Correct Thinking Is The Key To All Diseases - Alternative View

Correct Thinking Is The Key To All Diseases - Alternative View
Correct Thinking Is The Key To All Diseases - Alternative View

Video: Correct Thinking Is The Key To All Diseases - Alternative View

Video: Correct Thinking Is The Key To All Diseases - Alternative View
Video: 5 tips to improve your critical thinking - Samantha Agoos 2024, September

What does health primarily depend on? This issue has occupied the attention of mankind since its inception. Of course, genetics, lifestyle and nutrition all play an important role. Each person builds their lifestyle based on the belief that one of these components can play a key role.

But it turns out there is another player in this arena that doesn't get much attention. This is consciousness.

People who are convinced of the priority of genetics may not go to great pains to change themselves. It is logical, because everything is determined by genes. Others will say that it's still better to take care of your body, avoid bad habits and play sports. What about food? Proper nutrition lays the strong building blocks from which we build ourselves. Certainly. What about consciousness?

Bruce Lipton believes that 98% of all diseases are caused by external causes, while only 2% are associated with genetics. Bruce Lipton worked for a long time at Stanford University on stem cell research and came to a personal discovery: our genome has little effect on health. What then?

During an interview with GreenMed, Lipton recalled his research. Genetically identical stem cells will behave differently when placed in different nutrient media. Some will develop into bone cells, others into muscle. It all depends on the specific chemical environment, not on the genetic code. Then he wondered how this relates to the human body and its 50 trillion cells.

What determines the chemical environment for our cells? Isn't it from the signals that the brain sends? The brain is the master of the body. Bruce Lipton discovered that our thinking creates a chemical environment for cells. Thoughts lead to a chain of chemical reactions in the body. Positive thinking contributes to the formation of a favorable chemical environment and harmonious processes in the body. Negative thinking (stress, fear, hate) leads to the transmission of messages that invoke disharmony and illness.

This is a serious problem, since we unconsciously formed most of our thoughts in childhood. Up to six years old, a child is like a sponge absorbing any information that family and society offers. He will be guided by it in his conscious life.

Most people today blindly accept the ideals of modern society. Consumption orientation leads to the formation of negative thinking. If a person wants to become healthy, he must follow the path of correct thinking. Only then will the cells develop optimally and do their job. Then the body will become healthy.

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