Race With Green Eyes - Alternative View

Race With Green Eyes - Alternative View
Race With Green Eyes - Alternative View

“The existence of a race with green eyes and red hair can be considered proven in the olden days in Central and North Asia. But what happened to her? (P. Topinar).

In the 80-90s of the XIII century. the Mughal state of the Ilkhans in Iran was close to collapse. Firstly, the consequences of the destruction carried out during a long period (1220-1258) of conquest and plunder were still in effect, and secondly, the Mughal conquerors, even after conquering the country, did not seek to establish economic and political life in it, but continued to regard Iran as the object of uncontrolled theft. Thus, by the time of the beginning of the reign of Gazan Khan (1295-1304), the country experienced a significant overall decline in the population, a reduction in the area of cultivated agricultural land, incomes to the treasury sharply decreased, and the peasantry was on the verge of poverty. Some areas were covered by peasant rebel groups.

In search of a way out, Gazan Khan and his administration decided to get closer to the Muslim bureaucratic and spiritual nobility, make Islam the state religion and carry out a series of economic and political reforms aimed at improving the economy and reducing all kinds of extortions. In 1998, Gazan Khan invited Rashid ad-din Fazlullah ibn Abu-l-Kheir Ali Hamadani, who was born in the city of Hamadan in 1247 and came from a learned family of noble origin, to the government for the post of the second vizier of Rashid ad-din Fazlullah. Rashid ad-din passed through the finance department, however, in the traditions of that time, he was widely and comprehensively educated. Gazan Khan's reforms were successful. Taxes were strictly fixed and reduced, peasant uprisings were suppressed, economic life and trade, if not flourished, then significantly revived, state revenues increased,and Rashid ad-din became one of the richest people in Iran.

In 700 A. H. (1300/1301 AD) Gazan Khan ordered Rashid ad-din to write a historical work on the history of the House of Chingizids and personally advised him on many historical issues, since he was one of the greatest experts in Mughal history. The powerful vizier recruited a whole staff of educated employees and writers, specialists in the history of individual peoples and countries, and got down to business. Basically, he acted as the editor-in-chief, however, Rashid-ad-din dealt with some issues independently, in particular, the history and origin of the Turkic and Mughal tribes before Genghis Khan. Until that time, there were no general works on Turkic history in the Middle East, and Rashid-ad-din was the first author who tried to systematize the information available at that time.

Rashid ad-din, in addition to consultations with Gazan-khan, used the following sources - Mahmud of Kashgar, Juveini ("Tarikh-i dzhekhan gushai" - "History of the World Conqueror" - about 1260 AD), some parts of "Altan Depter "(" Golden Book ") from the archives of the Mughal Ilkhans, ie from the official history of Genghis Khan, his ancestors and his heirs. In addition, Rashid ad-din took advantage of the stay in Iran of Emir Pulad Cheng-hsiang, the greatest specialist of that time on the history of the Mughals. Both of them, systematically and daily, studied together, the emir told, and the learned vizier took notes.

The team of authors consisted of the famous historian Abdullah Kashani, who later wrote an independent work (The History of Oljaytu Khan), Ahmed Bukhari, two unknown Chinese historians, a Buddhist monk from Kashmir - an expert on Indian history, and, as indicated, V. V. Barthold, a French Catholic monk also took part in the work. The participation of other persons is possible, since both in terms of volume and grandeur of coverage of events, completed as a whole in 710. (1310/11 AD) the historical work "Jami 'at-tavarih" has no analogues and is, at the present time, the most complete work on Mughal history.

So. "Jami 'at-tavarih" is nothing more and nothing less than the official history of the House of Chingizids, from the moment of its appearance to the current moment at that time, i.e. before 1310. Among other things, this story also says the following:

“The third son (Bartan-Bahadur - KP) was Yesugei-Bahadur, who is the father of Genghis Khan. [The tribe] Kiyat-Burjigin comes from his offspring. The meaning of "burjigin" is "blue-eyed", and, oddly enough, those descendants who have so far descended from Yesugei-bahadur, his children and his urug are mostly blue-eyed and red-haired."

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In a general sense, "urug" is "clan". In general, it should be noted, for the accuracy of conveying the meaning of the term, that a descendant is called a Urugom, a scion of a given genus (org), as well as a relative, as opposed to a Jad - that is, an alien, alien genus. So that's it. Please note that not only members of a given genus were considered Urug, but also all genera, blood related through one ancestor (ebuge).

