Why Do People Clone In The 21st Century? - Alternative View

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Why Do People Clone In The 21st Century? - Alternative View
Why Do People Clone In The 21st Century? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do People Clone In The 21st Century? - Alternative View

Video: Why Do People Clone In The 21st Century? - Alternative View
Video: Why We Still Haven't Cloned Humans — It's Not Just Ethics 2024, September

Nature has long known the principle of cloning, so identical twins appear identical to each other. However, a couple of years ago, the first primate, one of the closest species to humans, was cloned in China. This event gave rise to discussions about whether a person can be cloned.

There are many reasons for cloning a person: someone believes that it is worth reviving great scientists or musicians, for example Leonardo Da Vinci or Beethoven, and someone wants to see a deceased loved one again. The moral side of the issue is another matter. Here opinions also differ. Some consider the clone to be the same twin, only born much later. Others consider the very idea to be something terrible, contrary to human nature or the purpose of God.

What is cloning?

Cloning is the process of creating an organism that is identical to that of the donor. Cloning is already used today: for example, in agriculture, to obtain the same quality crop. But the more complex the organism, the more difficult it is to make a copy of it.

On the other hand, cloning can lead to the disappearance of genetic diversity and, consequently, the adaptation of species to external conditions. So, if, for example, on a strawberry farm, due to some external factor, to which the first sample was not adapted, the strawberry harvest dies, then these will be only small losses. And if an entire livestock population dies, this will negate all the advantages of cloning.


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Is human cloning possible?

Science has already made such progress that nothing prevents cloning a person. It is enough to take an egg and replace its own material with donor material.

In many mammals, this process is similar, whether it's Dolly the first sheep cloned in 1996, or a recently cloned monkey.

The main difficulty is created by the moral side of the question: it is possible to clone a living person, but his consciousness is not. The clone will be the complete twin of the donor, but with its own consciousness.


An infinite number of factors affect the formation of a person's personality: place of birth, upbringing in a family, transfer of experience from other people, etc. That is, cloning deceased relatives does not make any sense - psychologically it will be a completely different person. The same is with the outstanding people of the past: perhaps modern Beethoven will have a great ear for music, but the very passion for music may not interest him.

Human cloning is prohibited

In addition, human cloning is prohibited by an international act - the Additional Protocol to the Convention on the Protection of Human Rights of March 1, 2001. Also, there are similar laws separately in almost every civilized country.

Also, there were the same ideas, using cloning to obtain identical donor organs. But this idea was too wild and immoral for humanity and was categorically rejected by most scientists. However, the so-called therapeutic cloning is still used today. An embryo is artificially created, whose life is interrupted after 14 days. The remaining stem cells are later used for therapy. This procedure is also subjected to harsh criticism, but the opinions here are no longer so unambiguous.

Nevertheless, many scientists come to the idea that in the future humanity will nevertheless come to cloning people, but they believe that this will become only one of the ways of human reproduction.