About The Nazi SSP And Secret Bases In Antarctica - Alternative View

About The Nazi SSP And Secret Bases In Antarctica - Alternative View
About The Nazi SSP And Secret Bases In Antarctica - Alternative View

Video: About The Nazi SSP And Secret Bases In Antarctica - Alternative View

Video: About The Nazi SSP And Secret Bases In Antarctica - Alternative View
Video: Russian scientists discover Hitler's Nazi weather station in the Arctic 2024, September

Among insiders, information about the secret space program of mankind, the secret bases of the Nazis in Antarctica and the presence on Earth of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations (or parallel earthly civilizations of a different mind) and much more is constantly circulating. But, for example, many Russian researchers (such as Subbotin, Ivashev, etc.) also talk about the Nazi program for the construction of unique aircraft and their base in Antarctica, based on declassified documents of the Soviet special services.

But today I will introduce you to the opinion of the American insider Corey Goode, to whom several posts have already been devoted. Here's what he says about all this in his interviews:

But what about Russia? There is insider information that Russia also has a secret space program and, together with other progressive forces of the Earth, participates in the operations of the "light fleet" under the command of the "Nordics". Perhaps that is why for some time now there has been a certain balance of forces on our planet that does not allow parasites to carry out their anti-human plans.

Of course, all this information looks just fantastic and needs careful analysis and verification, and therefore in no case should it be taken blindly on faith. But, nevertheless, it very well explains many incomprehensible issues that exist in our world. For example such as:

- why in Antarctica there are no-fly zones and "forbidden territories" for mere mortals?

- Where is the world parasitic "elite" going to sit out the apocalypse?

- why did the unique technologies of the Nazis not help them to win the Second World War?

- who did not let the Soviet submarines to the ice bases, and then defeated the American squadron of Admiral Burt?

- with whom did the American government enter into an agreement in the 1950s?

- Whose activity explains most of the UFO manifestations on Earth, in nearby space and near various celestial bodies?

- who owns the man-made objects discovered by virtual archaeologists on Mars and the Moon?

- why the official space programs (and especially the American one) have a lot of ridiculous "mistakes" and "blunders" and why do many space corporations have similar symbols?

- why is a certain topic of alternative development of cheap energy, as well as ufological research, thoroughly discredited by the servants of the world "elite"?

- why is Antarctica visited by the "powerful of this world?"

- who owns the strange man-made objects found in Antarctica?

And if you carefully read this text with inside information, then you have already received the answers to these questions. Of course, the answers are not indisputable, but they are quite logical, and therefore require separate interpretation. Not all of these questions are answered directly, but if you turn on your own brains, then this information becomes quite understandable. Which is what I wish you.

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