The Earth Could Become A Giant Spaceship - Alternative View

The Earth Could Become A Giant Spaceship - Alternative View
The Earth Could Become A Giant Spaceship - Alternative View

Video: The Earth Could Become A Giant Spaceship - Alternative View

Video: The Earth Could Become A Giant Spaceship - Alternative View
Video: Why Alien Life Would be our Doom - The Great Filter 2024, September

Over the history of its development, barely numbering half a century, futurology has learned to pose and successfully solve incredibly complex, and in their content, fantastic tasks.

If some 10-15 years ago, modern oracles had to think about the fate of the planet for tens and hundreds of years, now the question is about the fate of earthly civilization for the "next" thousands and millions of years. On such a scale, it becomes obvious that humanity is inseparable from the Cosmos and its fate depends both on the future of the Universe and on the continuous travel of the Solar System along the spirals of the Galaxy for a second.

Today cosmologists talk about the so-called space-time foam, from which many universes are born, and our own universe is a tiny "bubble" in this foam. But since universes are born, they must also die. Our Universe will one day begin to "dissolve" in a vacuum, when even elementary particles will be destroyed. There will be practically nothing left in the universe. Space will become one giant “vacuum hole” - the Dirac Sea. This means that until that time, the earthly civilization has to find the vehicle that will allow it to reach another universe through the vacuum-virtual seas. This is our long-term strategic task, and there is more than enough time to solve it - almost an eternity. But now the time has come to think about more immediate - operational, tasks.

Astronomers have calculated that in one year the Earth, together with the Solar System, flies 7884 billion km in the Galaxy. Our Galaxy (Milky Way) rotates about the center of the supercluster of galaxies (the center of the Universe), the diameter of which is 300 million parsecs (1 parsec - 3.26 light years, or 31 billion km).

The Milky Way will sooner or later enter the stage of collapse and black hole. To cherish the hope that after the death of the Galaxy, some information about the glorious history of an intelligent civilization on planet Earth will remain, to say the least, silly.

In addition to the natural event - the death of the Galaxy, other cosmic cataclysms await humanity - global glaciations when traveling along the spirals of the Galaxy, which is associated with a change in the polarity and tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation.

In 500 million years (and maybe much earlier), the most complex evolutionary processes will begin on the Sun to transform our star into a star of the "red giant" class. By this time, the existence of organic life on our planet will become impossible. Over the next three billion years, the Earth will warm up and become sheer hell. After 6 billion years, as already mentioned, it will be absorbed by the Sun, which has swollen to unimaginable sizes.

Our big and formidable neighbor Jupiter will create a lot of worries. The mass of Jupiter is 11 times greater than the Earth, and the rotation speed around the axis is 20 times greater. The magnetic field is 70 times stronger than the earth's magnetic field. Jupiter can turn into a star, and this is unlikely to improve the conditions of life on Earth. Most likely they will be fatal to earthlings.

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Of all these pessimistic conclusions, I would like to have an optimistic way out. Man is a very interesting creature. Sometimes he does not know what will happen tomorrow, but he is worried about the fate of civilization in the insanely distant future. Thus, the founder of cosmonautics, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, dreamed of flying to other planets at the end of the 19th century. Today, projects have been created for a manned flight to Mars, and automatic spacecraft have flown around almost all the planets of the solar system.

But in the near future, flight and human life on another planet seem unrealistic. First, there is hardly a planet in the Galaxy where living conditions would be suitable for people from planet Earth. And it is also unrealistic to live constantly and successfully develop civilization in spacesuits. But even if the geophysical conditions are suitable, then aggressive alien microorganisms will meet the aliens with hostility, a person will not be able to survive and develop in new conditions.

There is only one way out - to fly to a new star, using your own planet as an intergalactic vehicle. While this looks like a pipe fantasy, but this project is of great importance for our daily life, because it instills that optimism, without which a person ceases to be human.

The solar system moves in the Milky Way galaxy in a helical spiral. If we leave the spiral trajectory and accurately calculate the flight trajectory, it is possible along a relatively straight line, in a relatively short period of time (800–1000 years), to fly to the nearest galaxy, which is in its prime, and continue the development of civilization at the young star.

According to our contemporary, professor of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University), Doctor of Technical Sciences Igor Kopylov, such a flight to a new star is a very real project, and 2000 years are enough for its implementation, which is a mere trifle by cosmic standards. If we analyze everything that humanity has done in one XX century, then it is easy to see that it is quite possible to solve technical and social problems of any complexity in 200 centuries.

The fundamentally technical difficulties of the "Great Flight" are fully resolved, but the most difficult problems will arise, oddly enough, at the initial stage, when a decision is made to start the project. It is necessary to determine the number of people who can be provided with food and heat, as well as solve many other problems, for example, is it worth taking the moon with you.

The most natural question is: where to get the energy needed for such a "big space travel"? How will it be possible to move the Earth from the habitable galactic orbit in the desired direction? The answers are provided by the concept of geoelectromechanics, which considers our planet, the solar system, the Milky Way and the entire Universe as interconnected electromechanical systems.

According to this concept, our planet is an electric motor, the rotor of which is the liquid part of magma, and the stator is the crust of the Earth. The energy of cosmic particles (electrically conductive plasma) passing through the planet's magnetic field is converted into electrical energy of the radiation belts and currents of the Earth's core. In fact, a giant magnetohydrodynamic generator (MHD generator) is at work. Thus, the Earth is “woven” into the energetic structure of the Cosmos. You just need to learn how to use these processes. And such fundamental decisions already exist.

The fact is that the control of the "Planet Earth" spacecraft is practically no different from how the spacecraft is controlled with the help of gyrodines. The energy to control the gyrodine of the planet Earth can be obtained by using the energy that is now consumed in typhoons, tornadoes, cyclones and anticyclones. The cyclone of average activity has a power of 1010 kW; the power of typhoons is much higher. During transient processes in this electric machine, the energy involved in the formation of cyclones and anticyclones is equal to the energy of several atomic bombs.

As for the trajectory of the "Great Flight", it can be calculated in such a way as to fly "with a transfer" from one star to another, constantly feeding the planet with energy from other stars.

The Swiss physicist Mechislav Taube proposed his version of the great space travel. According to his project, 240 towers with a height of 20 km should be placed around the equator, on the tops of which thermonuclear jet engines will be placed. At the moment when the axes of the engines will be directed to the center of the solar disk and coincide with the intended trajectory of removal from the Sun, the engines will be turned on, and the reactive force will begin to push the planet away from the star. Calculations show that each engine must develop a power of 8.3 * 1017 W. For one billion years of continuous operation of the engines, the Earth can reach the orbits of at least 5 supporting stars and become their satellite.

As you can see, the problems of the long-term development of civilization are being solved today, and this conclusion is far from a crazy fantasy. The future of earthly civilization is in the hands of generations of the 21st century. And what our more distant descendants will be capable of today is beyond the power of even science fiction writers to present in detail.

Vladimir Streletsky