? Because I realized that it was something unexpected, and that the unexpected is our hope."

About the Club of Rome, Jermen Gvishiani, about the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of System Research (VNIISI), which was one of the centers of perestroika "infection" of the USSR elite, about the concept of "convergence of systems" proposed by the Club of Rome and the concept of "sustainable development" (in fact, the program to stop development) in the newspaper "The Essence of Time" and in the programs "The Meaning of the Game" a lot has already been written and said. Here, apparently, we are dealing with another aspect of their activities that influenced the collapse of the USSR and continues to influence modern Russia, including through the promotion of juvenile justice.

That is, we again see a subject called the Club of Rome, developing a new ideology and even a new paradigm and a certain image of the future (this, in general, is not new), and he first participates in the Spanish "transition", and then organizes the "transition" in Russia - the notorious perestroika. Agree, interesting! In addition, this is what Zaragoza, an active member of the Club of Rome, himself says about his participation in the transition:

“For the first time, when I began to contact the authorities, and I was always interested that progressive-minded scientists, professors, intellectuals and artists, all those who research and create, would be closer to power than it was traditionally.

I did not know Adolfo Suarez, and besides, I must tell you quite sincerely, at that moment we were all thinking only about how to make a historical transition from a dictatorial context to a democratic one. The only thing that interested us was that one general would not be replaced by another general. As, by the way, they tried to do it a little later, right? At that very moment, I received a call from President Adolfo Suarez, who was then Chairman of the Scientific and Technological Research Advisory Committee. Most recently, as Spain after Franco's death carried out the transfer of power to him, he calls me and asks me to participate in the elections in Granada on the lists of the Union of the Democratic Center (UCD). Naturally, I told him: no, the president.

- Ltd! But I really liked how you were the rector, people love you very much.

I told him: the academy is one thing, and the politician is another. I can be the rector of the University of Barcelona, any other university, but what I cannot do, it seems to me, is to be the people's representative.

- Not!!! They love you very much in Granada, and all that …

And then, I remember, I told him: look, President, there are three types of vows. Vows of chastity, vows of poverty and vows of obedience. The first two I am ready to put into practice, but the vow of obedience - not for a second. I do not obey anyone except my conscience. And therefore I cannot be part of a political party that I do not know, the program of which I do not know … and therefore I refuse, thank you very much, very grateful. And Adolfo was like that, he says:

- Just a minute, have someone come and write: “Adolfo Suarez, President of the Government and General Secretary of the Union of the Democratic Center, I decree: First, that Wed. Major Zaragoza is freed from any dependence on the Union of the Democratic Center. Second, he will go first on the list in Granada, he will be given the commission he sees fit, and he will implement the program that he himself considers most appropriate."

Clear? Wow treatment of the president! How shoud I understand this? What has Suarez Zaragoza been persistently “recommended” from above? Another brilliant example of "democracy"!

It is appropriate to mention an interesting detail here: Adolfo Suarez was supervised by high-ranking members of the Francoist government of Opus Dei, who at that time relied on the scientific community and intensively introduced the so-called technocrats into power. This information has yet to be researched and described in detail.

And one more characteristic fact connected with the figure of the Major of Zaragoza. In 2011, he actively supported the Spanish "Outraged" and campaigned to join the protests, as he praised all the other "Arab springs", explaining this by the fact that the people are finally becoming free and beginning to have their own voice, since now he new means of communication are available, and of course all of this is in the struggle for "democracy and human rights." We already know how it all ended in the Arab countries. We see that all the reforms under the slogan of human rights and democracy, as a rule, resulted in their opposite.

By the way, in the interview film, Major Zaragoza mentioned some of his alliance with UNICEF in promoting educational reforms in African countries. This fact made me ask the parent movement about the results of UNICEF activities in Spain. They immediately pointed me to SOS Children's Villages, an organization directly funded by UNICEF and not only a member of this structure, but a long-term member of the New York Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) at UNICEF, and is currently a member of the Board this committee and co-chair of the working group on children without parental care.

And it is not surprising that this very organization is actively promoting EcoSOS sustainable development plans in Latin America, and, in particular, actively including children in it. As a reminder, EcoSOS is the UN Economic and Social Council, "bringing together people and problems to promote collective action for a sustainable world." Central to the United Nations development system, it provides analysis, aligns global norms. Its solutions contribute to the implementation of the concept of sustainable development - or rather, underdevelopment - especially for the so-called developing countries.

