By 2035, Homo Sapiens Will Give Way To Controlled Homo Digital - Alternative View

By 2035, Homo Sapiens Will Give Way To Controlled Homo Digital - Alternative View
By 2035, Homo Sapiens Will Give Way To Controlled Homo Digital - Alternative View

Video: By 2035, Homo Sapiens Will Give Way To Controlled Homo Digital - Alternative View

Video: By 2035, Homo Sapiens Will Give Way To Controlled Homo Digital - Alternative View
Video: CRISPR, AI & Brain-Machine Interface: The Future Is Faster Than You Think, Peter Diamandis 2024, September

The plans of global transhumanist foresight officers to introduce electronic devices into human bodies and to fully control their emotions and minds continue to be consistently implemented. Not so long ago, we talked about the upcoming connection of neurointerfaces to the brains of schoolchildren as part of the "innovative" experiment "Neuronet" (a project of the National Technology Initiative - a program launched by globalists from ASI and the "Russian Venture Company" in pursuance of President Vladimir Putin's Address to the Federal Assembly on December 4, 2014 g.). In October 2019, with the light hand of the Government, neurotechnology and artificial intelligence (AI) had their own curator, a clear roadmap and budget funding. Judging by the information in the public domain,in the event of its implementation, man and human nature itself will undergo terrible metamorphoses (what the foresight experts call "digital transformation").

In mid-October, the Government approved roadmaps in seven areas within the Digital Technologies federal project, which is part of the Digital Economy national program. In total, it is planned to spend 451.8 billion rubles on the federal project until 2024, with the largest funding received by "Neurotechnologies and Artificial Intelligence" (56.7 billion rubles of budgetary funds and 334.9 billion rubles of extra-budgetary money). Within the framework of the direction, the following technologies are distinguished: neurointerfaces, neurostimulation and neurosensing, as well as promising methods and technologies in AI.

Neurotechnology is defined by digitalizers as "technologies that use or help understand the brain, thought processes, higher nervous activity, including technologies to enhance, improve brain function and mental activity."

To put it quite simply, these are tools for constant monitoring, monitoring and analysis of human neuromuscular processes, as well as interfering with them for various purposes (of course, exclusively "positive improvements" in brain work are declared). The first stage of introducing neurotechnologies into the daily life of the new generation is the transition to personal development trajectories instead of traditional education in schools and universities - in fact, it has already been legalized by the corresponding order of the President of Russia from the beginning of 2019. A number of university partners that fell under the influence of ASI, NTI and RVC announced that they intend to collect information about the academic performance, social life and behavior of their students, and a neural network (aka artificial intelligence) will give them grades within the framework of personal trajectories.

The digital platform "Digit Lesson" is called upon to recruit experimental subjects from among young schoolchildren for neuroexperiments, the information partner of which is the University "20.35" of the same National Technological Initiative. And this is not just a partner, but a real ideological curator of the project promoting Neuronet. Let's pay attention to the tasks of the NTI University until 2025 (the date was named not by chance - it is by this time that digitalizers intend to complete the preparatory stage and proceed to the total implementation of neural networks in the body and life of every person):

- training of personnel for the implementation of NTI roadmaps (15,000 people);

- training of Chief Data Officer teams for regional and federal authorities (30,000 people).

If someone does not understand, these 45 thousand specially trained loyal citizens with "transformed" brains are called upon to become "agents of neuro-change" in the government and the entire social system (including education). They will introduce the use of neural networks in all spheres of society, campaign and remove administrative and legal barriers, with children and adolescents becoming their main target group. Budgetary and extra-budgetary funds have already been allocated for the training of these personnel.

Promotional video:

“The Digital Lesson” serves as a kind of portal to the world of digital technologies for schoolchildren. Through it, students open the way to obtaining the most popular specialties related to artificial intelligence, quantum computing, virtual and augmented reality, neurotechnologies,”the NTI University website says happily.

Everything is said very honestly: through lessons, numbers will open the way for children to neurotechnology. Obtaining "the most popular specialties" is inextricably linked with the "transformation" of the person himself - he will be taught from school to use external and internal neurointerfaces. The first sign on this field was the Hour of Code project of transhumanists, which is being carried out all over the world under the supervision of the Silicon Valley IT corporations. Instilling a love of computer science and programming among schoolchildren was initially only a cover for the organizers - in fact, we are talking about a global advertising campaign to change the minds of children (and their school teachers). Each participant in this action is instilled with a simple thought: transforming is cool, whoever does not do that, takes an “outdated position” and is completely behind the times. In a personLike most biological organisms, self-preservation mechanisms are sufficient, therefore, few will agree to voluntarily implant electrodes / chips / other foreign bodies into the body and directly into the brain. For this, a long preparatory stage was required. Teachers, as representatives of the older generation with more or less conservative views, are not suitable for the role of conductors of "digital transformation", and therefore they are replaced with electronic boards, dryly and without any lively dialogue, broadcasting the "correct" line of behavior to each student. Teachers, as representatives of the older generation with more or less conservative views, are not suitable for the role of conductors of "digital transformation", and therefore they are replaced with electronic boards, dryly and without any lively dialogue, broadcasting the "correct" line of behavior to each student. Teachers, as representatives of the older generation with more or less conservative views, are not suitable for the role of conductors of "digital transformation", and therefore they are replaced with electronic boards, dryly and without any lively dialogue, broadcasting the "correct" line of behavior to each student.

