Reptilians Live Among Us And Have Already Seized Power Over The World . - Alternative View

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Reptilians Live Among Us And Have Already Seized Power Over The World . - Alternative View
Reptilians Live Among Us And Have Already Seized Power Over The World . - Alternative View

Video: Reptilians Live Among Us And Have Already Seized Power Over The World . - Alternative View

Video: Reptilians Live Among Us And Have Already Seized Power Over The World . - Alternative View
Video: Nashville bomber's bizarre writings reveal belief in aliens and lizard people 2024, September

A terrible tragedy happened recently in Pennsylvania. 32-year-old American Stephen Mineo asked his 42-year-old partner Barbara Rogers to kill him. She shot her beloved straight in the forehead and called the police.

The lady explained to the rushing law enforcement officers that Steve decided to die, fearing the dominance of the reptilians in the United States. Fear of these secret rulers of the world earned paranoia. It seems that the friend was not far from her boyfriend, otherwise she would not shoot, but called the orderlies. The police are dealing with the killer. She's under arrest.

Is it worth paying attention to a clinical case from the life of mad people, you ask? Alas, the late Steve is not alone.

According to a 2013 opinion poll, 12 million Americans believed that the US government was a reptile, cleverly disguising itself as ordinary people. Now, I think the number of believers has increased.

Reptiles, according to science, are a class of reptiles - turtles, crocodiles, lizards, snakes. It turns out that the freedom-loving Yankees grovel in front of them.

Steve and Barbara
Steve and Barbara

Steve and Barbara

When and where did this attack fall on our heads?

Promotional video:

In ancient times, lizard-like aliens arrived on Earth from the star Tuban in the constellation of the Dragon. Disgusting aliens mated with people in the Caucasus mountains. Hybrids scattered around the world, began to rule the earthlings. The English queen, American presidents, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Soros are pure reptilians, - says the Englishman David Icke, the author of the popular theory of the "world conspiracy of snakemen."


“Around 2200 BC. in Egypt, the Royal Court of the Dragon was formed, - says Hayk. “Today, 4000 years later, he is in England, which is the epicenter of world control. The "reptile-human" hybrids were at different times the rulers of the Near and Middle East, finally, they became the aristocracy and royal families of Europe.

The Windsors are one of these lines. If you research the genealogy of American presidents, you will be amazed. All presidential elections since George Washington in 1789 have been won by the most purebred candidates, and the benchmark is European royalty. The same goes for all key positions of power, everywhere - the same tribe!"


Ike, 65, a retired footballer, has written two dozen books about snake people. He publishes videos, travels the world with lectures, gathering full halls. It seems that he has not yet reached Russia, but he has already appeared in the Baltic States, in Ukraine. And everywhere he scares the people with an honest conspiracy of sinister reptilians (they are the Annunaki, Illuminati).

In the past, Ike was a well-known sports commentator on the BBC channel, the speaker of the British Green Party, so he knows how to treat the audience, tickle the nerves.

“In Vancouver, a woman businessman approached me. She had an affair with a man, right during sex, he changed his image from human to reptilian. Can you imagine her shock?

And the flow of stories does not stop. There are some frequency fields in which it is much more difficult for reptilians to maintain their human form. I think that the consciousness of people for a short time switches to this energy from time to time. And then people see reptiles through their third dimensional outfit."

Ancient figures of reptile people are regularly found in different cultures
Ancient figures of reptile people are regularly found in different cultures

Ancient figures of reptile people are regularly found in different cultures.


However, the bulk of the reptilians, several million, live in underground cities, mining gold. They need the precious metal to increase their intellectual abilities and travel through space. And those who are in power at the top provide access to gold reserves.


Ike has millions of fans not only in the United States, but also in other countries. And there are many fellow propagandists. For example, American Stuart Alan Swerdlov, author of the books How the Secret Power Works on Earth. Reptilians and not only "," The Illuminati, Aliens and the New World Order "… Stewart claims that his grandfather is the brother of the famous Bolshevik, Lenin's associate Yakov Sverdlov. He, they say, was sent to England to create a Communist Party, then transported to the United States.

Indeed, Yakov Sverdlov had a brother, Benjamin. Before the First World War, he fled from exile to London, then moved to America, opened a bank there. In 1918, Yakov summoned Benjamin to Petrograd and appointed him as People's Commissar of Railways. Railway Minister. He also served in other high posts, and in 1938 he was shot as a Trotskyist.