SOS Children's Villages (from the German SOS-Kinderdörfer) is an international charitable organization that supports orphans, children left without parental care and children at risk of losing their families. The abbreviation SOS in the name of the organization is just an abbreviation for the phrase "social support". But it clearly addresses the well-known appeal of the drowning for help, that is, it deliberately includes an emotional response. And - turns off criticism. Which would not be worth turning off (as in everything concerning children).

Horst Schreiber, a German doctor of modern history at the University of Innsbruck, in his book "Obliged to Silence: Experience from SOS-Villages" analyzes the structural moments in the history of this organization, the repression and violence prevailing there. The conclusion of this expert is that sexual violence is more a characteristic of the system, rather than a local bias or special cases.

This "prestigious" NGO is very concerned about its image and literally flooded the Internet with propaganda sites that appear first in search engines when you enter the name "SOS Children's Villages". But if you still look not on the first pages of Google, then completely different evidence appears, which, by the way, are trying to be deleted. I managed to recover one article from a Chilean newspaper from the cache. The article says:

“The President of the Sename Commission of Inquiry, Rene Saffirio (Chilean lawyer and politician), called the evidence of sexual abuse of minors associated with the Sename shelters (Sename - Chilean Ministry of Justice and Human Rights) and submitted to this instance by one of the informants, Flor Bastidas, as“very serious”. She claims that her nephews were raped by several people, and not only by those who are now under house arrest in this case. All of the above applies to a lawsuit filed in 2011 in connection with what happened in the SOS Children's Village in Padre de las Casas, and which Sename detained for two years before starting the case.

Saffirio added that, most likely, we are dealing with a network of pedophiles, as several people are involved in it. Therefore, and due to the seriousness of the evidence received, the commission decided to invite a representative of the fiscalili, who is conducting an investigation in the region."

Flor Bastidas detailed her family's long adventures in order to first be able to visit and then adopt two nephews who were transferred to one of the centers of the SOS Children's Village in May 2008 after being abandoned by their parents. The paternal aunt of the children, who are now 13 and 9 years old, with tears told how, during the period given to the children to spend holidays with her, when she washed the baby, he, avoiding physical contact, told her that older children from the same center raped him.

“At first, I realized that my nephews were sexually abused - the boy was raped several times by different people, children from 11 to 16 years old - and later, after conducting medical research, we realized that they were also raped by adults, especially“by the man from the van , - said Bastidas.

According to her, these acts did not take place within the Village itself, but were “organized and carried out by workers under the authority of Sename. The elder [nephew] explained to me that “on weekends they were taken to a house where there were three people: Bernardo (the driver of the van) raped them, another recorded all this on video, and the third was good, he constantly told them that this should not be done that they might overdo it."

A few words about the founder of the SOS Children's Villages. In laudatory articles about the founder of the SOS Children's Villages, Russian websites will tell you the following: “Austrian doctor Hermann Gmeiner went through the whole war and almost died in the USSR. (Wow!) Then he was saved from death by a Russian orphan boy whom Gmeiner remembered for the rest of his life.

In February 1940, Gmeiner was drafted into the Wehrmacht. He fought in Finland, the USSR and Hungary. In 1945, he was taken to the Bregenz hospital with numerous wounds. By the way, during the Second World War, the city of Bregenz was one of the last to be liberated; allied troops entered it only on May 1, 1945. That is, a certain "good doctor" entered the Wehrmacht in his quite conscious 22 years and fought in the Nazi ranks until the very end of the war, all this time making Russian children and children of other countries orphans, and then suddenly repented of necessity and decided to save them? Let's explore this in a little more detail.

The first SOS Children's Village opened in 1949 in Imst (Austria) for children who lost their parents during World War II. Today in 134 countries on all continents there are more than 550 SOS Children's Villages and more than 1,500 different programs and projects to help children in difficult life situations, strengthen families and prevent social orphanhood.

In Catalonia, parents say that if this organization could have been useful in the beginning, then since it entered the structure of the General Directorate for the Protection of Childhood and Youth (DGAIA), not only orphans have been placed in SOS Children's Villages.

