The World Is Exactly Indulging In Climatic Weapons - Alternative View

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The World Is Exactly Indulging In Climatic Weapons - Alternative View
The World Is Exactly Indulging In Climatic Weapons - Alternative View

Video: The World Is Exactly Indulging In Climatic Weapons - Alternative View

Video: The World Is Exactly Indulging In Climatic Weapons - Alternative View
Video: Can We Control the Weather with Technology? 2024, September

Leading specialist of the Phobos Weather Center Yevgeniy Tishkovets told who and how on earth controls the weather and what climate weapons are.

More and more often it seems to us that the climate has gone crazy. The days that should be the hottest are chilly and cold. The pressure is bursting up today, and tomorrow it is at the very bottom. We even managed to learn a new expression - a baric saw: the atmospheric pressure on the graph builds up into sharp teeth of a hacksaw …

What's happening? One will involuntarily think: maybe those who hint that the weather is spoiling us by enemies with their climatic weapons are right?

We talked about the strangeness of the climate with the forecaster, leading specialist of the Phobos Weather Center, Yevgeny Tishkovets, on the air of Andrey and Yulia Norkin's “In Your Own Words” program on Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda (97.2 fm).

Gone is the peak of warming

So after all, we have global warming or global cooling?

- The climate depends primarily on the activity of the Sun. And it changes every 200 years. Now we see about the same picture as a thousand years ago. Then, in the Middle Ages, a cold snap came - when the Thames froze and skated on it, snow fell in Moscow in July.

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The temperature has been rising over the past 100 years by about a little more than a degree (by the way, we have passed the peak of warming). And in Russia, the rate of global warming is almost two and a half times more intense, especially in the subarctic zone, in the polar one, where we are generally talking about 5 degrees over the past 100 years.

As a result, the so-called temperature gradient between the equator and the Arctic is erased, and the usual west-eastern transfers of air masses, which keep the climate within certain limits, weaken. Blocking processes are turned on. There is an invasion of air masses either from the Arctic - which we observed this year and because of which there was a cold summer in Moscow, or from the south - when Siberia and the Far East were covered. These are protracted periods of abnormal or hot, dry, or cold, rainy weather.

Has this happened in the past? Of course it was. And this suggests that the theory of global warming is overheated and is being used commercially to knock out multi-billion dollar budgets to save the environment.

Attack on Yugoslavia

If the climate is cyclical, will there be a new ice age?

- Will be. But this is about 150 years later, not during our lifetime. With the next such global climate change, Russia has a chance to become a climatic Noah's ark. After all, after this powerful global warming, everything south of latitude 40 will simply become incompatible with normal life, refugees will rush to the north, and incredible migration will begin. And much of Russia, at least in terms of climate change, will benefit from warming. After all, we have two-thirds of the permafrost territory, we are the coldest country in the world …

Colder than Canada?

- Sure. Canadians have two oceans on both sides, they warm them up, their winters are not so cold. Moscow, in fact, is the third cold capital after Ulan Bator and Astana, no matter how strange it may seem.

Do climate weapons exist in reality?

- Of course, there is … It was developed in the middle of the twentieth century, and the USSR was ahead of the rest. But we abandoned it all. And the Americans slammed a lot of these technologies in the 90s, now they continue these programs under the heading "top secret". And periodically they indulge in weapons.

Let me give you an example. War in Yugoslavia. When the bombing of NATO allied aviation began, the weather was overcast and wet with low clouds and rains that reduce the effectiveness of the guidance of precision missiles to almost zero. Remember the blows hit the Chinese embassy - there was a big scandal? And then a blocking anticyclone suddenly rose over Europe for two months, which, in principle, cannot be: usually they live for 5 - 7 days, then there is a change to a cyclone. And for two months the weather was perfect - in the language of pilots it is the weather "million in a million." That is, clear sky, shoot, use any type of weapon - infrared, television, radar guidance heads. And that's it, every missile is a fulfilled target!

"Unasek" the enemy

How do climate weapons work?

- These are high-frequency stations: 300 - 400 powerful antennas - in the same Alaska, in the Norwegian Troms, we had it in the Nizhny Novgorod region. This antenna system heats up the stratosphere to a plasma state of 5000 degrees using concentrated bombardment at ultrashort waves. And at a certain inclination, it projects these rays onto a particular geographic zone, causing the destruction of the usual set of meteoatmosphere, which is inherent in this area. As a result, you achieve some of the results that you need.

That is, meteorological weapons are equivalent in power and potential to nuclear weapons. By and large, you can inflict colossal damage to your likely enemy or to the enraged regime at hand. You want to "insect" them - you can do that.

Unasek ?

- To cause total destruction, for example, of the harvest this year. Through a period of prolonged drought. But this is Pandora's box. Until the end, it cannot be guaranteed that it will work out.

Literally two or three countries possess such technologies. We had them, but we abandoned everything in the 90s.

And how can you protect yourself from climate weapons if they are used against us?

- You can't put up some kind of shield. But it would be possible to make the opponent an offer that cannot be refused. Like, if you do not calm down, we will also start spoiling the weather for you. Only parity, a deterrent factor, can work here. Therefore, I think it is important to continue these developments.


Why don't folk signs work?

They say that folk signs about the weather no longer work. And are they even needed for a modern meteorological observation system?

- There is an anecdote on this topic. The Chukchi came to the shaman and asked: "What will be the winter?" And he felt bad and said: "Cold." To get behind him. The Chukchi got scared and went to collect brushwood. And the shaman thinks: “And why did I say that the winter will be cold? I'll go to the forecasters. " Comes, asks: "What will be the winter?" They say, "Cold." - "How do you know?" Forecasters answer: "So the Chukchi collect brushwood …"

And if, aside from jokes … At 90? e years, we collected all the folk signs and drove them through the climate model. 90 percent have nothing to do with reality! 10 percent of popular signs work, but all of them can be scientifically substantiated. Let's say the swallows begin to decline before the rain. But these are not swallows, but their food supply begins to decline - midges, mosquitoes. They are like little flying baroque boxes. When a cyclone approaches, the pressure drops, insects feel uncomfortable and are forced to lower their barometric level - they fly low. And, accordingly, swallows too. Or there, for example, a column of smoke in winter … It says that an anticyclone has come. It is not even necessary to launch a probe with observation equipment, everything is clear anyway. The atmosphere froze - it means an anticyclone, little cloudy weather and very cold.

But we less and less often observe certain average statistical parameters of a particular region in terms of climate. We are thrown and will be thrown from cold to heat, from heat to raging showers. This nervousness, harshness of weather changes, unfortunately, will haunt us in the near future.

Recently, your colleague, scientific director of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, gave a forecast and said that there will be a lot of temperature anomalies from October to March. Some abnormal cold weather is expected in Crimea. How accurate can such a forecast be?

- Do you remember what the Hydrometeorological Center promised in the spring? He said that the summer would be quite normal in terms of warmth and even slightly higher than usual. Formally, he was right. In Moscow it was warmer than usual by an average of 0.1 degrees. But in essence? It was a complete disgrace!

You need to understand that long forecasts come true by 60 percent. And in 40 cases out of a hundred they are wrong.