Thus, Rashid-ad-din personally testifies and that Gazan-khan himself and his successor Oljaytu-khan, under whom the "Collection of chronicles" was completed, testifies to him that in 1310 most of the Chingizids were fair-haired and blue-eyed people. Certainly, among them were present and black-haired and black-eyed descendants of the "Shaker of the Universe" and the "Collection of Chronicles" allows us to clearly determine the specific date of the appearance (1215) of the first black-haired offspring in the sovereign family.

“Kubilai-kaan is the fourth son of Tului-khan, he was born from Sorkuktani-begi, his nurse was the mother of the concubine Muke from the Naiman tribe. And it so happened that Kubilai-kaan was born two months before the birth of Muke. When Genghis Khan's eyes fell upon him, he said: "All of our children are red, and this nigger boy, obviously it is similar to [her] uncle (a humorous allusion to the Arab proverb:" a legitimate child like his uncle "- K. P.) Let them tell Sorkuktani-run to give him to feed a good nurse."

Khubilai (Kubilai) -khan (1215-1294) was born of the youngest son of Genghis Khan Tului and his wife Sorkuktani-begi, daughter of Jakambu, brother of On-khan, the sovereign of the Kerait tribe, who, by the way, were Nestorian Christians. Sorkuktani-begi was reputed for a very virtuous and intelligent woman and was not noticed in any intrigues and she was the only one who was preferred over Oelun-Eke, the mother of Genghis Khan, for her high moral qualities.

The above words of Genghis Khan literally testify to the following. Khubilai's mother, Sorkuktani, and his father, Tului, were fair-haired, but some of Sorkuktani's brothers were black-haired. This circumstance convinced Genghis Khan of the legitimacy of his grandson.

Marco Polo describes the appearance of Kublai Khan (or rather, not a khan, but a kaan, i.e. kagan), translated by I. P. Minaev, as follows: “The great sovereign of the kings Kublai-khan [Khubilai-kaan] looks like this: good growth, not small and not great, medium height; moderately thick and well built; face is white and, like a rose, blush; the eyes are black, glorious, and the nose is good as it should."

What does "the nose is good as it should" mean?

G. E. Grumm-Grzhimailo writes in the notes: “According to Marco Polo, Khubilai had an aquiline nose and beautiful black eyes.” As I understand it, G. Ye. Grumm-Grzhimailo did not use IP Minaev's translation. Thus, despite his dark hair, Khubilai did not at all look like a Mongoloid race. By the way, the author of this book also has dark hair, but his eyes are not black, but brown. And although these signs are not "truly Aryan", nevertheless, I do not look like a Mongoloid at all.

So. Until 1215, in the family of Genghis Khan, all his children and grandchildren were born with fair hair. Accordingly, there is no reason to believe that Genghis Khan himself is black-haired. Among other things, we know the following about his appearance: “As for the Tatar ruler Temojin, he is tall and majestic in stature, with a broad forehead and a long beard. The personality is militant and strong. High growth, most importantly, a long beard, testify to the Caucasianism of Genghis Khan.

In general, about the appearance of the Borjigin family, all sources unanimously assert the following: “Burjigin is called a“blue-eyed”. [In Burjigins] the beginning of the branch of Chingiz Khan. His name (ie, the ancestor) is Iisuka-bahadur. " Abul Ghazi wrote that the Borjigins' eyes are "blue-green …" or "dark blue, where the pupil is surrounded by a brown rim"

The clan of Genghis Khan went back to the legendary Alan-Goa, who, according to legend, gave birth to three fair-haired sons without a husband and made excuses to relatives in the way that she gave birth to them from a certain fair-haired and blue-eyed man, who descended to her in a dream from heaven along a ray of light: “Yes, every night I see in a dream that some red-haired and blue-eyed man is slowly, slowly approaching me and slowly coming back. I see [with his own] eyes! Any suspicion you have about me is false! These sons, whom I have brought, belong to a special class [of beings]. When they grow up and become sovereigns and khans of all peoples, then for you and other tribes the Karachu (black bone, rabble, common people - K. P.) will determine and find out how my business was!"

