The Riddle Of Shambhala: Why Were The Occultists Of Ahnenerbe Interested In Its Secrets? - Alternative View

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The Riddle Of Shambhala: Why Were The Occultists Of Ahnenerbe Interested In Its Secrets? - Alternative View
The Riddle Of Shambhala: Why Were The Occultists Of Ahnenerbe Interested In Its Secrets? - Alternative View

Video: The Riddle Of Shambhala: Why Were The Occultists Of Ahnenerbe Interested In Its Secrets? - Alternative View

Video: The Riddle Of Shambhala: Why Were The Occultists Of Ahnenerbe Interested In Its Secrets? - Alternative View
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Dozens of expeditions were sent in search of the legendary country. It is believed that Shambhala has remained an impregnable mystical citadel. But some facts indicate that the members of Ernst Schaeffer's expedition managed to establish contact with the Great Mahatmas.

The expedition was organized by the Ahnenerbe society, which was created by Nazi occultists. German mystics had their own idea of Shambhala and its inhabitants. In their eyes, it was not a lost paradise or a country of enlightened teachers, but a center of power, secretly governing the world, whose rulers did not disdain bloody sacrifices. Hitler dreamed of enlisting the support of Shambhala (there are many evidences of this aspiration). And, the strangest thing, there is an assumption that he succeeded.

We look at the facts

The results of Schaeffer's expedition were highly appreciated, although, at first glance, the data that German scientists managed to get hold of are interesting only from the point of view of anthropology, ethnology and cultural studies. However, this is not the case.

Of great value in the eyes of the Nazi occultists were the rituals of the Bon religion, the rituals of summoning spirits and other magical practices of the Tibetans, captured on film. All of this was hoped to find practical application, in particular as a means of suppressing the will and influencing large masses of people. In addition, Schaeffer brought ancient scrolls, and also a message from the Tibetan regent Kvotukhtu addressed to Hitler:


It is known that Schaeffer's expedition established radio communication between Lhasa and Berlin, which functioned well until 1943, when the British managed to destroy the radio tower with great difficulty.

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But, mystical practices are only a small part of the knowledge that the lucky Schaeffer managed to acquire. It is impossible not to pay attention to the incredible breakthrough of German scientists in the field of new technologies and nuclear energy. There is evidence that the Germans did not have enough time before the creation of the atomic bomb. All developments were captured by the allies. The FAU-1 and FAU-2 missiles were created for a nuclear attack, and in themselves were a breakthrough type of weapon that had no analogues at that time. The first jet aircraft and radio-controlled tankettes were created. The Germans tried to build flying discs and carried out the mysterious Bell project, which was awarded the highest level of secrecy.

Colossal funds were spent on all these experiments. And this at a time when there were barely enough funds for conventional types of weapons. Until recently, the Nazis believed that they would have time to create a weapon of retaliation - after all, they enlisted the support of the secret rulers of the world. But, luck turned away from them.

As a result, all the developments that the Ahnenerbe scientists did not have time to destroy, went to the allies - the USSR and the USA. These documents are still classified. Which, in itself, says a lot.

The question arises, why did the rulers of Shambhala bet on Hitler, but did not help him to win? Probably, this demoniac mystic was just a pawn in the hands of secret forces, the purpose of which is still impossible to guess.