Clones And Hybrids - Alternative View

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Clones And Hybrids - Alternative View
Clones And Hybrids - Alternative View

Video: Clones And Hybrids - Alternative View

Video: Clones And Hybrids - Alternative View
Video: Human Clones, Mutants, Alien Human Hybrids, Immortal Human Race & Mind of GOD 2024, September

To get an exclusive interview with Budd Hopkins, a researcher of the alien abduction (or abduction) phenomenon, the author of this article had to play a spy game

To begin with, the proxies took me to a site created on the Internet by Hopkins' students. Then - online - I filled out a detailed questionnaire, the main purpose of which was to find out … if I was a psychopath. Your humble servant has passed this test successfully. But even this did not give me access to the "living legend of UFOlogy". Only the story of my encounter with the "unidentified humanoid", which Hopkins considered not fictional, attracted the ufologist to me. This conversation, which I would venture to call sensational, stretched out into several stages - by phone and on the Web.

In the West, Hopkins is considered one of the few serious researchers on the issue of alien abduction. Unfortunately, not only Hopkins' amazing revelations, but also the tragic events that took place shortly after the conversation with the correspondent, allow us to call our dialogue sensational. More recently, Budd - as, I will stress, many of his other "colleagues in the shop". - died under very mysterious circumstances.

Mr. Hopkins, I've heard a lot about your authority among Western ufologists. But why are you so reluctant to make contact? Why all this mystery, filling out the questionnaire?

- The fact is that thousands of people turn to me and to the Foundation for the Study of Alien Invasions I have created. Among them, alas. many are mentally ill. Do you know how a serious scientist differs from someone who makes money on a popular topic? If an avid amateur dreams only of selling information about a meeting with aliens to the press, then every fact is studied by a group of specialists, including psychologists. Only after it is possible to establish that the message is believable, and the informant is mentally healthy, I, perhaps, will get in touch.

The story of a humanoid who visited me as a child, you considered worthy of attention. But the kidnapping did not happen. There was telepathic contact with that strange luminous subject - nothing more. But you are primarily interested in cases of abduction …

- Surprisingly, 70-80% of people who have undergone abduction do not remember this. Perhaps you are one of them.


There is a fragment in your autobiography where you describe how you had polio in childhood. You were treated with baths. You recall that the medical staff was very strict with you. These descriptions are strikingly reminiscent of the stories of people who were abducted by humanoids. One has only to replace “the evil nurse dragging me with a hostile green man, and the“unpleasant bath”with a flying saucer, and one will hardly be distinguished from the other. Or maybe you brought traumatic childhood memories into adulthood? Is there not an embodiment of unconscious fantasies in all your works?

- Skeptics have long been trying to catch me on the "mental trauma of childhood", allegedly entailing violent fantasies in adulthood. Well, even so. But - I emphasize - so far none of them, not one, has been able to refute the facts of abductions, documented and studied by me. - Then tell us about the most, in your opinion, reliable story from your archive, investigated by you and your assistants.

- On November 30, 1989, in New York, in front of numerous witnesses, three humanoids moved Linda Kortyle through the air - they took her from the window of an apartment on the 12th floor and sent her into a flying saucer hovering over the Brooklyn Bridge. We have witness testimony for this case. Many of them believed that they were present when filming a movie. Later we put Linda into a state of hypnosis and she told us about the abduction. We removed a foreign object from her nasal sinus. By the way, hundreds of eyewitnesses and even one of the world's political leaders watched the entire scene with movement through the air for several minutes. This is the first time that the abduction of a person was as if specially demonstrated to one of the most influential people of the planet at that time.

State the name of the person in question

- I can not yet. He chose to remain anonymous. But I hope that soon we will all become witnesses of his amazing revelations. Most striking, given the high position of this man.


- But why do aliens prefer to abduct not VIPs, not Nobel laureates, but, as a rule, ordinary housewives?

- I'll make two clarifications. Firstly, several VIPs work with my Foundation. But the disclosure of their names is in contrast to the name of the world leader, who has already resigned. - would put an end to their careers. Secondly, not just housewives are abducted, but women, as a rule, of reproductive age. Aliens collect the genetic material of the captives, experiment with it, I have reason to assert that the Earth is already inhabited by clones and hybrids of people with aliens. And who knows if I'm a clone interviewing a hybrid?

And what can you say about the intimate contacts of some inhabitants of the Earth with aliens?

