Games Of Kings: Retribution - Alternative View

Games Of Kings: Retribution - Alternative View
Games Of Kings: Retribution - Alternative View

Video: Games Of Kings: Retribution - Alternative View

Video: Games Of Kings: Retribution - Alternative View
Video: 5 Alternate games to Clash of Kings 2024, September

The ruins of ancient Chersonesus were washed by the restless waves of the Black Sea. Heavy gray clouds brought north winds from the sea, and a clear summer afternoon was darkened by a slight twilight. The smell of rain was already in the air, and the distant rolls of thunder, as if through the gray cotton wool of the clouds, reached the shore in dull, barely noticeable sounds. On the coast, at a table lavishly laden with fruit, there were four people: the king of television Ivan Ivanovich, the alcohol tycoon Vasily Vasilyevich, the lord of the sex industry, Peter Petrovich, and the food king Uncle Misha.

- You know, gentlemen, in general, it is not so difficult to manage society. After all, the formation of a person is a long and complex process in which a person must learn to control his emotions and instincts as he grows up, and even develop his mind. And if, in childhood and adolescence, one encourages licentiousness and all kinds of desires in every possible way, inflating selfishness and harmful passions, then a person, even becoming an adult, remains at the level of an animal, which is guided by his instincts. And for herd management, shepherds always have thousands of options, - Ivan Ivanovich shared his professional experience.

- It is especially pleasant that the young people themselves are only happy about this - after all, we tell her in a veiled form what she wants to hear: “you have to live in your own pleasure”, “everyone is responsible only for himself”, “your body is your business” and and so on, - added Pyotr Petrovich, stroking the collar of his snow-white shirt.

- You know, I came to the conclusion that our wards, after our quality work on them, have a level of dog development. See for yourself - the dog does not care about anything, except for a bowl of food, individuals of the opposite sex and a stick, which, while playing with it, is thrown by its owner. Likewise, our TV viewers: all their actions are motivated by these three instincts - food, mating and entertainment, - lazily drawing out his words, Ivan Ivanovich continued to reason cynically.

- Yes, you noticed that again. And most importantly, they, like Pavlov's dog, can easily form almost any conditioned reflex. For example, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov trained his test subject to produce saliva in response to a light bulb. And then he even made the dog happy to be shocked. To do this, every time after this cruel procedure, he poked a piece of meat under her nose. After several such "meals", the electric discharge began to cause joyful emotions in the dog and wagging its tail, already without any encouragement. So we were able to convince people that it is alcohol that makes them laugh. And no one even thinks about the contradiction, how one and the same poisonous liquid can in one situation cause joyful emotions - like at a wedding, and in another - sad, like at a funeral. Programmed dogs … - Vasily Vasilyevich laughed.

- Where are our Nobel Prizes for these outstanding achievements? - Asked, smiling, Uncle Misha, who had previously silently watched the pleasant conversation.

- Have a conscience, Uncle Misha. You can't count the zeros on your bank accounts, what a bonus you have! - answered Pyotr Petrovich.

- Don't screw it up, dear. A farmer who ruthlessly milks a cow has no conscience. Because a cow is born to be milked, and a farmer is born in order to do business on this, and he should not care what the cow feels and thinks there. Her destiny and destiny is to stand in the stall and not moo. For a shepherd, conscience is a ballast. Because the cattle still has to be sheared, milked and slaughtered. - Uncle Misha stated his unpretentious philosophy.

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- It is truth too. Moreover, everything suits them. They don't need either freedom or a fulfilling life. We give them some crumbs, like pigeons, and they peck at them slowly and think that this is the ultimate dream, - added Pyotr Petrovich.

- We still need to amend the legislation. Somehow we have already discussed that the refusal of various degradative entertainments should be recognized as a disease. So I think that now we must also approach this issue from the side of the criminal code. For example, the Criminal Code shall designate the propaganda of a sober lifestyle as extremism. How do you like the idea? - suggested Vasily Vasilievich.

- Also a good idea, - Pyotr Petrovich agreed, - it is necessary to advance on all fronts. Although it can be dangerous here, since a direct confrontation will certainly raise suspicions that the poisoning of the Russian people with alcohol is beneficial to someone.

- Come on, we have long ago provided the same teetotalers with the reputation of "sick" and "sectarian". Here is a recent story by Vasily Vasilyevich - a vivid example of this. Anyone who does not conform to the concepts we have imposed is declared insane. After all, what is "public opinion"? The average person is sure that this is a kind of cut of the views of society, but in fact it is just the point of view we need, which is broadcast by the central media. Take recent events, for example. Now, according to the IMF plan, we are going to postpone the retirement period by 5-10 years, and for this case on TV in all TV shows from morning to evening we broadcast grandmothers, happily telling that now, finally, no one will infringe on their rights and let them work. Here's a hilarity, people are robbed, but they are happy, - Ivan Ivanovich laughed.

- And I especially liked Kiselev's speech, in which he praised the reform in a news program, calling it very fair, and talked about the fact that this issue cannot be submitted to a referendum. Of course, it is impossible, at the herd, perhaps, to be interested in how to cut it correctly? - Vasily Vasilyevich said with a smile and, turning to Ivan Ivanovich, asked: - By the way, what about your daughter? Why are you keeping her locked up for the past few weeks?

- You know, gentlemen, I had to take such drastic measures after one incident. As you can imagine, I protected her in every possible way from the corrupting influence of modern mass culture, raised her as a modest and decent girl, very carefully chose films, cartoons and music that were available in our house. But in the end, she contacted the wrong company. She came somehow and began to voice to me all this nonsense about children's rights, free relationships, the sexual revolution, the new era, and so on. Even the euphemisms were exactly those in her speech that we came up with: "gender", "sexism", "tolerance." I really thought that she started watching TV, but it turned out not - my friends taught me! And where do they find such friends? - the TV king sincerely shared his grief.


- Ivan Ivanovich, why did your daughter communicate with such friends? Do you want her to become what modern teenagers are? And why did you not send her, like all normal people, to study in London in an elite closed school? - asked Vasily Vasilievich.

- I wanted to educate my bloodline myself, not handing it over to foreign specialists. After all, there are family traditions that I wanted to convey. But now I understand that it was a bad idea,”Ivan Ivanovich said thoughtfully. - Nothing, everything will work out: he will sit locked up for a month and change his mind.

- What to do? It's better to starve than to eat anything, and it is better to be alone than together with just anyone, ” Petr Petrovich quoted Omar Khayyam.

- Pyotr Petrovich, I ask you. Never say this in front of me,”Uncle Misha said with a sneer,“if consumers stop eating “whatever”, they will die of hunger, because many are so addicted to “whatever” they can’t eat anything else, Yes, in my chain supermarkets, almost nothing else is sold. And you, Ivan Ivanovich, don’t forget to turn off your daughter’s Internet, otherwise she, God forbid, will come out to the information of these "conscious" sectarians while she is bored locked up. God forbid, they get infected with "conscientiousness" or even worse.

- I turned off the Internet for her long ago, now it is an unsafe environment for us. And Khayyam, of course, is good, but I'm afraid in my case another saying is appropriate: “what you sow, so you reap”, finished Ivan Ivanovich and, getting up from the table, went towards the pier to the yacht that was waiting for the Kings.

Lightning flashed ominously in the gray sky, splitting the clouds in two. Thunder resounded and streams of water fell on the columns of Chersonesos.