About Quackery In The Economic Sphere - Alternative View

About Quackery In The Economic Sphere - Alternative View
About Quackery In The Economic Sphere - Alternative View

Video: About Quackery In The Economic Sphere - Alternative View

Video: About Quackery In The Economic Sphere - Alternative View
Video: The Great Medical Device Quackery Show - Historical PSA 2024, September

Probably everyone understands. that the current unpopular measures of the economic block of the government are caused by the allegedly natural global economic difficulties. But the suspicion gradually creeps in that the economic activities of the liberal bloc have little in common with genuine science. So the research carried out by Doctor of Philosophical Sciences IV Solonko led him to quite definite conclusions. Thus, he believes that the current unfavorable economic situation in our country is caused artificially, due to the illiterate financial and economic policy and the parasitic essence of the world financial system, created by the masters of our financial and economic "reformers". For example, what he writes about this in his book Spring Water. Just about the complexities in the life of a person and society ":

“The international credit and financial system is the main vehicle of economic priority. It gathers the economies of most countries of the world into a single world economy without structure. At the same time, the one who prints the world currency (banknotes) receives income as the difference between the face value of the banknote and its cost price - seignorage. That is, green dollar waste paper is exchanged for any material values and energy resources. Imagine, dear reader, what is the difference in labor costs and resources in the extraction of gas, oil or other minerals, in the production of electricity or industrial goods, in the cultivation of agricultural products; and all this in exchange for numbers on the computer of the "federal" reserve system of the United States or in exchange for candy wrappers called "dollars".

Usury is the main way of economic priority: “And you will lend to many nations, but you yourself will not borrow [And you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you]” Bible, Deuteronomy 28:12.

The profitability of agriculture (assuming an annual cycle), industry and services is significantly lower than the cost of a loan (interest rates). The manufacturer is forced to raise the price to repay the loan - this is the main reason for inflation. At the same time, on average, the price of goods and services is half the cost of the loan, which means that the consumer, buying goods and services at an inflated price, pays half the cost to the usurer who does not produce anything and is not responsible for risks as a producer or entrepreneur. In this way, the national economy in "unwanted" countries is stifled, and in G 7 (industrialized countries) the loan interest is strictly below the average level of profitability - this is the main reason for their development.

International usurious structures "put on a credit needle" unwanted countries so that they could not repay debts and all their life from generation to generation worked on "legal" grounds in the interests of international usurers (bankers). As a result of such primitive methods, the plunder of the population of the majority of industrially undeveloped countries is carried out. Income from such a "legitimate" business allows you to buy up politicians and legislators of "sovereign" states, as well as copyright for any patents. The power of influence of the fourth priority is contained in the old saying: "where the army cannot pass, a donkey laden with gold will pass."

It is important to note that in modern society, energy is needed for the production of any product or service. Energy prices determine all other prices for goods and services. This means that the rise in prices for gas, electricity, oil fuel oil or gasoline causes an avalanche process of multiple increases in prices for all goods and services. This is a mechanism for promoting inflation, after which the state does not have enough cash for mutual settlements in the economy (the old amount of money is not enough, since prices have risen greatly). At the same time, the idea is suggested that it is impossible to print one's own money (they scare the society with increased inflation, deceiving that emission and inflation are supposedly synonyms), but they are convinced of the need to borrow someone else's money at interest, and the circle closes.

The myth is cultivated in society that money makes money or money must work, but this is absurd - only people work, and money cannot do anything and cannot work, but at the same time the fraudsters of the financial services market can steal money "culturally".

It is necessary to explain the mechanism for resisting this robbery. First of all, you need to print enough of your money to ensure your goods and services, as well as to develop your economy (for long-term investments in socially useful projects). At the same time, the seignorage from the emission of money belongs exclusively to its state, and not to the Central Bank, which is an analogue of the US Federal Reserve. Then we trade our goods abroad (and we have a positive trade balance, i.e. we sell more than we buy) only for our own currency in order to restore the parity of exchange rates.

The refinancing rate of the Central Bank must be at least no more than zero, i.e. the loan must

be interest-free in the service sector and with a negative interest in socially useful production. In terms of the General enough theory of management, the price list is a vector of error in managing the national economy. Inflation (an increase in the general price level) or a shortage of essential goods is the result of poor management of the economy, and not an "objective" market force.

Energy resources should be the basis for the security of the currency, since we now live in a technospheric civilization. This will allow you to really compare the cost of goods in different industries. It is possible to equate a kilowatt hour of electricity to one ruble, i.e. to introduce the energy ruble, which will be the most secured means of payment, and therefore have a fixed exchange rate. After such a measure, the question of raising prices for energy tariffs will disappear by itself.

It is necessary to eliminate ruinous cross-sectoral competition, but stimulate intra-sectoral competition in the economy. It is reasonable to combine macroeconomic planning with microeconomic market competition in the area of demographically determined social needs.

The bluff about “self-regulation” of the market is the lot of defective “economists”. The market can only tune in

maximum profit: drugs, prostitution, crime and the arms trade, and everything else will slowly die out. The market is not an end in itself, but a means of satisfying demographically determined social needs. To do this, the market must be managed in the interests of the whole society. Scientific management of economic policy always has a positive social result in the practice of life, when everyone in society has wealth and incentives for development. If there is no such result, then this is "scientific" charlatanism!"

And until we return to the financial and economic model that we had in 1945, the servants of the world parasites who took key positions in managing the economy and finances in our country will periodically rob the people through various "reforms", which will be based on either a rise in prices, or an increase in taxes, or an increase in the duration of employment, etc.

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