G. V. Vernadsky in the book "Mongols and Russia" (on the Web it is freely available) believes that the name Alan-Goa means nothing more and nothing less than "Beautiful Alanka" ("goa" is beautiful, "Alans" is the name of one of the Aryan peoples, it is assumed that the "Usuns" of the Chinese chronicles are Alans (Ases)). This assumption is very reasonable, for example, G. V. Vernadsky, in particular, notes that during the last centuries BC, the northern Iranians, whose historical center was the Khorezm region, spread to the west and east of it. “Both linguistic and archaeological evidence indicate this expansion. The images of horsemen, carved on stones along the Yenisei River, are strikingly similar to the images of Alanian horsemen on the wall paintings in the Crimea. An inscription from the beginning of the 8th century, found in Mongolia, mentions wars between the Turks and the Ases (Alans). Later we meet “asud” (ie as) included in the “right wing” of the Mongolian nation, ie. among the Mongol tribes”.

L. N. Gumilyov, in his book "The Search for a Fictional Kingdom", which can also be easily found on the Internet, believes that the legend of Alan-Goa and her pregnancy from a ray of light should "explain why the ancient Mongols were so unlike all the peoples around them." One cannot but agree with these words.

Three sons were born from the "ray of light": the eldest of them Bukun-Kataki, from whose clan the Katakin tribes originated; respectively, all three are blue-eyed and fair-haired. From these sons the people of Niruns originated or, as it was also called, Mugul-Nirunas. Those Muguls who did not belong to the Niruns were called Darlekins. As Rashid ad-din reports: "they [Darlekins] are slaves and descendants of the slaves of the ancestors of Genghis Khan."

Thus, despite the certain legendary messages of the Mughal chronicles regarding the distant ancestors of the "Shaker of the Universe", it is clear that the Nirun people belonged to the Caucasian race of the northern type, since the line of Genghis Khan from Bodonchar kept fair hair for at least ten generations (taking into account the children of Chinggis), and according to the personal testimony of Rashid ad-din, up to the beginning of the XIV century, the Chingizids remained mostly fair-haired. Meanwhile, the Mugul-Darlekin cannot be considered a Mongoloid race, since the Borjigins mainly chose wives from the Kungirat tribe, who belonged to the Darlekin.

"The area [occupied] by the Kungirat tribe - the boundaries of the Utkukh wall, which stretches like the Alexander wall between the regions of Hitai and Mongolia - [is precisely] the place that is called Utajie, and they sit there."

It should be said here that the “Wall of Utkuh” is the above-mentioned, in the preface to the book, “Val of Genghis Khan” and, as follows from the text, this is precisely the South Val, passing through the territory of today's Inner Mongolia. Chinggis Khan's mother, Hoelun-fujin, was from the Olkunut tribe, which was a branch of the Kungirats.

So. So that the reader can, more or less confidently, understand the rather complicated ethnic situation of that time, I inform you that the tribes that belonged to the Alan-Goa clan and her sons born from the "ray of light" were divided into three categories as they were divided in the following generations. The first category is nirunas in general, i.e. those descended from the three sons of Alan-Goa who were born without a husband. The second category is narrower - kiyat-niruna, i.e. niruns, descending from the sixth generation of Alan-Goa, namely from Kabul Khan. The third category are kiyat-niruns, who were born from the grandson of Kabul Khan, Yesugei-bahadur, the father of Genghis Khan. They are called kiyat-bordjigins.

As for a broader community than niruna, it was precisely called the mughula and was divided into nirun and darlekin. The Niruns were descended from the Darlekin, specifically from the Kuralas tribe, to which Alan-Goa belonged. In addition to the Kuralas tribe, the Darlekin tribes included the Nukuz, Uryankat, Kungirat, Ikiras, Olkunut, Eljigin, Kunkulayut, Oortout, Konkotan, Arulat, Kilingut, Kunjin, Ushin, Suldus, Ildurkin, Bayaut, Kingit tribes.

The niruns generally included the tribes of Katakin, Saljiut, Taijiut, Khartakan, Sidzhiut, Chinos (Nukuz), Nuyakin, Urut, Mangut, Durban, Baarin, Barulas, Khadarkin, Dzhuryat, Budat, Duklat, Yisut, Sukan and Kingiyat.

The kiyat-niruns included the clans Yurkin, Changshiut, Kiyat-Yasar and Kiyat-Burjigin.

Any other tribes and peoples did not belong to the Muguls (so according to Rashid ad-din). Jalair, Oirats, Merkits and others were not originally mooguls, but appropriated this name for themselves out of boasting.

