Is There A Secret Government On Earth? - Alternative View

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Is There A Secret Government On Earth? - Alternative View
Is There A Secret Government On Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Is There A Secret Government On Earth? - Alternative View

Video: Is There A Secret Government On Earth? - Alternative View
Video: AV9 - Alex Thomson - INVENTORS of EVIL THINGS ... 2024, September

In Russia, a book was published by a former employee of the British special services Dr. John Coleman, exposing the conspiracy of the elite against humanity

Committee of 300

People don't believe that countries are run by presidents, prime ministers, chairmen and other "visible" officials. It is suspected that true power - powerful and unshakable, but hidden - is concentrated in someone else's hands. Some Masons, for example. Particularly suspicious citizens have even created the so-called "World Conspiracy Theory", according to which the world is ruled by a small handful of people. They are rich, they hold high positions. Consider themselves the chosen one, and everyone else - useless eaters. And in order to get rid of human ballast, they kindle wars, invent new deadly diseases, fool the people with drugs, alcohol, pornography. As a result, due to the malicious intent of the world elite, after a certain amount of time, only one billion should remain on the planet - the "golden" one, which will finally be able to happily and freely enjoy all the benefits,given by nature: clean air, fresh water, natural products.

Complete nonsense, it would seem. However, the British intelligence officer from MI6 (SIS) John COLEMAN, in his book "The Committee of 300: Secrets of the World Government", proves that some powerful secret organization exists.

“During my career as a career British intelligence officer,” Coleman writes, “I have repeatedly obtained access to highly classified documents, the content of which was unusually explicit. I learned that this power controls and controls the governments of many countries. I was so outraged by this that I decided to tell the world about it, which is in the dark.

Imagine a powerful group that does not recognize any national boundaries, including banking, insurance, coal mining, medicine, the oil industry, whose members are solely responsible to the members of this group. This is the "Committee of 300" - the supreme control body that has ruled the world since 1897. Its backbone today is made up of three hundred of the most influential people on the planet."

Promotional video:

Powerful conspirators

According to Coleman, secret organizations and think tanks operate on the Committee of 300. Here are some of them.

Since 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has united the most influential people in the United States and the Western world, from former and current presidents to CIA officials. Created by American banker Morgan. Controls the US Federal Reserve System, the New York Stock Exchange, and leading media outlets.

In 1954, the Bilderberg Club (after the Bilderberg Hotel in the Dutch town of Osterbek, where the first meeting took place) united the American and European elites.

In 1973, the third most important structure appeared - the Trilateral Commission, which included representatives from the United States, Europe and Japan. Its goal is "to create a mechanism for global planning and long-term reallocation of resources."

Since 1968, the Club of Rome has become one of the main foreign policy divisions of the Committee of 300. It brings together scientists, globalists, futurists and internationalists of all stripes. It has its own private intelligence agencies and, in addition, "borrows" information from Interpol, the FSB and the Mossad.

Billionaire David Rockefeller oversees the work of these organizations.

And here is an incomplete list of the helpers of these four "monsters": "Round Table", "Milner Group", "Order of St. John of Jerusalem", "German Marshall Fund", "Chini Foundation", "Fabian Society", "Venetian Black Aristocracy", The Mont Pelerin Society, the Hellfire Club and, of course, the Freemasons. The mother of all the world's think tanks and research institutions is the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations, which is now beginning to be assisted by the Stanford Research Institute.

According to Coleman, the "Committee of 300" included and includes the Queen of England, Queen of the Netherlands, Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe, George W. Bush, Edward Carter, Houston Stuart Chamberlain, Winston Churchill, Francois Mitterrand, Jean Monet, Ernst Oppenheimer and his heir Harry …

In the mid-1990s, Russia was also invited to take part in the preparations for the establishment of the One World Government. “Boris Yeltsin used the decrees of the Committee of 300 to impose the will of the ruling elite on Russia as an experiment,” writes intelligence officer Coleman.

Huge plans

Coleman describes the new world order as the "Committee of 300" presents it.

About the leaders: There will be a One World Government and a single monetary system with permanent, unelected hereditary oligarchs who appoint leaders from among themselves in the form of a feudal system, as it was in the Middle Ages.

On the laws: There will be no middle class - only rulers and servants. All laws will be unified within the judicial system of magistrates' courts, using the same code of laws, which will be enforced by the police of the One World Government, and the united armed forces of the One World will force the laws into all former countries that will no longer be separated by borders.

On religion: Only one religion will be allowed in the form of the Church of the One World Government, which has secretly existed since 1920. All Christian churches will be banned.

About control: All people will be marked with identification numbers (ID). And entered into the consolidated file of the NATO computer in Brussels, along with detailed dossiers.

On family: Marriages will be canceled. Children will be taken from their parents at an early age. And educate in special institutions as state property. Free sex will become compulsory.

About children: If a woman becomes pregnant after having already given birth to two children, she will be forcibly sent to the clinic for an abortion and sterilization.

On resources: Only members of the "Committee of 300" and their chosen ones will have the right to dispose of earth's resources. Agriculture will be exclusively in the hands of the Committee of 300, and food production will be strictly controlled.

