An Abnormal Forest Around A Former Military Base - Alternative View

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An Abnormal Forest Around A Former Military Base - Alternative View
An Abnormal Forest Around A Former Military Base - Alternative View

Video: An Abnormal Forest Around A Former Military Base - Alternative View

Video: An Abnormal Forest Around A Former Military Base - Alternative View
Video: 5 Secret Military Bases in Unbelievable Places 2024, September

In the article "MUTANT TREES OF THE MAGAN TRACT" we talked about a mysterious forest located in the anomalous zone. This forest is located near Yakutsk, near the former military unit of the USSR missile defense - on the third kilometer of the Magansky tract. And so the author of the above article managed to find another similar place - not far from Yakutsk, on Pokrovsky tract.

Start. Meeting with a mutant

The problem of mutations of flora and fauna near military bases located in the taiga is a topic absolutely not touched upon by anyone. Trees do not mutate and change immediately, over decades. Therefore, a person who discovers a strange tree in the forest assumes that this is natural - so, they say, it should be. At first glance, there is no connection between a twisted tree trunk and the fact that it grows next to a part of the missile defense. But this is not the case.

Of course, the easiest way to notice the mutation of trees - with flowers, berries, mushrooms, everything is not so clear. But the appearance of not only plants is changing, but also insects, birds and animals living nearby. Perhaps the giant birds of the hawk family living in Yakutia are also a product of mutations. Their number is known - about 200 individuals.

In 2009, the author of the article with friends, returning from a hunt along the Vilyui tract, unexpectedly met a rather large, strange, smooth-haired creature in the bush near the road. It was clearly a predator with a very distant resemblance to a dog. But what kind of animal it was, it was not possible to understand.

Apparently, it was going to cross the road, but was afraid of passing cars. For some time the mysterious creature stood calmly, and although we examined each other from a distance of five meters, none of the hunters dared to shoot at him. As a result, the creature moved a disproportionately long tail and went into a deep forest. An isolated incident that speaks volumes.

At that time, we decided: perhaps this is a wolf, the genus of which mutated under the influence of the nearby city landfill. Later, our point of view changed: the animal was born either in the areas of the location of some military units, or in the places of the former storage of nuclear charges, about which there is only unverified information.

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Secret base behind the village cemetery

The village of Vladimirovka, founded in the 19th century by Mari settlers, is located 20 kilometers from Yakutsk along the Pokrovsky tract. Behind it, deep in the taiga, in Soviet times, there was a secret military unit. This complex was designed to measure the trajectory parameters of the Topol and Topol-M ballistic missiles launched from land or sea. However, no one knows for sure. The unit included a communications center, a boiler room, a command post, a barracks, comfortable four-apartment houses for officers' families.


At the beginning of September 2014, I was brought to this base by Tatyana Petrovna Khamarova, a former employee of the North-Eastern Federal University who knows the area, and a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic. Already from the village cemetery along the road to the unit, we began to come across ugly pines. There were trees twisted into a spiral, without bark, with ragged and hollow trunks, bent at various angles. These freaks stood apart, there was a lot of free space around them. Shrubs and grass in these areas were not tested for mutations.

We drove through the taiga for about an hour, making stops for photographing. There was a lot of rubbish along the road - a consequence of human activity. There were many mushrooms. From the animal kingdom, we noticed only a couple of flying crows.

The situation at the base turned out to be oppressive: parade grounds and paths overgrown with weeds, collapsed buildings and heating mains, garbage scattered everywhere. Large mushrooms grew on the territory. At the entrance to the unit, in the bushes, an opened barrel with an unknown substance was found - a hermetically sealed zinc container with a blurry blue stamp on the lid.


Conclusion: mutation of trees is also a consequence of chemical exposure. After all, it is not known how many chemical products have spilled over the neighborhood over many years with the spring thawing of snow and precipitation. Zinc leads to the death of leaves in plants, cobalt leads to abnormal development of the trunk … In this case, mutant pines are an indicator of environmental pollution.

State secrets. Already former

A source close to the secret services clarified the situation with the storage of warheads somewhat. Once on the basis of the currently existing warehouse of OJSC Vzryvstroy in Yakutsk - a company specializing in explosives, demolition of old buildings, preparation by explosions of various mines, tunnels, etc. - there was a warehouse of aerial bombs.