So. Following the testimony of Jami 'at-tavarih, i.e. In the official history of the Mughals, based on the evidence of the Chingizids and the Altan Depter, it is safe to assume that the Mughals belonged to the Caucasian race, and some of their sections looked like Caucasians of the northern type. Obviously, it was the testimony of Rashid-ad-din, undoubtedly based not only on the study of sources available to him, but also on personal observations, that prompted L. N. Gumilyov to the following conclusion expressed by him in his book "The Search for an Fictional Kingdom": "According to the testimonies of contemporaries, the Mongols, unlike the Tatars, were a tall people, bearded, fair-haired and blue-eyed. Their descendants acquired their modern appearance through mixed marriages with numerous neighboring small, black-haired and black-eyed tribes. " The same conclusion by L. N. Gumilyov repeated it in the book "Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe". Meanwhile, Lev Nikolaevich also writes that the ancient Mughals had nothing to do with Europeans, obviously based on the conclusions of contemporary anthropological science. So, G. F. Debets argued that the Caucasian anthropological race of the first order is traced in Central Asia and Siberia from the Upper Paleolithic and genetically goes back to the Cro-Magnon type, being a special branch that developed in parallel with the races of Europe and the Near East. Thus, if Soviet anthropology allowed some kind of migration of Caucasians to Mongolia and South Siberia, it attributed them to the times of the Cro-Magnons. Alas, it seems that such statements are far from the truth. There is at least one known migration of Indo-Europeans, namely Tochars, to Orkhon and Xinjiang,which is adjacent to Mongolia, both Outer and Inner. Also known are the testimonies of the monk Magakia, who wrote: "We heard from the Tatars themselves that they had moved from their Turkestan homeland to some eastern country, where they lived for a long time in the steppes, indulging in robbery, but were very poor." Themselves as "Tatars" Magakia considered Tugars (Tochars) - "… Tugars, who, in my opinion, are Tatars." Magakii's testimony suggests that Xinjiang was not an extreme point of Tocharian migration. Byzantine author George Pakhimer, talking about Nogai, writes the following about him: "… from the native Tochars, who were called Mongols (tsoo'bHyu)."that they moved from their Turkestan homeland to some eastern country, where they lived for a long time in the steppes, indulging in robbery, but were very poor. " Themselves as "Tatars" Magakia considered Tugars (Tochars) - "… Tugars, who, in my opinion, are Tatars." Magakii's testimony suggests that Xinjiang was not an extreme point of Tocharian migration. Byzantine author George Pakhimer, talking about Nogai, writes the following about him: "… from the native Tochars, who were called Mongols (tsoo'bHyu)."that they moved from their Turkestan homeland to some eastern country, where they lived for a long time in the steppes, indulging in robbery, but were very poor. " Themselves as "Tatars" Magakia considered Tugars (Tochars) - "… Tugars, who, in my opinion, are Tatars." Magakii's testimony suggests that Xinjiang was not an extreme point of Tocharian migration. Byzantine author George Pakhimer, talking about Nogai, writes the following about him: "… from the native Tochars, who were called Mongols (tsoo'bHyu)."Byzantine author George Pakhimer, talking about Nogai, writes the following about him: "… from the native Tochars, who were called Mongols (tsoo'bHyu)."Byzantine author George Pakhimer, talking about Nogai, writes the following about him: "… from the native Tochars, who were called Mongols (tsoo'bHyu)."

Some explanatory work should be done here.

In fact, the same Indo-Europeans are a linguistic community, just like the Finns and Turks. Race is a completely different concept. Let us refer to the training course of the Moscow State University "Anthropology", authors Bogatenkov D. V., Drobyshevsky S. V., edited by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alekseeva T. I. The authors give the following definition: “The term“race”is understood as a system of human populations characterized by similarities in a complex of certain hereditary biological traits (racial traits). It is important to emphasize that in the process of their emergence, these populations are associated with a specific geographical area and natural environment."

It can be said more simply - a race is a system of biological parameters serving for better adaptation to a certain type of climate. Racial traits are inherited and the main reason for their formation is the environmental conditions of the primary area in which the race was born. Even with the most superficial acquaintance with the peculiarities of human races, it is easy to notice that in countries with hot climates, people's skin color is noticeably darker than in countries with cold ones. What is the reason for this?

