The Ancestral Home Of The Ancient Slavs - Chukotka? - Alternative View

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The Ancestral Home Of The Ancient Slavs - Chukotka? - Alternative View
The Ancestral Home Of The Ancient Slavs - Chukotka? - Alternative View

Video: The Ancestral Home Of The Ancient Slavs - Chukotka? - Alternative View

Video: The Ancestral Home Of The Ancient Slavs - Chukotka? - Alternative View
Video: ARE ALL EUROPE IMMIGRANTS FROM RUSSIA? Where was Hyperborea? 2024, September

The fact that the events related to the original Rus remain largely a "blank spot" in Russian history, today there is little doubt. And about where Russia came from, some serious researchers are still trying to speak carefully. This is justified. We have too little information about those distant times. From the bits of information that have survived, one can only get a rough idea of the historical past of the ancestors of the peoples of Russia and put forward various hypotheses. There are reasons to assert that the history of the Krivichi - one of the ancestors of the Russian people - began … in the Arctic!

Secrets of the Russian land

Long-term studies of repeated migrations of peoples in the vastness of Eurasia indicate that in a time interval of 20-7 thousand years ago, the ancestors of the Krivichi inhabited the area of the middle and southern part of the Mendeleev Ridge, now covered by the waters of the Arctic Ocean. According to legend, there was a state that was part of one of the 15 confederations of the empire of the legendary Atlanteans.

Modern people regard Atlantis tales as a beautiful myth. But the priests of Ancient Egypt treated Atlantis as a real-life state that perished as a result of a global natural disaster that cost millions of lives. Information about ancient civilizations is difficult to penetrate into the mass consciousness of modern mankind also because it contradicts the dogmas of the modern religions of Europeans. In the Middle Ages, bearers of knowledge about the prehistory of our civilization were brutally destroyed at the initiative of the fanatics of the Christian Church. Historians have also adapted to the biblical canons.

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov tried to go against the tide, having written a wonderful work "Ancient Russian history from the beginning of the Russian people to the death of Grand Duke Yaroslav the First." For many thousands of years - this, according to the Russian academician, is the history of our Fatherland, based on the calculations of Babylonian astronomers and the testimonies of Egyptian priests, preserved thanks to ancient Greek scientists. In time immemorial, a kind of planetary cataclysm occurred that changed the climate on Earth and plunged the Arctic continent under water, which today some call Hyperborea.

Reference. According to the traditional version of historians, the Krivichi is a union of East Slavic tribes in the VI-X centuries. in the upper reaches of the Western Dvina, Dnieper, Volga. The main cities are Smolensk, Polotsk, Izborsk. From the IX century. - as part of Kievan Rus. In the XI-XII centuries. the territory of the Krivichi is in the Smolensk and Polotsk principalities, the north-western part is in the Novgorod possessions.

According to studies, about 7 thousand years ago, due to a significant cooling and gradual submersion under the water of coastal lands, the ancestors of the Krivichi moved southward to the area of the Chaunskaya Bay of the Chukotka Peninsula. Here, east of the mouth of the Polyavaam River, their new capital was founded (southeast of the modern city of Pevek).

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Due to the continued movement of the North Geographical Pole in Chukotka, a further cooling occurred, and the rulers of the Krivichi 5,500 years ago moved the capital to the region east of the mouth of the Kolyma River on a hill located 50 km south of Cape Bolshoy Baranov. Here it existed for over 100 years and was abandoned by the inhabitants due to the further deterioration of climatic conditions. This forced the Krivichi to leave their lands forever and go westward to the banks of the Lena, and then beyond the Yenisei and the Urals.


Traces of the capital of the Krivichi in the area of the Polyavaam river mouth have survived to this day. There are also tombs of the rulers of the Krivichi, long underground tunnels, stone statues (remnants) with ancient inscriptions. Perhaps in the dungeons there may be ancient written materials and products made of nugget crystalline orichalcum - some metal available to the ancients at that time.

Various legends have survived, confirming the presence of some kind of mysterious underground structures of an ancient civilization here and in neighboring regions. This can be confirmed by the fact that the Orthodox Church was interested in these dungeons at one time. It is known that in the 19th century. one monk with local guides near the city of Okhotsk entered the cave, which turned out to be the entrance to the tunnel, and walked about 500 kilometers along the Dzhugdzhur ridge. He came to the surface not far from the Udskaya Bay of the Sea of Okhotsk. Thus, it was experimentally proved that a large multi-tiered network of underground tunnels has been preserved in this area from some ancient civilization. Unfortunately, according to representatives of the church, the monk did not leave the scheme of the dungeons.

Other legendary peoples once lived in the east of today's Russia. In particular, these are the Etruscans, who later moved to Europe and laid the foundation for the famous Roman Empire.