- Sex is optional. Sometimes aliens act as … an event that brings people together. You have probably heard how children talk about the fact that they have a certain friend, invisible to adults. Growing up, the guys forget about him, And here's another oddity: young people, previously unknown, meet and unexpectedly "recognize" each other. They have the feeling that this meeting is far from the first. Connect your imagination …

I prefer to stay on the firm ground of facts

- Okay, I'll explain. Aliens broadcast to children the images of their future chosen ones invisible to others. On what basis aliens are pairing, I will not undertake to judge. But the specified method of “acquaintance from childhood” works flawlessly. After meeting, people experience an amazing unity of souls. And now the facts. Under hypnosis, the same Linda Kortyle recalled that she had an invisible friend in her childhood, who later materialized in the form of a guy who later became her husband. The most striking thing is that Linda's husband remembered how he was abducted by aliens in early childhood. He, too, was “broadcast” the image of a certain girl. He recognized this girl later when he looked at his wife's childhood photographs.

Since 1975, from the moment I studied contacts of the third kind (or CE-III. The term implies that eyewitnesses, in addition to UFOs, saw the inhabitants of the plate. - Author's note), I have accumulated under a hundred well-documented cases when future couples formed aliens from childhood and purposefully brought together in an adult state. It is difficult to get rid of the idea that aliens are planning the reproduction of people endowed with certain properties they need. Which ones exactly? Who knows..


Where can you find such documentation? Is there any clear evidence that both spouses were kidnapped - and independently of each other?

- The Alien Invasion Research Foundation conducts seminars in many countries of the world: from the USA to Turkey. We are ready to provide our materials not only to ordinary listeners, but also to members of any government. As for documentary evidence, there are couples where both the husband and wife are carriers of certain implants, which I call chips, implanted in the spouses in different years. It is striking that people with alien chips often do not remember not only the fact of abduction, but also the painful procedure of implantation of a foreign body.

- If all this is so, then we are talking, at least, about waging a long-term undeclared war against earthlings, the consequences of which are unpredictable. So why are all governments silent about this? Why are not cases of kidnapping by "plates" being investigated at the state level?

- I think the secret services have been secretly engaged in this activity for a long time. They hope to get hold of alien technology, and perhaps not without success.

Give at least one example of such extraterrestrial technology

- Let's go back to the story of the abduction of Linda Courtyle. "The main characters of the movie", which was filmed "in New York," implanted "multiple personalities into the psyche of a woman. During the hypnosis session, we had to “pull off” all kinds of false memories from her, like layers of clothing. And only after such a multiple camouflage was removed, Linda remembered exactly what eyewitnesses observed during her capture by aliens. And the transmission of orders telepathically? Remember your story: the alien talked to you without opening his mouth, and yet you understood him perfectly. All intelligence services in the world dream of such technology. However, we can only record the real facts of cosmic interference in our life, but their interpretation is hardly available to us. The situation can be compared to the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs. The actions of the "bearded white gods" were not initially understood by the natives. So it is with aliens - apparently, they are now conducting comprehensive monitoring, and then we, as the Aztecs, will be enslaved. And, apparently, the "invaders" are simply waiting for the most suitable moment for this, and for now they are studying the vulnerable points on the body of humanity.

- Are there any facts confirming such a loud statement?

- Every time the number of people abducted by aliens - I emphasize: survivors of a real abduction, and not psychopaths or adventurers - increases at the peak moments of history. This happened during the First World War, the Second, on the eve of the atomic bombing in Japan … Judging by the fact that since 2010 to this day there has been a new wave, or even a tsunami of gross intervention of extraterrestrials in our lives, soon all of us are in danger of something terrible. I would like to reassure the Russians that the end of the world-2012 was invented by ignoramuses, but people themselves can make a man-made hell. Each time, new cases of kidnapping preceded the emergence of just such a hell. So, perhaps we are now living on the eve of some kind of apocalypse.

But you began to study this problem only in 1975, and you can hardly judge how many crazy and adventurers there were who allegedly survived the abductions in the early and middle of XX Vienna. Let's touch on another aspect. There is a theory according to which the aliens track catastrophes and crises on Earth in order to save all the final apocalypse in the X-hour. Well, as for the implantation of chips in stolen ones … Ornithologists also ring birds, figuratively speaking, with no intention of eating them later

- My answer is simple: if the aliens go in peace, then why did they not save at least one person throughout history - in the same Auschwitz, for example?

- Thank you for the interview. Finally, a traditional question about your plans.