This is due to the fact that the dark pigment of the skin absorbs a much larger amount of ultraviolet rays, which, as is currently known, are quite dangerous, since they lead to the appearance of cancer. However, dark skin heats up more from the sun's rays, since the reader should be aware from a school physics course that the heat absorption of dark objects is higher. This deficiency is compensated for in the same Negroids by the more efficient work of the skin glands, which save the body from overheating. Therefore, despite the dark color, the temperature of the skin of a Negroid, under the same temperature conditions, is lower than that of a European or Asian.

Light skin of Caucasians is more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation, which contributes to the appearance of cancer. However, at high latitudes, the degree of insolation, for obvious reasons, will be less than at the equator, as well as due to the considerable time spent indoors and constant wearing of clothing. In conditions of relatively low sunlight, the problem of rickets arises, since rickets occurs due to a lack of vitamin D in the body, which is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Thus, the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light in northern latitudes is no longer a disadvantage, but a condition for survival.

Closer to the equator, the width of the nose increases, the thickness of the lips, and the protrusion of the face forward. The presence of these signs can be explained as follows. The large width of the mouth and the considerable width of the mucous membrane of the lips of Negroids are useful in hot climates, since they increase the surface of moisture evaporation, cooling the body. A flattened wide nose also makes a difference. The small size of the nasal cavity does not allow the air to be additionally heated during inhalation.

One of the most characteristic features of the Caucasian race is a high and long nose. The air passing through the long nasal passage has time to heat up and enters the lungs warm, and the shortening of the face in the northern races increases the bend of the nasal passage and protects the nasopharynx from hypothermia. The narrow cut of the eyes, characteristic not only of Mongoloids, but also of Bushmen and Tuaregs, protects the eyeball from dust, wind and bright sun. So, racial characteristics have served and, obviously, still serve to adapt to environmental conditions.

Light eyes, light skin, light hair of a Caucasian indicate its northern origin. Indeed, the largest percentage of light-headed and light-eyed people currently live in the north and north-east of today's Europe, i.e. to the Urals (at the time of Herodotus, the border between Europe and Asia passed along the Don).

It should be noted that blond hair is a recessive trait, and recessiveness is a form of relationship between two allelic genes, in which one of them - recessive - has a less strong effect on the corresponding trait of an individual than the other, dominant. In a dark-haired-blonde pair, the child is more likely to inherit dark hair color. Thus, the fair-haired and blue-eyed population could survive only in the region of its primary distribution. This is the first thing. The second is that the fair-haired population far from their original habitat could retain their primary appearance only due to strict segregation (like the Indian castes) or due to the absence of a number of dark-haired peoples. One more case is possible. If we have a source report about a fair-haired tribe, among the dark-haired,then perhaps this tribe came to this area recently and did not have time to mingle with its neighbors.

The light-pigmented Caucasian type in Eastern Europe predominates among the population of the Baltic States, and, most interestingly, is present in large numbers among the Erzya Mordovians and among the Komi-Zyryans, who are Finnish tribes (the Finno-Ugric language family). The Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, reporting on the results of an anthropological survey among the Finnish peoples of Great Russia, gives the following information - out of 100 Perm people, 63 are blondes, and 32 are brunettes; on blue eyes 44%, on gray 42% and on brown 14%. Among the Permians it was easy to distinguish two anthropological types: one (main), light blond or reddish, with a wide face, gray eyes, an upturned nose, thick lips, and a round chin; the other, dark blond, with an oblong face, dark skin, brown or dark brown eyes, a straight narrow nose,thin lips, sharp chin. As for the structure of the skull, such a Finnish people as the Voguls in the 19th century possessed "a huge percentage of dolichocephals, justifying Ripley's opinion that even Northern Germany does not have a large percentage of long-headed ones."

The reader may have absolutely no idea what "dolichocephaly" is, so it will not be superfluous to enlighten him on this score. The fact is that if you look from above at the head, or better at the skull, of a person, you will find that the skulls can have a different shape in this projection, namely, completely round, these are brachycranial skulls, oval elongated - dolichocranial, and intermediate in shape, those. elongated, but not strongly mesocranial. For quite a long time, one of the leading anthropological features was the transverse longitudinal index, known as the head or cranial (when measured on the skull) index. The longitudinal-transverse index is the percentage of the transverse and longitudinal diameters, i.e. (M8) / (M1) x100%, where the transverse diameter is the maximum width of the skull (M8), and the longitudinal diameter is its maximum length (M1). The index was first introduced back in 1842 by the Swedish anatomist A. Rezius.

