The Epidemics That Frighten The Planet Are More Like Scams - Alternative View

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The Epidemics That Frighten The Planet Are More Like Scams - Alternative View
The Epidemics That Frighten The Planet Are More Like Scams - Alternative View

Video: The Epidemics That Frighten The Planet Are More Like Scams - Alternative View

Video: The Epidemics That Frighten The Planet Are More Like Scams - Alternative View
Video: Drug Trial Goes Terribly Wrong: Emergency At The Hospital (Medical Documentary) | Real Stories 2024, September

In February, a virus emerged in West Africa with a 90 percent death rate. In the summer, the entire planet was already in a fever. A terrible hemorrhagic fever is approaching, for which there is no cure, no vaccine! In August, WHO (World Health Organization) recognized Ebola as a global threat.

In September, US President Barack Obama himself at the 69th session of the UN General Assembly in New York called African fever the main threat to humanity.

You turn on the "box" - Ebola, you enter the Internet - and there the filovirus wriggles like a snake. Every day reports from the "Ebola front" poured on our heads - the number of those infected, the dead. They even started killing dogs, as in the Middle Ages. Apocalyptic forecasts have gone: in October the virus will come to Europe, Russia, and by February it will hit millions of victims. Mutates and will be transmitted through the air. And we will not be saved from him if we do not have time to create a vaccine!

Surprisingly, today Ebola is practically not remembered. According to fresh data from WHO, at the end of November, the virus claimed 6,928 lives. However, after a couple of days it turned out that a thousand deaths were attributed to Ebola erroneously. I had to correct the data. So, out of 16 899 cases, 5987 died. In 10 months! (The fever appeared in February.) This is despite the fact that the common flu kills half a million people every year. And Obama, together with the WHO, are not sounding the alarm.

The number of cases of the virus by months


However, at the end of August, a well-known microbiologist, colonel of the reserve medical service Mikhail Supotnitsky said that Ebola would not spill out from West Africa to other continents, to Russia. The epidemic will fade by itself. As in the past. “I think everything will be over within a year. But isolated outbreaks will periodically shake the health care of African countries for several years until the outbreaks fade away. At the same time, the expert denied persistent rumors that the virus was created artificially, like a biological weapon.

So what happened to Ebola, Mikhail Vasilyevich, - I turn to Supotnitsky again in December

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- The Ebola fever, having enriched world science with new scientific data, transnational corporations with money, and politicians with another embarrassment, is a thing of the past. The epidemic was quietly rolling back in September. In October, the fading trend was already evident and unambiguous. In November-December, only its tail stretched, as it always happens with cyclical epidemics. You can beat a tambourine, blow a whistle and be proud of another victory of the human mind. You can see for yourself the histogram of Ebola incidence in one of the counties of Liberia, published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report on November 21. Let me remind you that Liberia accounts for more than half of all victims of hemorrhoidal fever.

And the WHO heart-rendingly asked at once a billion dollars to fight the fever. Thrown off by the whole world. Literally. Individual rich philanthropists, industrial companies, entire countries … The Russian Foreign Ministry announced on October 16 that Russia is also allocating 779.4 million rubles "as part of a contribution to international efforts to combat the outbreak of the Ebola virus disease." We have that, chickens do not peck money?

- Are you not proud of the generosity of your country? Many would like to help Mr. Obama defeat Ebola, but not everyone had the opportunity to do so. Some were carrying a testicle, some a pie, some old felt boots, "everything for the front, everything for the victory over a fatal illness." And here is almost a billion rubles! The director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Tom Frieden, himself praised Russia for its naivety, sorry, for its generosity. In our epidemiological research institutes, where even the directors have a beggarly salary, now, of course, all employees are happy: this is how the fight against dangerous hemorrhagic fevers should be financed. Strangers! And there are no funds to fight with relatives (Congo-Crimean, Omsk).

The same Tom Frieden called for urgently developing vaccines and bringing them to the stage of widespread use. The Americans have already announced a successful trial of such a vaccine in volunteers. Russia is also experiencing other countries. Although the epidemic goes out on its own, without any vaccines. So, now they will vaccinate the entire planet against the African virus for prevention?

- Tom is great. His idea is as new as "Proletarian on a Horse". Without him, no one would have guessed. It’s just not very clear to me what Tom is trying to screw with and to whom this time. Tom thinks that no one knows how preclinical and clinical studies of vaccines are conducted, how their preventive efficacy is assessed, their registration is underway, and how long it takes. His behavior reminds me more of the actions of a robber trying to take you to the "gop-stop". What vaccine can there be in three months or even six months ?! Years of research are needed, the efforts of huge teams, moreover, with a trip to the foci of Ebola. Do you know where and when it will flare up again?


“And Tom doesn't know. Dosing knowledge is also a form of colonization. They imposed on us a new understanding of what a vaccine is. In their interpretation, this is a drug that causes the formation of specific antibodies. Our doctors think so: antibodies have appeared, which means that a person is protected. But not everything fits together. Antibodies to the Ebola virus, on the contrary, intensify the infectious process - such a feature in this disease. This means that tremendous work is needed to overcome the phenomenon of antibody-dependent intensification of infection. And for three months, such studies are not carried out. But during this period you can raise money for the "vaccine", a lot of money.

I'm still wondering how the “broad masses” will be vaccinated? Voluntarily? Forced?

- Intuition tells me, Evgeny, that they will not be vaccinated against Ebola. I don't think you will hear about this fever again, as well as about Saddam's biological weapons with his terrible anthrax, bird and swine flu, turning into "Spanish flu". The number has been worked out, the circus has left.