On social policy: At least 4 billion "useless eaters" will be exterminated by 2050 through limited wars, organized epidemics of deadly, fast-moving disease and hunger. The amount of electricity, food and water will be maintained at a level sufficient only for the survival of primarily the white population of Western Europe and North America, and then of other races. The populations of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will decline faster than other continents until the global population reaches a manageable level in

1 billion, of which 500 million will be Chinese and Japanese, elected because they have been subject to strict regulations for many centuries and are accustomed to obeying the authorities without question. From time to time, a shortage of food, water and medical care will be artificially created to remind the masses that their existence is entirely dependent on the goodwill of the Committee of 300.

On money: There will be no cash. All payments are made with a debit card. Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the "Committee of 300" will be punished with the suspension of his card for a time depending on the nature and severity of the offense.

Current affairs

Coleman claims that now the henchmen of the World Government are intensively brainwashing people - rewriting history, creating "ideal" people and working to reduce the population.

"Profiling" is a method developed in 1922 by order of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA). He formed the basis of the current NLP - neurolinguistic programming, with which you can influence the thoughts and actions of people. This method has been used by Major John Reese, a British military specialist, on 80,000 British Army guinea pigs and captured soldiers who were subjected to many types of psychotesting. Later, a special brainwashing center was organized at the University of Sussex, but this time for the civilian population. This super-secret institution has been named the Science Policy Research Institute (IISP).

The Rockefeller Foundation subsidized work to create an ideal history of society after the end of World War II, where, naturally, the Anglo-American troops were victorious.

In closed laboratories, also funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, on the basis of the decoding of the human genome, genetic maps of the qualities of an ideal person are made in order to grow geniuses and obedient invulnerable soldiers in test tubes in the future.

At one of the conferences of the World Government, a program for regulating the world's population was approved. Its main goal is to ensure a sharp decline in the birth rate in countries that do not belong to Western civilization. The program covers about 100 states, providing for measures up to the forced sterilization of men and women.

According to the plans, the personal composition of the World Government will be determined at secret meetings of such structures as the Bilderberg Club, CFR, Trilateral Commission and Club of Rome. They are also preparing the conditions for the transition to a unified world system. For this, the so-called "national branches" are created in the most strategically important states of the world. Parallel power structures are being developed, consisting of current and promising future politicians, journalists, intellectuals, financiers, analysts. Their task is to process public opinion before the World Government project can be widely publicized.


Vladimir NIKIFOROV, former colonel of the KGB of the USSR, senior officer of the First Department of the 5th Directorate of the Committee for Foreign Economic Relations (now it no longer exists - Ed.):

"Freemasons bribed everyone"

- In the 1980s, I was a curator for Southeast Asia. He worked in Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, China. Of course, I met there with colleagues from the intelligence services, collaborated with officials of these states. And more than once in personal conversations I was told about the existence of the World Government. All presidents, of course, resist his dictatorship, but they know that they have long become puppets of this unified management system, which includes only 2 percent of the world's population - the richest people. There - I know for sure - the English queen, the Spanish king, his wife. This so-called World Government bribed everything. Under the guise of great state interests and security, they incite wars and invent artificial diseases such as bird flu in order to control people and destroy "ballast". In the end, as I was told,this secret government will create a manageable mass of people. The center of this organization is located in New York, on 5th Avenue, in a large temple, not far from where the skyscrapers were destroyed in 2001. They gather there from time to time.


Robert Todd CARROLL, Chair of the Department of Philosophy, Sacramento College, California:

"It makes no sense to refute illusions"

- Supporters of the notorious "Conspiracy Theory" have long been trying to explain the entire history of the world with a conspiracy of secret societies aimed at establishing a new world order. Waterloo, the French Revolution, any war, homosexuals in the US Department of State, the UN, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Jewish bankers, the use of AIDS to reduce the number of blacks - in all this they see part of a huge backstage war against all of humanity. Getting into the world of theorists of secret societies is like getting into a madhouse. There is no idea or belief that these conspiracy theorists cannot fit the facts into.


Nikolay BURLAKOV, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Researcher, Russian State Humanitarian University:

"Herbert Wells fantasized about world domination"

- If the plan of some World Government really exists, then there is nothing new in it. All these ideas became known even from such classics as "The Technotronic Era" by the former US national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, "Before the Abyss", written by the founder of the "Club of Rome" Aurelio Peccei, "An Open Conspiracy - Plans for a World Revolution" by HG Wells and 1984 by George Orwell. But so far, these ideas remain only on paper.


Sergey MIRNOV, Head of the Department of Experimental Physics of Tokamaks of the Branch of the Tokamak-Reactor of the Troitsk Institute for Innovative and Fusion Research:

"We will save all humanity"

- It is stupid to make plans for the development of humanity based on the limitation of natural resources. Scientific thought does not stand still and solves problems that seemed fantastic a hundred years ago. For example, the creation of reactors based on controlled thermonuclear fusion would not leave a stone unturned from the concept of the so-called committee, which proclaims that billions of people may, after some time, be left without means of subsistence. With the help of such power plants, you can create any substances and materials from the most common rocks. The possibilities of using such reactors are truly endless, and they can bring benefits to humanity that people do not yet have even a remote idea of. For example, using the energy of fusion, it is possible to produce as much aluminum from one square kilometer of waste rock asthat it will be enough to meet the country's needs for four years. And in 10 - 20 years such miracle reactors will start working. First - in France, then - in Japan, and then here, in Russia.

Svetlana Kuzina