The reader can even take measurements of his own head at home, but I do not recommend taking the results obtained seriously and drawing far-reaching conclusions from them. However, what can the parameters of the skull give us? According to Jan Czekanowski (1882-1965), a Polish anthropologist and historian, there are four main Caucasoid races, which together with hybrids give ten morphological types:

1.nordic (long-headed, narrow-faced, fair-haired);

2. Mediterranean (long-headed, low-faced, dark-haired);

3. Armenoid (short-headed, narrow-faced, dark-haired);

4. Laponoid (short-headed, low-faced, dark-haired) plus six hybrid dark-haired types. The only blond morphological type among all ten is the Nordic, which is also long-headed. So that's it. In some Finnish peoples, the percentage of long-headed people is even higher than in Germany, which the German Nazis tried to represent as the homeland of the Aryans. The linguistic feature does not apply to racial ones. He's not biological. From what language I suddenly decide to speak, my race will not change. I ask the reader to take this into account.

The cold northern climate of Eurasia caused the appearance in prehistoric times of a special racial division - the Nordic, which is characterized by light hair, fair skin, light eyes and thin lips, the area of the mucous membrane of which is small, and accordingly, the heat loss due to moisture evaporation is small.

What determines the pigmentation of our body?

The tissues of our body get one or another color depending on the type and amount of the melanin pigment produced. There are at least three shades of melanin - yellow, brown, and close to black. This pigment is produced as a result of the process of enzymatic oxidation of tyrosine by special cells, the so-called. melanocytes. As the synthesis proceeds, melanin molecules form granule-like structures of melanosomes that migrate through the intercellular space into the layers of a particular stained tissue. These processes are activated by the hormone melanotropin and are enhanced by exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Melanocyte cells are located in the lowest layer of the skin. The number of these cells in all people is approximately the same, but the activity of melanin production is different, and the most important thing is that this degree of melanin activity is inherited, which allows individuals in the population from generation to generation to consolidate positive traits for better adaptation to environmental conditions. The number and location of melanin granules create a skin tone - from bluish-black to very light, and there are a whole lot of such shades. For accurate fixation of the color of the skin, the Lushan scale is used, in particular, emitting 36 shades of color. Although this method is rather crude, it gives quite acceptable results.

The same pigment melanin is responsible for the hair color, but here it is helped by another pigment - phiomelanin, which has a reddish tint. When a large amount of melanin is synthesized, the reddish tones of phyomelanin are practically invisible, and the hair is dark in color. If the body's production of melanin is low, with sufficient phyomelanin, then the hair becomes reddish, i.e. a reddish tint, if, with a small production of melanin, a small amount of phyomelanin is also present, then the hair has light gray and light ash tones.

Eye color is determined not only by the amount of melanin in the iris, but also by the depth of their occurrence. For example, with a large amount of pigment in the front layers, the iris has brown shades, and with a small amount of it, bluish-gray tones prevail.

The main thing to say here is that there is an association between the pigmentation of the skin, eyes and hair, i.e. the relationship, although not complete. Those. the usual patterns are as follows: light eyes - light skin - light hair, or, dark eyes - dark skin - dark hair, although there are cases of so-called discordant pigmentation (i.e. hair is dark in color, eyes are light, etc..).

What are the signs of the Mongoloid race? Its typical features are a flattened face, prominent cheekbones, a narrow cut of the eyes and the presence of an epicanthus, the so-called fold of the upper eyelid in the inner corner of the eye, which covers the lacrimal tubercle. Hair and eye color is almost always black, hair is usually straight, and the growth of beard, mustache and body hair is very weak. The skin color of the northern Mongoloids is lighter than that of the southern. The nose protrudes weakly, the nose bridge is usually concave, the thickness of the lips is small and medium. The growth of the Mongoloids is low, the proportions of the northerners are stocky, and the legs are somewhat shortened.

The distribution zone of the Far Eastern (Chinese) minor race is the territories of China, Korea and Japan. Representatives of this racial division are distinguished by a tall and narrow face, a high and narrow skull, a high frequency of the presence of epicanthus, and straight, hard hair of a bluish-black color.