There, for reasons of secrecy, nuclear charges and anti-aircraft missiles were stored before being sent to military units. It was with these missiles that a spy balloon was shot down over the Sinyaya River in Yakutia. A lot has been written about this at one time. It is assumed that it was the forest zone along the routes of transport with warheads to military units that was "contaminated" over time.

It is also possible that trees will be exposed to powerful electromagnetic radiation from special equipment, radar and relay installations. Probably, over time, there will appear, and perhaps there are already changes in the bodies of people who once served at these bases or who live in those areas, but do not associate their diseases with the activities of the military unit.


The former military unit (we do not name its number here) was part of the Vega complex (trajectory measurement station) of the Plesetsk cosmodrome (measuring point IP-9). The system of stations includes secret army bases located in six cities: Yakutsk, Vorkuta, Severodvinsk, Norilsk, Baikonur, Kapustin Yar.

The unit housed radiating equipment, the base perimeter was furnished with powerful antennas and radars, there was a tropospheric radio relay station, all this required additional cooling - the temperature underground in permafrost conditions is ideal for this.

From the inside, the assembly, in order to avoid leakage of an electromagnetic signal from various secret equipment, was sheathed with grounded zinc sheets. The casing also served to protect people from harmful electromagnetic influences. But it hardly helped, because the radiating power of the equipment is too high. Antennas and locators were built into the iron-clad towers that stood in the taiga along the perimeter of the military unit. But there were also open towers with small alignment antennas. When the military base was closed, the equipment was removed, and the mines were filled up.

Scientist opinion

As the Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Biological Problems of the Cryolithozone of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Boris Moiseevich Kershengolts, who was interested in the problem, explained to me, there may be several reasons for tree growth anomalies in the locations of the former USSR missile defense military unit.

For example, a high concentration of heavy metals in the soil: rusting metal, zinc barrels, chemicals, fuels and lubricants, and more. One of the reasons is the high level of electromagnetic smog from the relay stations located there.

To find out more precisely, it is necessary to take soil samples for the content of heavy metals and bioassays from growth points - the so-called meristematic cells of the plants themselves. Then, by the nature of genetic disorders, it will be possible to more accurately answer the question of the cause of the anomalies in their development. But the taking of samples in these places has not been planned so far, a state order is needed.

Electromagnetic smog

What is this electromagnetic smog mentioned by the professor? Bioenergetic safety experts call this phenomenon “biofield self-destruction syndrome” and “wave virus”. This means that we are all literally drowning in electromagnetic fields created by power cables, televisions, computers, refrigerators, cell phones. The human aura also suffers, which biophysicists define as "the psychoenergetic and bioinformational skeleton of the body," which also has a wave and resonance nature.


All devices that transmit, consume and generate electromagnetic energy - lamps, vacuum cleaners, mixers, telephones, microwave ovens - are sources of electromagnetic smog. More powerful sources - antennas of television centers, cellular communications, radio stations, power lines. For example, it is not recommended to live within a kilometer radius of the Ostankino tower in Moscow. Even exposure within a radius of 3-4 meters from an ordinary electric meter on the staircase of a residential building is harmful to health.

But all this cannot be compared with the powerful equipment of specialized military bases, the electromagnetic radiation of which is capable of twisting the trunks of powerful taiga pines into a spiral over time. Even near the "peaceful" television station of the "Orbit" system, on the same Pokrovsky tract, where the field strength is off scale, so many anomalies were not noted.

The officer's story

And here is what Valery Khomyakov, an officer of the missile forces, who served in this unit, told. In the winter of 1993, a fire broke out at a technical position in the central equipment building. The duty shift evacuated the personnel on time, no one was hurt. One soldier had pulmonary edema from inhaling carbon monoxide but was rescued. The fire was extinguished in difficult conditions, at temperatures below 50 ° C.

The fire was of the fifth category. The insulation inside the walls was sintered from the high temperature and ignited again. Firefighters worked for almost a day, part of the equipment was flooded with water. The reason for the sunburn was never established. In the spring, after the debris was dismantled, it turned out that the consequences were not so significant, the personnel began to rebuild, but after a few years, some fell under the reduction and ceased to exist.

The unit was disbanded on November 1, 1997. But there seem to be problems.