Shocking Discoveries - Already Made - Alternative View

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Shocking Discoveries - Already Made - Alternative View
Shocking Discoveries - Already Made - Alternative View

Video: Shocking Discoveries - Already Made - Alternative View

Video: Shocking Discoveries - Already Made - Alternative View
Video: These Boys Went Through Hell: The Dozier School of Horrors 2024, September

In recent years, the Western press has reported many times about various anomalous phenomena observed in different parts of our planet. Today we will tell you about the most interesting ones.


For many years, inventors have been struggling unsuccessfully to create a "time machine". But in real life, there are cases of transfer of people and various objects in space and time.

In 1993, the reputable American weekly News reported an unusual event. An American submarine patrolled the Atlantic Ocean in the area of the mysterious Bermuda Triangle. The submarine was at a depth of 70 meters and was sailing on a designated course. Suddenly there was a violent hum, which simultaneously caused an incredible vibration of the ship. As a result, the submarine quickly rose to the surface of the water, and after 60 seconds the satellite navigation system announced to the submariners that they were in the Indian Ocean, 300 miles off the east coast of Africa. This meant that in a few seconds the submarine was transferred 10 thousand miles in space. At the same time, the crew members have aged 20-30 years. And this is an irrefutable fact! But what happened to the submarine and the crew? Until now, no one can explain this,nor understand.

Many cases of transfer of various objects in time are also known. We will limit ourselves to just two of them.

So, in the small port town of Saint - Justin in February 1996, a whistle was heard in the sky, unfamiliar to modern people, and an aerial bomb fell to the ground and immediately exploded. Subsequent investigations showed that in 1943 the Messerschmitt-110 flew over this city, participating in the raid on England. On the way back, the crew dropped the remaining bomb on Saint-Justin. But for some reason then she did not reach the ground. And now, with a delay of 53 years, the bomb fell and exploded. The explosion was quite real, as it killed the animals on the farm near which it happened.

But quite recently, an artillery shell of the 1942 model of the year fell from the clear sky in Naples. Where he came from, it was not possible to find out. Official science does not know the answer to how the mysterious movements in time and space of people and objects occur. This cruel play of natural forces still remains unknown.

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In 1999, on the walls of the ancient Egyptian Abydos temple, erected more than 3,000 years ago, various images of fairly well-recognized aircraft were discovered, including airplanes and helicopters.

Laboratory tests of the model, made according to one of the drawings, showed that it is capable of flying, and its parameters fully comply with all the laws of the construction of aircraft bodies. In addition, the "Texts of the Pyramids" found at the same time contain the following entry: "Pharaoh travels through the air and flies around the earth. He possesses the knowledge that allows him to ascend to heaven."


Two years ago in France they began to produce watches that do not require a winding. The source of "food" is the fluctuations in air temperature and atmospheric pressure during the day. A special sealed container, depending on the changes in the environment under the influence of the already mentioned factors, "breathes". These movements are immediately transmitted to the mainspring, winding it up. The mechanism is thought out with such pinpoint accuracy that a change in temperature by only one degree ensures that the watch runs for two consecutive days. Provided that this mechanism is in good working order, the watch will function exactly as long as the Sun shines and the Earth exists, that is, almost forever.


A year ago, in the bioengineering center of Northern Ireland, a rather complex electronic device was created, which, undoubtedly, in the near future will greatly not only facilitate medical activities, but will certainly find wide application in various areas of the economy.

The inventors named it "Silicone Nose" because it works on the basis of silicone sensors that continuously analyze gases contained, for example, in the air exhaled by humans. This device will help doctors diagnose such serious diseases as cirrhosis, lung cancer, diabetes and many others, because it “smells” the subtlest odors of most human diseases. In addition to medicine, the "nose" can be used in production, where, in order to prevent various troubles, you need to constantly "smell" the slightest signs of any gas, odorous substance or smoke.


The authoritative German newspaper "Bild" in 2001 reported a startling incident. Police officer Carlos Labreira (Terezinha, Aman territory, Brazil), as usual, walked around his area early in the morning and suddenly found an incomprehensible object moving along the side of the road. Outwardly, he resembled a small metal turtle, which moved nimbly, emitting a slight click. The policeman began to pursue her, but then the "mini-robot" sharply accelerated its run and, in front of the astonished police officer, surprisingly quickly buried itself into solid ground.

Summoned to help Labreira's colleagues quickly dug up the ground after the "turtle" and found a hole, at the bottom of which there was a pile of hot ash. Everyone who witnessed this had no doubt that some kind of self-destruction system had worked here.

Science cannot say anything worthwhile about this. But some hotheads from among the researchers are inclined to admit the existence of an "underground civilization", which from time to time, with some incomprehensible purpose for us, sends its "scouts" - mini-robots to the surface of the earth.


Eugene Shoemaker, a well-known American scientist-researcher of the Earth's interior and outer space, died in 1999. Being an exceptionally talented and at the same time eccentric person, like many other scientists, Shoemaker bequeathed in writing that he wants to fly after death across the expanses of the Universe.

We must pay tribute to the US authorities: with the consent of the relatives and friends of the deceased, they unconditionally fulfilled the will of the deceased. Shoemaker's ashes were placed in a special urn aboard an unmanned automatic spacecraft and this probe was launched into space.

And now, not much more than two years have passed since the flight control center at Cape Canaveral (Florida) began to receive sound files from this probe. After deciphering, a much repeated phrase stood out clearly: “Earth, I am Eugene, do you hear? Reception? Shoemaker's voice was heard by relatives and recognized. But how to explain this - no one knows.


Scientists at the British University have created a robot that is capable of tracking down and destroying living creatures harmful to humans. At this time, he is programmed to search for pests, which he destroys about 100 pieces within an hour. The robot goes hunting at night and, after returning from it, is unloaded with slugs into a special tank in which fermentation takes place, as a result of which the pests are converted into electricity. The robot itself uses the received energy to charge its own batteries, and the hunt continues.


This summer, first a 29-year-old Briton was arrested in the UK, and then his accomplices after they were photographed for creating "mysterious crop circles", the complex patterns of which have recently appeared quite often in English fields and were considered by some researchers as evidence the existence of some unknown life on Earth.

The name of the leader of these "artists in the fields" Matthew Williams. He lives in Wiltshire in western England. The entire "company" of malefactors was arrested for causing material damage.