Representatives of the North Asian minor race live in the vast steppes, taiga and tundra of Siberia and Central Asia. They differ from the southern Mongoloids by a low wide skull, extreme flattening of a large, tall and wide face, light pigmentation, thin lips and significant development of subcutaneous fat. The North Asian race has quite a few sections, in particular, it includes the Turanian race (a mixture of the Mongoloid and Caucasian complexes) and the Ural, which includes the Lapps forming the laponoid (subarctic) type.

There are other minor races within the great Mongoloid, but we are not particularly interested in them, since we are not interested in the Malaysians and Eskimos. The Mongoloid race lives in almost all climatic zones of the planet, but … its main share falls on the Far Eastern small race. Compared with the number of the latter, the number of many other small races, the same North Asian, is negligible.

So, in the vast territories of the Far East and Siberia, the following peoples live, representing the North Asian minor race. These are Yakuts, Evens, Evenks, Buryats, Soyots, Todzhins, Tofalars, Khakases, Shors, Tuvans, Altaians, etc. What are these peoples? All of them are very, very few. According to the data of the last census of the population of Russia, the number, for example, of Tuvinians is 243.5 thousand people, the number of Evenks - 35.5 thousand, Evens - 19 thousand, Yakuts - 444 thousand, Khakass - 75.6 thousand, Shors - 14 thousand, Soyots - 2.7 thousand, Tofalars - 1 thousand, Todzhins - 4.5 thousand, Buryats - 445 thousand, Altai - 67 thousand people. It should be noted that the number of the Great Russian people alone, which lives in comparable climatic conditions, is more than one hundred million people. Are there any differences? Certainly. These differences indicate that the more acceptable habitat for the Mongoloids is, anyway, warm climatic zones.

Now let's move on to the definition of ethnos. It should be clearly understood that ethnos is not a racial concept, but a cultural and historical community. Ethnic communities characterize the unity of language, religion (or ideology), traditions, as well as the territory and type of economy. We can say this: an ethnos is an association of people on the basis of common self-awareness, self-determination (ethnonym) and history.

Is there a relationship between ethnicity and race? Undoubtedly. This relationship is easily explained. People prefer to enter into marriages (namely, into marriages, and the purpose of marriage is the birth and upbringing of offspring) with people of the same racial type. There is nothing to be done here, such is life. Therefore, most ethnic groups, one way or another, are tied to any race. For example, the Great Russians are associated with the northern section of the great Caucasoid race. Their appearance is quite different from that of the southern Caucasians. The fact that the Finns participated in the process of ethnogenesis of the Great Russians (let me remind you that the Finns are a linguistic family) does not change one iota, since the Finns are racially the same northern Caucasians, i.e. light-eyed, fair-haired subjects and the number of dolichocephals in their midst is no less than that of any "true Aryan" people. But the Kazakh ethnos is linked to the Mongoloid race, although it may include people with Caucasoid characteristics. Here, too, nothing can be done, such is life and interracial mixing is present. There are practically no racially pure ethnic groups.

German racologists, who for the most part, can not be called in any way other than idiots, constantly confused ethnicity and race. They also recorded the Slavs as subhumans, even though most of the East Germans were Slavic by ethnicity.

Let's repeat once again - race is a system of biological characteristics, and ethnos is a cultural-historical community with the only proviso that ethnos and race are correlated with each other. If a person looks like a Great Russian, behaves like a Great Russian, speaks Russian, and, which is very important, considers himself a Great Russian, then he is a Great Russian.