The Russian SOS Children's Villages Committee began its work in 1994. The initiator of the creation of this organization in Russia was Elena Sergeevna Bruskova (1926–2014). The first Russian SOS Children's Village opened its doors to large families (let's clarify, not blood, but guardians) in Tomilin near Moscow in 1996. Today on the territory of the Russian Federation there are 6 SOS Children's Villages (Tomilino, Lavrovo, Pushkin, Kandalaksha, Pskov, Vologda), as well as 6 SOS Youth Houses (Lyubertsy, Murmansk, two in Orel, two in St. Petersburg), the Foundation for the Prevention of Social Orphanhood Strengthening the Family”(St. Petersburg), and the Center for the Development of Family Forms of Organizing Children (Murmansk).

In total, more than 400 children live in the SOS Children's Villages in Russia. More than 2,000 children receive assistance in the framework of programs for the prevention of social orphanhood, according to Wikipedia. (What is “prevention of social orphanhood,” and how exactly it works, is already well known, we will not repeat.)

But then I read absolutely incredible things! In the village of Maurino near Vologda, one of the streets is named after Hermann Gmeiner: the Vologda Children's Village SOS is located on it. Also named after Gmeiner is a street in the village of Tomilino, Lyubertsy district of the Moscow region, a lane in the city of Kandalaksha, Murmansk region. There is also Herman Gmeiner Street in the city of Pskov. SOS Children's Village is also located on this street. That is, in Russia, the streets are now called by the names of those who, with weapons in their hands as part of the Wehrmacht, fought against our people throughout the Great Patriotic War! How should this be understood? Where are our people looking? Or is he already so scared of juvenile practices and other social technologies carried out on our territory in the 90s that he no longer wants and cannot resist even in such very egregious cases? Anyway,who writes laudatory articles about this foreign NGO, aren't they themselves orphans? Or parents who are robbed of their children by completely fascist methods? Who is the beneficiary of Gmeiner's praise? The question is far from idle.

And yet, the connection between this system of "child protection" and pedophilia remains not entirely clear. That is, it really exists, parents and activists who are trying to protect children from inhuman practices are testifying, shouting, asking for help. But the system remains deaf. Psychologists, social workers, judges do not hear the testimonies of these young children, do not see medical examinations. Why?

From the 2015 Catholic Church Judge Gil José Sáez Martínez's A Historical Perspective on Child Sexual Abuse, for a dissertation on pedophilia in church structures, we learn that with the advent of democracy, International and private non-governmental organizations began to enter the country, specifically UNICEF España, Save the Children España, SOS Children's Villages, ANAR and RODENI. They came to protect minors from violence and preserve their dignity.

“The real changes began to take place in the 1990s, after Spain ratified the International Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989. Practically at the same time, the law of the Criminal Code 3/1989 came into force, which updated the Criminal Code of 1973, which replaces the wording “crimes against dignity” with a new wording that sounds like “crimes against sexual freedom”.

That is how it should be understood? Is it a crime to ban sexual relations, not sexual violence? Or, perhaps, refusal to engage in sexual relations, which also fits this wording? Only now you can't put rape under it … And all the same already listed international NGOs lobbied for this law. On the Save The Children España website, this wording is prominently displayed and tells us that 48% of all crimes against minors are crimes against sexual freedom. The fact that the well-known fighter for the rights of pedophiles Peter Newell is cooperating with this organization was written in her article "Pedophiles guarding the rights of the child" in the IA REGNUM, children's psychologist Irina Medvedeva.

In total, 53 organizations are currently operating in Spain as part of the Platform for Child Protection Associations, the first of which is called SOS Children's Villages, then Save the Children, religious organizations (I wrote about the Francoist practices of weaning children through religious structures in the previous article), already familiar to us Fundación Diagrama and Fundación Internacional O'Belén, along with the Youth Organization of Spain (OJE), which since 1960 was the youth wing of the only party at that time - the Phalanx, the Spanish branch of UNICEF, the Socialist Youth Organization. In the "childhood" system, everyone gets along well! Of course, each of these organizations must be examined separately. But the fact is obvious. Even the few who are considered in this article show us a Nazi trace,from which the authors of the new ideology are so persistently trying to wash away, telling us about "democracy", which in their own practices is striking in its absence.

It is quite logical to assume that all these juvenile laws are introduced not by chance, but with the aim of some kind of "change of a person" in a very specific direction. Personally, in this connection, for some reason, I persistently recall the story of the maniac, the founder of the sect called "Family" Charles Manson, who attracted young Americans from the middle class to his sect during the heyday of the hippie movement in 1969. Charles Manson said that the "children" who were thrown into the trash by society came to him themselves, and more and more people became members of the "Family". He gave everyone a new name. In the "Family" they became "brothers and sisters". And he invited them to the "killer's feast." The murders were marked by unheard of cruelty. He himself did not participate in the killings.

