Bill Gates Sponsors Vaccinations To Reduce Population - Alternative View

Bill Gates Sponsors Vaccinations To Reduce Population - Alternative View
Bill Gates Sponsors Vaccinations To Reduce Population - Alternative View

Video: Bill Gates Sponsors Vaccinations To Reduce Population - Alternative View

Video: Bill Gates Sponsors Vaccinations To Reduce Population - Alternative View
Video: Innovating to zero! | Bill Gates 2024, September

We all know the Bill & Melinda Gates Charitable Foundation is committed to vaccinating children around the world. At a 2010 forum in Dovos, Gates revealed that he intends to invest $ 10 billion in the development of new vaccines.

But are the Gates family vaccines really that safe? Even in America itself, they are not completely sure of this. Here is what the famous American journalist and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones says about this:

Jones argues that Gates wants to control populations in developing countries with his vaccines. And Bill himself, as often happens, let it slip. It was in 2010 at a TED conference called "Refreshing to Zero." Speaking, the main speaker said the following words:

Will vaccination and health care work reduce the population? It should be the other way around, shouldn't it, Mr. Gates?

As we already know, Gates' father is an eugenicist to the core and bones (Eugenics is a teaching about hereditary human health and ways to improve it, about methods of influencing the hereditary qualities of future generations in order to improve them). And if you believe in the story of Bill Gates, the guy from the garage who made it all by himself, then I'm sorry about you, but more about that some other time.

What we have as a result: a family of hereditary eugenists, they want to control the population and, with all this, most of all in the world are invested in the vaccination of this very population. It sounds like crazy, but it may be true.

And here's what our beloved Alex Jones thinks about this:

The desire of Gates is quite understandable, the earth is overflowing, and resources are less and less, the powers that be took on the role of God and decided that they could control the population of people and control population growth.

Promotional video:

But it is really very easy to do this, the human body is such a fragile mechanism that it is very easy to break and harm it. Especially if you let people poke you with a needle with something.

The elite have one plan of how to save this world and give themselves eternal life, I will talk about it a little later, and the population decline is only 10% of this plan, more further …

Do not take all of the above seriously, it is just a figment of the author's sick imagination and nothing more … or maybe not. You decide. Thanks for your attention.