Yes, horror stories with bird and swine flu are a thing of the past. Panic was also universal. Billions were collected, vaccines were hastily created. History repeated itself. Is there a difference in these pseudo-epidemic campaigns?

- Is there a difference in the "color revolutions"? They are all done according to one scenario, stupidly according to one scenario. So it is with pseudo-epidemics. Why change the script if it works.


But in Russia, why does all this pass?

- Decline in passionarity, small conformism of the scientific community, outdated epidemiological knowledge in rewritten textbooks. The epidemic itself is not interesting. I wonder - "what will I have from her." They began to play the pipe "over the hill", they pick it up from us in the hope that they will brush the crumbs off the table. And then they live among pseudo-knowledge, pseudospecialists and wonder why everything is so bad. I remember how, during the profanation of the swine flu in 2009, one epidemiological "luminary" gave an interview to a journalist on the air. The academician went to bed as usual, his swine flu turned into “Spanish flu”, and “Spanish flu” in 1918 allegedly killed 100 million people.

The girl was embarrassed: “It seems that they used to say that only 20 million….”. “No,” the “luminary” objected without batting an eye. - We opened new archives.” So, lie as a principle. But we are following the western path in assessing scientific results. We come up with impact factors for scientific journals, Hirsch indices for scientists and much more. But behind this smoke of formal indicators, such a concept as "scientific reputation" has imperceptibly gone into the past. We are destroying the environment in which we ourselves live, in which our children and grandchildren will live.

Who and why scared the planet with Ebola this time?

- It is very difficult to trace who exactly. Such operations are carried out through global network structures. Unfortunately, WHO is by no means a perfect organization. For some reason, he always finds himself in the epicenter of pseudo-epidemics, plays the role of a cover. The ancients said “Is fecit cui prodest” - did the one who benefits from it. And it is beneficial for multinational pharmaceutical corporations and the politicians serving them.

Mikhail Vasilyevich, you are not just a responsible microbiologist, but also a predictor. In the midst of the universal panic with the swine flu from the pages of "Komsomolskaya Pravda" people were reassured: "The very appearance of a" new virus "does not cause a pandemic. Whether it is the virus that causes the flu with its negligible mortality, or Ebola with a mortality rate of up to 90% of all cases, it makes no difference. " Not only that, the pandemic in both cases did not really happen, contrary to the statements of the WHO and Obama. The coincidence is striking: after the swine flu, it is Ebola, which you mentioned in "KP" 4 years ago, has become a horror story. Can you predict what kind of epidemic will scare us in a few years?

- Thank you for the kind words addressed to me, but I am not a fortuneteller. The network structures have a lot of things in store, the technologies of global intimidation of the population are well developed. Does it really matter what they scare, what they pull out of the closet - it will work. Will work in the same scenario. People prefer to believe in the reality of what they do not understand. In the genetic memory of mankind, epidemics are an absolute evil, a pestilence. The fear of them is special, irrational. This is mentioned in the books of the Old Testament.

During an epidemic, no one knows when his hour will come, from where the fatal blow of fate will be dealt. Who will die first, he or a loved one, who will bring the "plague" into the house. In the 21st century, thanks to the Internet, the world has become a single information space. You can quickly paralyze people with fear on a planetary scale. And this fear has a peculiarity inherent only in it - after the end of the epidemic, it is forgotten. Today, the artificially whipped up fear of an epidemic is a means of managing social processes. It deprives people of the will to resist, to comprehend the current events. They are simply pressed with frightening information and they do not see anything except the invented event.

The worst thing is not what they scare with at all corners, but what they are silent about. And they are silent about the HIV / AIDS catastrophe. After all, there is nothing to say! The fight against AIDS also began 30 years ago with epidemiological profanities like “a new virus has appeared,” “we will create a vaccine and end it like smallpox,” “we have already received antibodies from mice and we all know about AIDS,” and so on. In 1995, we adopted a law on the fight against AIDS, which is more like a declaration of all rights and freedoms.

And where is this vaccine with its antibodies? Where is the real fight? When the Law was adopted in Russia at the suggestion of WHO, there were 400 HIV-infected people in the country, now it is almost a million. In 2013, 80 thousand of our citizens received HIV infection. These are 80 thousand broken destinies. There will be more this year, and not a single case of Ebola. And who did we defeat? Maybe we will admit defeat and start thinking about what to do next?


Deceived like a pig

In 2009, WHO, Obama, and other politicians already frightened the world with millions of victims of the swine flu pandemic. The pandemic then resolved on its own by the end of the year. The WHO was forced to admit that the dreaded H1N1 is "significantly less deadly" than the common flu. For a year around the world, he took 14 thousand people. The common flu kills up to half a million lives annually. But, according to forecasts of the JP Morgan bank, pharmacists have earned more than 7 billion euros from vaccines alone! The Russian government has also allocated 4 billion rubles. In the United States alone, 138 million doses of vaccines were unclaimed!


Mikhail Vasilievich SUPOTNITSKY - microbiologist, candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher. From 1979 to 2006 he worked in various positions in research institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR and the Russian Federation. Colonel of the reserve medical service. He is currently an expert at one of the federal organizations. Author of the books "Microorganisms, Toxins and Epidemics", "Essays on the History of Plague", "Dictionary of Genetic Terms", "Evolutionary Pathology", "Biological Warfare. Introduction to the epidemiology of artificial epidemic processes and biological damage."