Dr. Michael Stone has taken a close look at the case of Manson and his sect. Studying Manson's life, Stone found that his entire youth was built on denial and protest. "The hatred of society stems from the feelings of uselessness experienced in childhood." Manson realized that the only way to make himself known was to bring destruction to the world. By the age of 19, Manson had changed 7 orphanages and charitable institutions for boys. He stole cars, committed armed robberies. He developed a deep hatred of society, which alienated him. He decided to create his own society, one over which he will have complete control."

Manson travels to San Francisco, forges relationships with hippies, gives them LSD to control their minds more easily, and calls for a better life. One of the members of the "Family" Catherine Sher many years later testified in the film "The pinnacle of villainy": "I tried LSD and I liked it, I was a child again, spinning, laughing, picking flowers, giving them to people." Doesn't this Childhood-2 remind you of SE Kurginyan's articles "On Communism and Marxism"? After all, we already see a whole generation wishing to immerse themselves in Childhood-2 by all means? "People on the street talked about politics, and I just walked up, smiled at them and gave flowers." And this - isn't Gene Sharp's instruction reminiscent of nonviolent methods of fighting authoritarian regimes? There a certain girl always comes up to the policemen and gives them a flower. Only these "children" and these lovely girls suddenly have an animal grin, and they are able to arrange a bloody massacre at the moment. As it happens, we could observe on the Kiev Maidan and in Odessa, where "onizhedeti" filled Molotov cocktails with napalm and threw stones at the heads of people.

Katherine Sher goes on to say, “He used sex. But in a different way. He made the woman lose control, merge with him, become one with him. Charles Manson methodically destroyed their own selves with drugs and sex.

Another of the Family members, serving a life sentence, admitted that they were "nuns" of Manson's religion, which he called "Rainbow Law" (do you remember the LGBT symbol?), And ardent followers of his own philosophy of preserving ecological balance, which he called ATWA (Air, Trees, Water, Animals, or in Russian Air, Trees, Water, Animals). They sent death threats letters to "corporate polluters" - executive directors and heads of enterprises that pollute the environment. ATWA claimed to establish a single world order based on Manson's declared idea of the balance of all life on Earth. Again, doesn't it look like anything?

Manson preferred to deal with white middle-class teenagers who were easily influenced by others. Erich Fromm studied the phenomenon of uncertainty and easy transformation of atomized representatives of the middle class, their manifestation of sadomasochistic inclinations in his book "Escape from Freedom". He considered it precisely the confused middle class, which had lost its support in the traditional way of life, in need of paternalism, the substrate on which the ideology of Nazism took root. “Charles was very caring, he allowed us to get rid of fear. We felt in him some kind of vector of truth,”says Catherine Sher.

Manson instilled in them a fear of society and a fanatical desire to start a global racial war leading to the end of the world, which he called "Helter Skelter," after one of the Beatles' White Album songs. At the end of this war, Charles Manson and his followers were to lead those who survived. He described it this way: “People will kill each other, riots will start, blacks will rebel against whites. It will become the mother of all wars, in which some will simply destroy others."

A war of all against all, that is what this new fascism intends to arrange! And not "conventional", within the framework of the rules, but literally for extermination. For this, all these "unloved children" are needed, the production of which is now "on the conveyor". As well as aggressive feminism, LGBT people, obsession with sex, social instability and uncertainty about the future, constantly heated protest movements of all stripes, gnostic sects with racist and environmental doctrines and, of course, hedonists, individuals “enlightened” by the new paradigm, who consider themselves “supermen” ".

What ingredient is missing in all the political endeavors described in this article to unleash a massive massacre in the Manson Family pattern? It seems that everything is already enough. But before that, of course, there will be a world conference of mayors to combat urban violence, which is now being convened by FM Zaragoza in Madrid! Maybe she is not alone. After which the violence, no doubt, will sharply increase - after all, their "language" now must be understood exactly the opposite.

At the end I would like to quote once again the warning words from the film “Pasolini”: “But be careful, hell will come for you. It's true, he wears a lot of things and wears a lot of masks. We are all victims and we are all guilty. But the desire to take a crowbar and kill exists in each of us …"