October 17 this year on the portal about personal investment and finance Investlab there was a material not signed by a specific author entitled "Neuronet - an ideal future or cyberpunk that we deserve." It duplicates information from the direct curators of Neuronet from NTI and openly promotes the changes planned by the foresight as an inevitability that we all must accept (“sooner or later a person will connect his brain to the Internet,” “technologies by themselves push us to the neuronet,” etc. etc.).

"Neuronet will simplify interactions in all spheres of life: education …"; "The task of the neuronet is to make everyone a genius"; "Neuronet will unite these people through virtual agents (computers, chips, programs) and will allow them to instantly exchange experiences"; “In order to transmit information along the chain“brain-computer-brain”we need input interfaces (record data in the brain) and output (transfer data to another brain). To do this, it is necessary to implant electronic implants (!) Into the body, and in the future, the invisible “smart dust” may become the main conductor,”the author of the text informs us.

Further, the details of the plans for the implementation of the project are reported - obviously, not only in Russia, but on a global scale:

The first stage (2015 - 2025)

The preliminary stage of the neuronet is biometrics. We are on it now: we study biometric data, read it, store or process it, wear trackers, scan and recognize movements, gestures, faces. This is the preparation of the "iron" component of the neuronet."

As you can see, biometric identification, which the Russian authorities are completely unconstitutionally implanting in our country and planning to make the main way of identifying a person for existence in society, is an integral part of the plan of the curators of the neuronet. Move on:

“According to the Neuronet roadmap from the NTI project, the biometrinet stage will end approximately in 2020-2022. After it, the creation of information systems will begin that process not only biometric data, but also neuroinformation (thoughts, emotions, sensations).

Second stage (2025 - 2035)

The first successful working systems in this area are expected in 2025-2035. Then the neural interfaces will penetrate the human body (!!!) and become invisible. Augmented reality systems will transmit sounds, smells, tactile sensations, and not just a picture.

Scientists will be able to duplicate many systems of the body (immune, nervous, circulatory) and recreate mental states (automatic stimulators of states). You can quickly relax or, on the contrary, enter yourself into a state of increased concentration. People will begin to exchange emotions faster and gain knowledge. You can communicate with foreigners without knowing the language - the chips will transmit the translation directly to the brain (!!!).

There will be a market for the sale of devices, accessories and programs for the neuronet. The low cost of systems will transfer it to everyday life. It will become the same standard (!!!) as buying a smartphone or registering on a social network."

So, by 2035, mass chipping and full immersion in “augmented reality” instead of the real world around should become a common place for the majority of the world's population. It is unlikely that those who have plunged into the world of virtual dreams will generally be able to adequately assess what is happening and have full legal capacity. But the most important and interesting thing begins later:

The third stage (2035 - 2045)

After 2035-2045, the time for a fully functional neuronet will come. In order not to experience stress from work, a person can artificially construct the necessary consciousness - combine different mental sensations into one. For example, to sharpen memory, increase the activity of the nervous system and at the same time feel indifference (!!!) and calmness.

From such brain modeling, people will move on to modeling entire teams, which will be united by the same thinking and psyche (!). They will combine their efforts and make one big "brain" (sociality of consciousness). The first neurocommunities and precedents between them will appear. Neurocollects will transfer experience to each other - physical, emotional, or even combat experience can be obtained artificially."

At the final stage, controlled biological objects (i.e., former people), they will stupidly and indifferently perform the functions programmed in them and will lose any connection with reality. Is this the “crown of our evolution”, according to the globalists? Why is it so much more like the plot of "The Matrix" in its most terrible embodiment? Well, on the other hand, we “won't have any stress at all” - doesn't this remind you of the famous episode from the Soviet science fiction film “Teens in the Universe”?


In order to fully understand the seriousness of the ongoing “digital changes”, let us turn to the numerous sources of “innovators”, where they themselves talk about their intentions. Here is the Dean of the IT Faculty and the leader of the "Boiling Point - Moscow Polytechnic" Andrey Filippovich talks about what our education will be like in 5 years. He tells in an interview with the same NTI University …

“It is already clear that a variety of recommendation technologies will be developed that will allow the student to navigate the sea of educational content. They will be hybrid, human-machine (!) "- that is, at the first stage, the student / student will be offered to become a" hybrid "(cyborg, in other words) in a recommendatory manner. Well, thanks for that too.

Or here is the material of the magazine dedicated to innovative private education Edexpert with the mega-optimistic headline "Virtual reality is the best thing that happened to humanity before neurointerfaces." In it, a "brave, new world" for humanity is actively promoting the head of the direction "Virtual and Augmented Reality, Gamification Technologies" of the Skolkovo Foundation, Alexei Kalenchuk:

“… More people will be able to improve their skills, which will lead to higher productivity. This is a strategic opportunity for the country. Virtual reality is the best thing that happened to humanity before neurointerfaces (!), Before a person connects his nervous system to a computer directly (!!!). Educational content and, in the long term, business content can be consumed natively. A simulation is an interface without an interface, and inside it you have to interact just like with the real world."