“Although the Reptiles were the first colonists on Earth, they are not the only ones who interfered with human development on the planet,” Sverdlov writes. - Aliens from Tau Kita focused their attention on Siberia, the Ural Mountains. Geographic conditions there are similar to those of Tau Ceti and its colonies on Epsilon Eridani. The Aliens added their DNA to the human prototype, creating the Slavic peoples.

In the 1950s, the Soviet Union signed an agreement with the Aliens to use bases in Siberia and the undergrounds of the Ural Mountains. That is why Sverdlovsk, named after my great-uncle, the first president of the Soviet Union, was a closed city. (Yakov Sverdlov, as the head of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, was formally really the head of Soviet Russia).

Many experiments on the effects of radiation on humans were carried out here from 1958 to the 1980s. An American spy plane was shot down near Sverdlovsk in the early 1960s when the United States was trying to find out about the secret activities of the Aliens."

Now do you understand why the Dyatlov group died in the Urals in 1959? Aliens carried out a sinister experiment on the pass with unfortunate tourists … How simple it is!


In Russia, the topic of reptilians is actively pursued by the writer, candidate of psychological sciences Svetlana Peunova.


To disguise themselves in human form, reptilians perform many rituals and ceremonies, writes the descendant of the first head of Soviet Russia Stuart Sverdlov. Most of the world's leaders and the corporate elite of the planet participate in them, they say.

The most common are the absorption of human blood and hormones. Otherwise, the reptilian mind would activate their DNA, and the aliens who seized power on Earth would look like lizards.

Thousands and thousands of people who go missing every year are actually victims of their bloody rituals. Sex boosts reptilian energy. Therefore, they launched pornography, homosexuality, all kinds of orgies on the planet. AIDS is also their work.

“Reptilians have committed symbolic ritual murders, such as John F. Kennedy and Princess Diana,” Sverdlov says. “They also organized many resonant flight crashes around the world. Locations, dates, dead people - everything has ritual significance. These were planned and carefully prepared sacrifices within the framework of a worldwide bloody ritual that changed human consciousness and thinking."


I honestly tried to listen to the scientific lectures of Hayk, Peunova, read Sverdlov's books, but I could not master this gibberish, take it seriously. But many believe in reptilians. And the number of Ike fans is growing thanks to the Internet.

It seems how can a normal person believe this nonsense?

Just don't say that this belief is the lot of psychos like the innocently murdered American Stephen Mineo and poorly educated marginals. A couple of years ago, our VTsIOM conducted a poll about the secret world government. 45 percent of Russians admitted that they believe in him.

Almost half, can you imagine? And who the Secret World Government consists of - everyone understands in his own way. Freemasons, Hospitallers, Priory of Zion, Rothschilds and Rockefellers, Bilderberg Club or … Reptilians. In any case, if you enter the word "reptilians" in the search bar of your browser, the search engine will show a very popular query "Reptilians in the Russian government."


Judging by the VTsIOM poll, the degree of faith in the Secret World Government in Russia grows along with the education level of the citizens surveyed. I personally know two doctors of serious sciences who seriously claim that it is the Reptilians who are in command of the parade in Russia and the world.

The world is really sausage now. The world crisis of 2008-2009 happened before our eyes. The consequences have not yet been healed, and a new, more terrible one is on the horizon, scaring analysts. There are continuous devaluations, demonstrations, terrorist acts, sanctions, conflicts, wars …

Even the climate is changing before our eyes. Economists and political scientists insist that a new social formation, unknown, is coming to replace global capitalism, which has triumphed over socialism … It is hard to live in an era of change, when all familiar landmarks have been violated. Where should a person go?

Ike offers a simple explanation: the humanoids are to blame for all the troubles, who organized the world conspiracy against people.

“What we call the World of the New Order is the reptilian plane. They want to create the structure of a world government, a world central bank, a world currency, an electronic banking system, a liquidation of cash, a chipping of the population, and a NATO world army. They plan to create incredible chaos using the most powerful mind manipulation techniques. A big problem for reptilians is that the vibration of our planet is increasing and will soon reach such a speed that it will be simply impossible for them to keep human form. Then we will finally see that our planet is ruled by reptiles. They won't be able to hide anymore."

US sanctions against Russia are increasing? Well, of course, Trump and the entire Congress are pure reptilians! Tragedy of Ukraine? Poroshenko is like an Annunaki. Look at his face, everything is written on it. And so on for all current events.

Even the very stream of negativity and aggression pouring every day on our heads from TV screens has a simple explanation for Ike:

“Apart from gold, reptilians are highly dependent on the aura of the space around them. Negative emotions: fear, hatred, aggression feed them energetically, therefore they are trying to sow these feelings among the population through media resources and geopolitical instability."

