The Mystery Of Bin Laden's Death - Alternative View

The Mystery Of Bin Laden's Death - Alternative View
The Mystery Of Bin Laden's Death - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Bin Laden's Death - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of Bin Laden's Death - Alternative View
Video: 60 Minutes Presents: Killing bin Laden 2024, September

Eight years ago, on May 2, 2011, the US authorities announced that "terrorist number one" Osama bin Laden had been killed that day.

The official version says that he was destroyed by American special forces in the house where he lived with his wives and children. The house was located in the city of Abbottabad in Pakistan, where bin Laden was allegedly hiding after the leadership of Al-Qaeda (an organization banned in Russia) left Afghanistan. At the same time, American helicopters with two groups of special forces flew to the site of the operation under cover of night from Afghanistan, violating Pakistan's sovereignty.

With this in mind, the current Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, in his book “Pakistan. A Personal Story”(2011) wrote:“It was already bad enough that the most wanted man in the world was found not in some cave, but in a city 50 km from Islamabad and a mile from the Pakistan Military Academy. To make matters worse, President Obama broke the news to us Pakistanis and the rest of the world. A few hours after that, our government issued a statement congratulating the United States, which noted that the United States had been given the necessary information about the location of Osama. This raised an obvious question for all Pakistanis: if we knew where he was, why didn't we grab him ourselves? The Indian media and the rest of the world were furious, accusing the Pakistani intelligence services (in other words, the military) ofthat they have been hiding Osama in a safe place for the past six years …

Three days later, the army commander announced that he knew nothing about this operation, and warned that he would not tolerate such a violation of our sovereignty in the future. A week later, the prime minister added to the confusion when he finally announced that any attack against "Pakistan's strategic assets" would have "an appropriate response." For Pakistanis, especially those living abroad, this time was one of the most humiliating and painful. The head of the CIA Panetta continued to rub salt on the wound, saying that the Pakistani government is either incompetent or involved in a conspiracy …"

Today, the myth that bin Laden was killed by American special forces in Abbottabad is hardly disputed by anyone. Films are being made and books published to support the official American version. On the Russian-language Wikipedia there is an abundant dossier, where the operation "Spear of Neptune" is described in detail.

The oddities associated with this story are no longer remembered. Firstly, not a single participant in the assault on the "house with bin Laden" is no longer alive (!). Secondly, doctor Shakil Afridi, who, according to the official version, received evidence of bin Laden's finding, was arrested immediately after the operation on May 2 and sentenced to 33 years for high treason. Third, bin Laden's body was reportedly drowned in the ocean on the same day.

I had to visit Abbottabad recently. The city is located in a lowland surrounded by mountains. Nearby is the Karakorum highway. In addition to the Military Academy, there are many military installations in and around the city. For kilometers along the highway there is a fence of a military plant on both sides. The place is well guarded, with a high level of security requirements. Everything is the same as in 2011.

At the turn before entering the territory of the Military Academy, we pulled up next to a group of men and asked how to get to the “bin Laden's house”. Silence was the answer for a few seconds. Then one of the men explained the way, and in a few minutes we were there.

Promotional video:

We were the first to meet a venerable old man who, when asked if this was the house, answered: “Yes, this is the house where the Americans carried out the operation and killed people. Only bin Laden was not there. This is all cheating."

The old man was in a hurry, and we did not ask him further. On the site of the house (the building itself was demolished some time after the operation - another strange circumstance), only the foundation remained, the territory is fenced with a low fence through which there are passages. Upon entering the territory, we saw two men, one of whom told us what he knew.


He himself lives nearby. That night, he and his family heard the noise of helicopters. The noise was so intense that his father went up to the roof, afraid that the helicopter might fall on their house. Then the sky lit up with a flash, there were explosions, and shooting was heard. All the neighbors also jumped out. Everyone knew that this house was home to the family of a businessman from Peshawar, a respected man well known to the local community.


“What happened next was reminiscent of an Indian action movie of the 90s,” said an eyewitness neighbor. One helicopter crashed and caught fire. The police arrived about an hour after the first explosions and cordoned off the site, not letting anyone in. “When we have weddings or some holidays, people often shoot in the air, and the police appear on the spot in a few minutes, and here they drove for almost an hour, isn't it strange?” - said the narrator.

After a while another helicopter arrived, the Americans boarded it and flew away. At the same time, our narrator inserted several times that it was a well-played drama. “And the elderly man whom you met on the road was arrested by our special services, however, then he was released,” added our new acquaintance.

He also believes that there was no bin Laden in that house, and that the Americans chose random people as their "target". The land on which the "bin Laden house" stood is private property. The deceased owner (a businessman from Peshawar) still has relatives, but until now no one has claimed his rights.

An interesting fate fell to the wreckage of the helicopter, which crashed. The Pakistanis handed them over to China, and after appropriate research, they created a Chinese analogue of this machine. So the "Spear of Neptune" also became a channel for the leakage of military technology. Only in the USA they don't talk about it.

We add that during the "war on global terrorism" declared by the United States after the September 11 tragedy in New York, 36 thousand people died in Pakistan, including 6 thousand military personnel, the country lost about $ 68 billion, about half a million people became forced migrants. And two more figures: the annual maintenance of one American soldier in Pakistan cost $ 1 million, while the cost of one Pakistani soldier - $ 900 a year. Until recently, American military drones systematically violated Pakistani airspace near the border with Afghanistan, often attacking civilians in the tribal zone.

And the American media continue to write about the success of the United States in the fight against terrorism. Even the Islamic State (an organization banned in Russia) defeated the United States, as Donald Trump announced. The fabrication of lies in Washington does not stop.

As for the real death of the real bin Laden, Thierry Meyssan wrote: “Osama bin Laden, who suffered from chronic renal failure, died on December 15, 2001 from the consequences of Marfan syndrome. An MI6 representative attended his funeral. Subsequently, many doubles, more or less similar to him, served to support the fable that he is alive … (Thierry Meyssan. Crimes of the Deep State. From September 11 to Donald Trump. M.: AST, 2017, p. 136).