The founder of the Kodabra children's programming school, Daria Abramova, in an interview with the Hi-tech publication on October 10, supports the same global trend and unambiguously declares that immersion in neural interfaces (read - chipping) will be a must for future programmers.

“And I see that the trend is growing in the regions, including where Kodabra opens its franchise. There are even more children who are fond of mathematics. Parents come to us as experts to learn about the school and choose the right approach to teaching a child, because he wants to go further into fundamental science, neurointerfaces and neural networks (!),”Abramova said.

Co-founder of the TeachMePlease platform, Ilya Nikiforov, lifts the veil even more and actually tells how the education of the future will cease to be an education and will turn into a simple coding of “service people” (“people of one button,” as Dmitry Peskov, the overseer of the digitization of the Russian Federation under the President, said).

“The employer will have an interface system where in real time he will be able to upload his requests for the skills of employees, the system will immediately offer him candidates who are studying or working somewhere else and are open to vacancies. Educational institutions will be able to see the market needs and adapt the educational process to the needs in real time so that students are more competitive right now,”Nikiforov said.

Everything is extremely simple - in the future, an average person (or rather, a biological object), guided by neural networks along a "personal trajectory" - a predetermined algorithm, will not have a chance at all either for fundamental education or for choosing a profession and field of activity according to interests. What and whom to teach - the states and their educational departments (which by that time will all become private) will be completely dictated by the "market" in the form of transnational corporations.

Proponents of monetizing everything possible, “effective managers” from NTI and in the neuronet have found something to make money on - on our thoughts. So, on October 24 this year. Kirill Ignatiev, chairman of the board of directors of the ecosystem of the Russian Investments group, told the growing foresight:

“… The changes will signal that the world and the market will be ready to pay for research, fundamentally different than today, for fundamentally different services, fundamentally different goods, much more targeted emotions. And, perhaps, even already pay for thoughts that can be loaded into the human brain with the help of new neurosystems."

And neuronetics also confidentially report that they are preparing to control us with the help of neurotechnologies - well, we had no doubt about that. We are looking at a quote from the annotation to the competition for educational organizations, held by Computer Systems of Biocontrol LLC (Novosibirsk):

“According to the roadmap of the National Technological Initiative - a program of measures to form new markets and create conditions for global technological leadership of Russia by 2035 - the development of neurotechnologies, technologies for managing (!) The properties of biological objects (!) - becomes one of the main priorities for the next 20 years state policy of the Russian Federation in this area."

Well, in fact, in order to become global leaders in technologies and enter new markets, one must first of all learn how to manage biological objects. A very effective strategy - then these biological objects (i.e. you and I) will buy everything you program them for. And they will make the country a leader … Just what kind of country will it be and what kind of biological objects will it inhabit?

You can cite many more cases on the topic: in particular, projects of various venture investors, IT laboratories, which are now investing in human-machine neural interfaces with direct (!) Connection of the human body / brain to a computer. But the main thing has already been said, so let's finish with examples for now.

The time has come to state: today we are seeing how the idea of the permissibility and even the need for their transformation, about the change in human nature itself, including the transformation of children within the framework of pseudo-educational projects, is being introduced into the minds of people. And the result is the transformation of a person into a hybrid of various IT systems, artificial intelligence (neural networks) and what remains in it actually from human consciousness. The transformation of homo sapiens into an easily controllable and programmable biocyborg (homo digital) is presented in the media and technology lectures of "digital evangelists" as an objective and inevitable common good.

To promote all the benefits and comfort of this strange zombie life in “augmented reality”, where “there will be no stress and worries,” the preachers of new technological initiatives paint new horizons with bright colors, talk about the wide opportunities that open up, and promote new standards of human “perfection”. Their main goal is to bring as many “clients” as possible to the desired “condition” by changing their minds for a painless merger with new technological “improvements” - and then it will be possible to begin the massive implantation of electronic devices of total control. Pay attention - in this context, the issues of bioethics, the admissibility of experiments on people, on their psyche and consciousness, possible harmful consequences for human health are not discussed at all, they simply remain outside the brackets. Which in itself is absurd and unacceptable - after all, children, the young generation, always ready to imitate and experiment, are at the forefront of the cyber lobbyists' attack. The planning and financing of neuroinitiatives in the framework of the "digital economy" is approved by government decrees and presidential decrees - it is emphasized that bypassing public opinion and even past parliament - it is obvious that the digital conveyor will certainly continue to work without jamming.

I remember that a couple of years ago, all the logical conclusions, warnings of Orthodox patriots about the impending chipping and total control of the population, “free-thinking” citizens called nothing other than “nonsense”, “conspiracy of obscurantists” and so on. But very, very soon all of them will have to see the light, if they have not yet done so - and either join the struggle for true rights and freedoms (first of all, for the right of a person to remain human!), Or turn into a “bio-object” and disappear forever as a person in the “digital transformation” meat grinder.