In short, lizards in disguise, iguanas feed on our fear.

Let us recall a very recent native history. In perestroika, the formerly atheistic country suddenly believed in psychics, white and black magicians, sorcerers, witches. The central channels provided them with air. The number of people treated in front of the TV screen for enuresis, hemorrhoids significantly exceeds the number of fans of the version of the reptilian conspiracy.

The waiter of the dining car Yura Golovko, taking the pseudonym Longo, collected entire stadiums. Aki Christ walked under the sights of television cameras along the Ostankino pond (on the boards laid under the water). And they faithfully believed him.

And part of the enlightened Russian intelligentsia explained perestroika by the machinations of the Masons, called Gorbachev and Yakovlev masters of secret lodges of high dedication, looked everywhere (and found!) Secret Masonic signs and symbols, including the triangles M and F on the toilet doors. Even Masons made their way into the toilets, can you imagine?

That's why the USSR collapsed. Then the one-dollar banknote was not in use in the Union. Otherwise, the members of "Pamyat" would have found so many symbols there, mom, do not worry! No wonder Dan Brown dedicated the bestseller "The Lost Symbol" to the Masons and the green banknote.

Today, among the rulers of America, England, Russia, Masons are no longer sought. Look for signs of lizards from them …

People have always tended to simply explain difficult life situations, especially in times of change. The worldwide Jewish conspiracy, Masonic, now reptilian. So soon we will get to the mice.

Obama is suspected of belonging to the reptilians
Obama is suspected of belonging to the reptilians

Obama is suspected of belonging to the reptilians



The author of the fashionable world conspiracy theory David Icke claims that the insight about the creepy reptilians came to him from above (a famous trick of the creators of all kinds of cults!) But FBI consultant Michael Barkoon, professor at Syracuse University, specializing in the history of religions, found out where the legs grow from.

American writer Robert Howard, author of the famous cycle about Conan the Barbarian, wrote back in 1929 a story in the fantasy genre "Kingdom of Shadows" about the times of ancient Atlantis. It mentions reptiles greedy for power, who, thanks to magic spells, pretend to be people. They secretly killed the real kings and ruled in their human form.

70 years later, Hayk published his book on this topic, The Great Secret. And off we go …



“I love science fiction, fantasy,” says the director of the Institute for Systems Strategic Analysis, historian Andrei FURSOV, who has been studying the world's elites for many years. - But I don't want to comment on Hayk's version of a secret conspiracy of the reptilians. I think it is being deliberately disseminated to divert public attention from the real secret governance structures. And to compromise the very search for hidden mechanisms of the historical process as a whole, including the most ancient history and the mystery of human origin.

Closed supranational structures of world coordination and management are a reality. These structures often dictate their will to governments, parliaments, and individuals. And we are told - Reptilians rule everyone!

Perhaps Hayk himself believes in what he writes. But his conspiracy theories, brought to the point of absurdity, are used to discredit serious scientific research, how the modern world works and is governed. Why do millions believe in reptilians? A significant part of people have always had a mythological and mythologized consciousness.

Let us recall the myths of ancient Greece about Zeus or the Slavic Perun. There was, however, a period when the mythologized consciousness gave way to the scientific one. The first 60-70 years of the twentieth century. Then the process began to reverse. This can be seen, if only by the way education collapses. It is enough to look at the current world political and intellectual elite and compare with their predecessors.

If we put Roosevelt and Obama, General de Gaulle and Sarkozy, Hollande, Macron next to each other, degradation is obvious. Or the "stupidity" of the ruling American elite today, how are they playing the anti-Russian card? It is clear why she is being played. But they do it absolutely stupidly, realizing that the American "People" is eating everything. This is the reason for all reptilian nonsense. I think there are many more such idiotic surprises ahead of us.

Is Obama's Security Reptilian?


1. The human pupil is round in shape; in reptilians, the pupil is elongated vertically, like in snakes and cats. The diaphragm does not expand evenly, as in humans, but takes on an almond shape.

2. The human tongue has the shape of a "shovel" or sometimes demonically sharpened at the end. Reptilians are thin and long, like a snake.

3. The teeth of reptilians are sharper and larger, sometimes with a rare palisade, they are located on the gum, in contrast to the dense row of modest human teeth, unless, of course, they are covered with crowns and prostheses.

All kinds of "10 differences between a reptilian and a person" are also circulating on the Web.


Ike argues that the reptilian cannot pronounce kininigin.

In Howard's story, it sounds differently: "ka nama kaa layerama."

Author: Evgeny Chernykh