Ethnic identification of a particular human community that existed in the distant past is carried out in an extremely complex way and cannot be made only on the basis of one group of characteristics. Let me explain. Very often, especially in the ordinary mind, to determine ethnicity, it is enough only to establish the language affiliation. This is wrong and wrong. Why? Because many small nations are usually bilingual. One of their languages is native, inherited from their ancestors, the other is imperial or some kind of international, like Russian, Chinese, Turkic, Spanish or the same English. During the Russian Empire,The USSR and at the present time all the peoples involved in the orbit of the Great Russian culture or under the Great Russian protectorate knew the Russian language to one degree or another and still, even after gaining independence, strive to study it. Why? Thus, they gain access to the resources of the Russian civilization, which is not Western, was not Western and will never be Western civilization. Similar processes are taking place in China, populated, in addition to the Han Chinese, by 55 ethnic minorities with a total population of 90 million people. The gravitation towards Chinese culture and the desire to access its greatest possibilities makes people know Mandarin. After the collapse of the USSR, the governments of some newly-minted dwarf states, like the Baltic states, go completely crazy, forcing local Russians to speak native languages. The absurdity of this compulsion is obvious. The same Lithuania, after the collapse of the USSR, did not receive any real independence at all, but simply, like an ordinary limitrophe, changed its owner, i.e. passed under the protectorate of Western civilization, and in Western civilization, English should be recognized as the dominant language at the present time. Therefore, the Lithuanians are now learning not Russian, but English and the Russians there, they should also force him to learn. The Lithuanian language, on the other hand, is not needed by anyone in Europe for nothing, learning it is just doing wasted work. Therefore, the Lithuanians are now learning not Russian, but English and the Russians there, they should also force him to learn. The Lithuanian language, on the other hand, is not needed by anyone in Europe for nothing, learning it is just doing wasted work. Therefore, the Lithuanians are now learning not Russian, but English and the Russians there, they should also force him to learn. The Lithuanian language, on the other hand, is not needed by anyone in Europe for nothing, learning it is just doing wasted work.

Academician B. A. Rybakov writes: “The language of a particular people, the most obvious ethnic feature, can be a means of communication among other nations; long-term bilingualism is often formed (especially in the case of the inter-lane settlement of peoples), lasting for centuries. Sometimes the language of the great-grandfathers is forgotten, but the ethnic identity remains."

When determining ethnicity, material culture should also be taken into account. So, for example, archeology is unable to determine which languages were spoken by certain tribes of antiquity and unites human communities according to the degree of similarity of objects of everyday life, production and weapons, and even establishes genetic links between archaeological cultures, determining which of them are initial and which are derivatives … But the similarity of material cultures, in itself, also does not give an answer with what kind of people we are dealing with.

The customs of the people are of great importance in ethnic identification, even the change from one religion to another does not lead to the complete oblivion of previous rituals and habits. One of the key moments of the ritual life of the ethnos is the funeral custom, especially because it can be attested by means of archeology. And, of course, ethnicity helps to determine the anthropological data obtained both through the study of written sources and by archaeological means. In this respect, ethnicity and race are correlated.

The ethnic situation, as well as the racial one, in certain territories, far from always remains unchanged. This is especially clearly seen in the example of nomadic peoples, since the way of life does not tie them so strongly to one place of residence. Even Herodotus wrote about how the place of the Cimmerians in the steppe was taken by the alien Scythians. Sometimes in the history of nations there are conquests associated with mass migrations. So, after 1253, with the beginning of the Mughal invasion of the lands of Southern Song and Iran, many Mughals moved here. Meanwhile, one should be very careful in evaluations here. In the preface to the first volume of the "Collection of Chronicles" I. Petrushevsky states: "Rashid-ad-din also reports on the branches of the Mongol tribes that settled in the Khulaguid ulus (Oirat, Sulduz, Bayaut, Jalair, Kerait, Bekrit, etc.) together with their emirs. These data allow the researcher to draw a conclusion about a significant number of Mongols who settled in Iran and neighboring countries. " So that's it. Not all of the tribes listed, in this case, the Rashid-ad-din tribes belonged to the indigenous Mughals. Yes, the Sulduz and Bayaut tribes belonged to the group of Darlekin Muguls, but the Oirats, Jalair and Kerait simply recognized it useful to call themselves Mongols, as Rashid ad-Din mentioned. However, we will talk about this phenomenon in more detail below.as mentioned by Rashid ad-din. However, we will talk about this phenomenon in more detail below.as mentioned by Rashid ad-din. However, we will talk about this phenomenon in more detail below.

What happened in the XIV century? What happened is that many Mughals who moved to the Celestial Empire died in the fire of a full-scale civil war and turmoil at the end of the Yuan dynastic cycle. Moreover, in this war, along with the fact that the Han Chinese fought with the Mughals and "Semu", the Mughals fought against the Mughals, and the Han Chinese fought with the Han people. The Mughals who moved to Iran were eventually assimilated rather quickly, the same part that moved to the north, after the defeat of the Yuan dynasty, died in civil strife and disappeared into the local Mongoloid tribes of Khalkhins that gained strength.

Perhaps these words will be the answer to the question asked by Paul Topinard.

From the book “Demugin Hingei. The Legend of the White Tsar . Konstantin Penzev