The Magic Of The Word In The Ancient Russian Tradition - Alternative View

The Magic Of The Word In The Ancient Russian Tradition - Alternative View
The Magic Of The Word In The Ancient Russian Tradition - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of The Word In The Ancient Russian Tradition - Alternative View

Video: The Magic Of The Word In The Ancient Russian Tradition - Alternative View
Video: Old Russia: Over A Thousand Years Of Cultural History 2024, September

Our distant ancestors knew very well about the power of words, it was on the art of using words that the entire Old Russian tradition of oral tales and epics was tied, to which the filthy hands of the falsifiers of our history could not reach. And this is not accidental, because written sources can be rewritten, destroyed, replaced, falsified. This is exactly what happened with the bulk of the pre-Christian old Russian Vedic books, which our people had long before the arrival of Cyril and Methodius.

Oral tradition cannot be substituted, it can disappear only with the death of its keepers, transmitting ancient legends word for word from one generation to another. That is why, with the first arrival of Christianity, and then with the seizure of power by the Romanovs (Roman), persecutions began against the Magi and the keepers of the oral tradition. Fortunately, the crabs never succeeded in completely destroying them. And therefore, along with the oral tradition, the ancient art of healing by the power of the word has survived in our country, which, like the ancient Russian tales, had its homeland the legendary Arctic country of the ancestors of all people of the white race, now known under various names (Arctida, Hyperborea, Oriana, Doaria, Arctogea, etc.).

But, first of all, the Arct-Hyperboreans were the direct ancestors of the Rus and Slavs. That is why the Slavic civilization is so different from the so-called. "Western" Atlantic civilization, which is the heir to the late Atlantis, which fell into black magic and witchcraft. And it is no coincidence that Satanism took its strongest roots precisely among the Western "elite", having as its basis the human sacrifices of the late Atlanteans. Also, many modern "values" of the Western (primarily Judeo-Anglo-Saxon) civilization have their roots in the dark Atlantis, while the ideals and values of the Russians and peoples close to them come from the arctic ancestral home.

That is why, we and the Anglo-Saxons are two opposite worlds, two civilizations, living according to completely different laws. For the same reason, we still have a strong so-called. "Traditional medicine", which has preserved many of the secrets of ancient healers, while the basis of all Western medicine is the pharmacological business. Here is what A. Tulupov writes about this in his book "The Family of the North":

But in the latter, A. Tulupov is wrong. There was a time when some of the people who left the northern ancestral home created their own colony in the Atlantic, and then completely separated from the metropolis. For a long time, the Atlantic and Arctic civilizations coexisted peacefully, until the high priests of the Atlanteans fell under the control of infernal entities and began to serve the pole of darkness. This, in the end, led them to an inevitable conflict with the "solar" Arctida-Hyperborea and the war of white and black magicians, which destroyed Atlantis in one day and subsequently led to a slow but inevitable flooding of the Arctic ancestral home.

It is in this, at the deepest level, that the roots of the eternal conflict of the Judeo-Anglo-Saxon and Russian (Slavic) civilizations lie, for the former are the descendants and followers of the “Atlantic” tradition, and the latter are the “Arctic”, Hyperborean. And it is very sad that part of the Slavic civilization has now taken the side of its eternal enemies, having gone into the service of the Zion-Anlo-Saxon empire, which inevitably repeats the fate of the lost Atlantis.

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