- Despite my age, I am full of strength and energy and would like to give a new impetus to the work of my life. Its essence is as follows: through a series of lawsuits against government organizations to induce them to disclose what they know about the problem, and to find out if any classified work is underway in this direction. The next step is to get leading countries to fund research on chips extracted from humans. And let the governments give an official conclusion: is there a problem of the capture of Earth by aliens or not. If yes. how are they, the mighty of this world, preparing to protect us?

In any case, I want to wish you success. After all, in the end, only the authorities who have taken an oath to act for the good of the peoples are able to put an end to the old dispute: what is the abduction of people by aliens - speculation on our fears or a terrible reality with an unpredictable end?

Instead of an afterword. The year of mysterious deaths. The investigation is conducted by the newspaper "Secrets of the XX century"

It is difficult to say whether Budd Hopkins' ambitious plans will be carried out in the near future by his associates. Precisely - companions. On August 21, 2011, shortly after the courtesy of an interview given to our publication, a world renowned type 3 contact researcher passed away from transient cancer. In memory of this man - not only a talented scientist, but also of the artist, whose paintings 23 museums of the world are proud of, we conducted our own investigation, with the results of which we invite our readers to familiarize themselves.

Almost unnoticed in the world is the fact that this year has become a season of mysterious deaths among specialists professionally engaged in research of contacts of the third kind or the problem of alien abduction of people. In particular, on July 27, 2011, an outstanding British ufologist Hilary Evans died (we emphasize: like Hopkins! - from transient cancer). Important note: Evans had his own secret archive on the subject of the abductions. The location of the archive is currently unknown.

Two days after the death of Evans, William Corliss, a famous American archivist who recorded similar cases, died of a heart attack. And again - it is not clear where the archive he carefully kept was lost.

Less than a month later, on August 12, Robert Girard, the founder and owner of the Arcturus Book publishing house, which specialized in exposing government secrets associated with the same abductions, passed away on August 12 in Port Saint Lucy (Florida. USA).

On August 18 - three days before Budd's death - an unknown driver in a still-unrecognized car knocks down British Stuart Miller, the owner and lead author of the western world's most famous online diary of contacts of the third kind. And on the same day, he stumbles on the threshold of his own house, breaks his neck and dies the director of the Research Center for Parapsychology and Ufology (USA) Helmut Schmidt.

This truly "killer" summer, which mowed down the most famous scientists in their field, was preceded by an equally terrible spring. So, on March 6, 2011, Linda Scarberry, the main witness in the notorious case in the United States of the abduction of “earthlings with plates,” died of a heart attack. She was followed by Evelyn Krantz (by the way, Albert Einstein's niece). Together with her husband, Grover Krantz, she contributed significantly to the registration and documentation of these abductions.

The listing of these names alone gives reason to ascertain: in a short period of time, the brightest representatives of the scientific world were destroyed, who took the danger of contacts of the third kind seriously and tried, as far as possible, to tell about the danger to earthlings.

But that's not all. When the posthumous interview with Budd Hopkins was already being prepared for publication, the news came that, for an unknown reason, "On August 26, 2011, Joe Cooper, the author of dozens of books devoted to the activities of unknown creatures on our planet, died. It is noteworthy that another research writer, John Keill, passed away two years ago. He was sure that aliens were conducting reconnaissance on Earth with the aim of finally establishing control over it. Kill is well known to the Russian reader from the book "UFO: Operation Trojan Horse".

Of course, the editorial office does not have an operational investigative apparatus, and therefore can only put forward (but not check) a version according to which someone's strong and ill-will deliberately destroyed the best professionals in the field of interest from March to August 2011. Budd Hopkins. And - continues to destroy. We do not have the opportunity to check another version (voiced among the intelligence officers studying the UFO phenomena). According to this version, the "world leader" who witnessed the abduction of Linda Kortail in 1989 was none other than the oldest living ex-UN secretary general - Javier Perez de Cuellar. We, as representatives of the "fourth estate", have the right to only ask the question: did not Hopkinsisk plan to visit Senor de Cuellar in order to induce him to be frank?and the former UN Secretary General himself would not want to shed light on this whole story?

As for me, the reporter who interviewed Budd Hopkins, I would like to conclude with one seditious thought. A series of deaths of famous scientists specializing in one topic is often a sign that they have come too close to solving a mystery.

Secrets, in the disclosure of which is not interested … Who?

Stanislav DANILIN

Secrets of the 20th century №41 2011

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